Knee Pain / New Work out the cause?

AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
edited September 26 in Fitness and Exercise
I tell you what! If any one is mean to me it is me! *shakes head* :brokenheart:

Today I stood up and my knee said yeah NO sit back down. I actually had to take off my shoes (they are low heels) inorder to stand up. I gently stretched, and messaged it so I could walk down the hall. :sad:

I am not sure that it has been brought on by my decision to start Turbo Fire, but I am leaning the most in that direction. :frown:

Has anyone had this happen to them? Did you need to switch workouts completely, or just swicth it up? I don't want to stop! I really have fun with this work out! Maybe it is the 'growing pains' of getting used to HIIT?

I know how important my knees are. :heart: I want to keep them healthy. :smile:


  • steffilily
    steffilily Posts: 149
    I had bad sore knees after 1st day of Shred from the jumping jacks. I had to stop for a while before going back to Shred again but this time I did the jumping jacks very low impact.
  • breakingthecycle
    breakingthecycle Posts: 225 Member
    Yes I do have knee pain. I made it to L2D7 on 30DS and finally accepted that it was hurting my knees and I had to give it up for a while.

    I will pick it back up when I lose about 20 lbs because I saw awesome results in a short time.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I play soccer every Sunday evening. I find something new to hurt almost every week. The past 4 weeks it has been groin, right hammy, left hammy, then right foot. Only the groin was really bad though. There is a picture of it in my blog . . .nasty bruise and it felt like someone was stabbing me if I took big steps. Luckily, I heal fast :)

  • Same here I just started to run run and my knees hate me...I ask a PT in my church what could be wrong, and she says to watch the way you run, walk and work out..if your knee is bending into the side of your other leg there maybe why you have knee sore and pain...but she said to do squats to get rid of the pain
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    Keith that looks painful. OUCH! :noway:

    Thanks for the comments everyone. :flowerforyou:

    I have decided to dial it back a little bit and keep pushing forward. :drinker:

    Lots more Yoga and low impact work. :smile:
  • I think certain workouts aggravate your knees. I liked 30DS, except that it's been over a yr since I did it, and my knees are permanently screwed up from that experience. I just have sucky knees and all of the pylometrics (sp) did me in.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I don't know what sort of exercises the TurboFire DVDs ask you to perform, but often people benefit from longer warm-ups and cooldowns than home workout DVDs offer. So maybe try a 10 minute walk BEFORE you start the DVD.

    Pay attention to any advice on form that is offered in the DVDs. It's more important to do the exercises in the proper form than it is to just push through, so you can protect yourself from injury. Modify any exercise that you can't yet do in the proper form or just march in place.

    Sometimes new (or long lapsed) exercisers forget the basics of caring for their knees:

    -Never lock them. Your knees should always be slightly bent, especially if you are jumping!

    -If you are doing things like squats, you want to be sure that your knees do not extend beyond your toes.
  • Selaen
    Selaen Posts: 31 Member
    I get bad knee pain from running.. I personally think it's because I don't have my technique right and just skip along.

    In order to support the joint & prevent any actual injuries, I wear a support whenever I do any impact sports. This helps tremendously and I no longer have to take weeks off due to sore knees! :)
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