

  • Like many others have said, go very slow. If you can't run for 60 seconds, then run as far as you can and walk. You have to give your body time to get used to it. Your muscles, joints and ligaments aren't used to this yet and you need to try to prevent injury! You're going to do great, just don't ever give up!
  • Freaking amazing! You look wonderful. So very proud of you!!!
  • I did the 1,000-1,200 calorie a day plan for almost a year. I hit a major plateau after losing 40 pounds. I finally decided that I needed to do some serious research on how many calories I should be eating. I felt as though I wasn't eating enough even though I wasn't hungry. There are multiple factors to consider and I…
  • I'm open to new friends who like to give and receive help. Be for warned, I will fuss at you if needed and expect the same. :) I'm at least nice about it though.
  • C25K is a great app! It starts you off slowly. As your muscles and joints begin to strengthen, you'll get faster. I will say, if you still hate running, find something else to do. You are unlikely to stick with something you hate. Find exercises that you love. If you hate to run but love to walk, speed walk. Play…
  • Stay away from the normal Slim Fast and drink the High Protein ones. The regular ones have way too much sugar. Lower carb, high protein eating will help you lose weight. I drink a Slim Fast High Protein shake every morning for breakfast.
  • You can drink the high protein Slim Fast shakes but the regular ones are terrible!
  • Feel free to add me. Warning, I will fuss at you if/when necessary and want you to do the same. :)
  • I'm 35...soon to be 36 in five days. :)
  • Just amazing! Thank you for posting this...just what I needed to read today. I can't believe she was banned for life. I love when people are "in your face honest." It's sad that most people can't handle it.
  • I lost my mom Feb 5, 2006 from a long battle with ovarian cancer. She was an amazing woman. We all use different mechanisms to cope with our life's struggles. I am more than happy to help be a motivation partner and would love some encouragement myself!
  • If you're new to running or run marathons, this is definitely the way to go. Run/walk/run is awesome!
  • Enell sports bras are the best!!!
  • I went to a "fat doctor" who instructed me to do a low carb high protein lifestyle and have lost 40 pounds. I would be more than happy to help you! Eat between 1,000-1,200 calories a day. No more than 50-75 grams of carbs a day. Remove ALL white carbs (this includes apples and bananas) and try to eat lean meat as much as…
  • Goal setting and not just a number goal. I set short term and long term goals. Once you reach a goal, treat yourself with something other than food. Create a chart and buy yourself some stars. For each goal you meet, give yourself a star! Sounds silly, but it works. Obviously seeing the number go down on the scale helps…
  • Went outside during lunch in the BEAUTIFUL sunshine. That was a huge pick me up! I've been a member for over a year and this is my first forum post. I didn't realize what I was missing. I've already made a couple of new friends and you guys really gave me the encouragement I needed for today. Thank you so much! :happy:
  • You just made me laugh REALLY loud in my office. Fortunately, I don't like football. UK's football team is sooooo bad. Thanks for the laugh!!
  • Thanks guys! I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy day to respond. I rarely get like this so your words of encouragement and advice really help. I know I'll snap out of it and will try your suggestions to get me there sooner!
  • I have terrible problems with getting blisters on my feet. I thought it was my shoes but turns out it WAS my socks. I found that wearing Injinji toe socks made a world of difference. Also, try duct taping your feet. Pre-Injinji, I duct taped my feet all the time. Some people are just prone to blistering.