Looking for friends to share motivation

I'm just over a week in and am looking for some friends for help along the way and for sharing the journey.

I really struggled last year trying to lose weight dieting and getting to the gym was really difficult with a toddler and no childcare.

I ended up putting on more than I lost and am at my heaviest weight ever. I've just turned 40 and i want to lose all of the weight and get down to healthy weight.

i'm starting off by using diet fuel shakes twice today and a healthy meal in the evening. I find I am more focussed doing this to set me off and it helps me stick to it.

I've also got myself an exercise bike because I can not get to the gym often enough and I can do cardio at home with my kids here and stick to regular exercise.

I lost my mum 3 years ago, my husband lost his very close uncle at the same time and I found out I was pregnant at the same time after trying for 3 years. The year before I very nearly died of a ruptured eptopic pregnancy. My surgeon said I was very luck to survive and I lost 8 litres of blood. We then suddenly moved house and I had a delayed grief at losing my mum so emotionally I was not in a great place. I think everything just hit me all at once. When we moved and I was at home I started drinking lager in the evenings as my husband does have a beer when he is home from work...then it just turned into drinking 3 or 4 a night it seemed to numb me. I think that is where the majority of my weight gain came from. So I have stopped that now and feel back to myself and my husband has also stopped drinking through the week too. We are by no means alcoholics by the way it was just drinking in the evenings, which lots of people do. It just became a normality. I just want to get back on track now and lose the weight.

I lost a lot of confidence in myself with the way I felt and looked and felt I'd lost control of myself, eating, drinking and have been avoiding social situations because of it. So thats my story and why I really want to get myself slim, healthy and happy x


  • mklassy123
    I think you will find there are many of us on here that can relate. I lost my mother in July, 2012 - but she was sick for years before that (Dementia) and the struggles of dealing with her, placing her in a home, selling her home AND working full time - AND going to school at night for part of that time AND trying to keep a relationship going - it all got to me. After my mother died I figured I would get myself in control - boy was I wrong. The weight just kept going up and up, not down. I joined here in October, 2012 and have been on and off that whole time. Something clicked in me this past December and I just buckled down and got right back, even with the holiday week where I ate and drank, I still logged and kept myself accountable.

    My relationship survived the turmoil, but my boyfriend has one of those crazy metabolisms and he can eat and drink and not gain weight. He's also quite athletic, which helps. He never complains or makes comments about my weight, but I hate that I feel horrible about how I look. Fancy sweats have been my best friend, and my nightmare. The bf and I are also beer lovers. I've limited myself to once or twice a week. With eating healthier and lesser amounts, and exercising more - I drink less because my body can't handle more. Two glasses of wine maximum or two pints of beer (I personally like imperial pints, two of those equals 40 ounces so must be careful) and I'm done. I'm not saying no to any of it, just having much less of it, which happens to be enough.

    Feel free to add me, I find that support is very helpful.
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You are gonna meet some AWESOME people here. I started here about 2 weeks ago and am heading to the gym this morning for the first time in about 2 years.

    I am a former paramedic and police officer and I lost my left leg on Christmas Eve 1994 when I was struck by a car in the line of duty. I have 150 lbs to lose and I plan on losing about 75 of them before my 50th birthday this October, another 25 by New Years, and another 50 by summer 2015.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE getting and receiving motivation.
  • jenniferevon
    I lost my mom Feb 5, 2006 from a long battle with ovarian cancer. She was an amazing woman. We all use different mechanisms to cope with our life's struggles. I am more than happy to help be a motivation partner and would love some encouragement myself!
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    I'm so glad you posted thank you! It's only towards the end of last year that I opened up and told my hubby how I was feeling. I'm not normally one for opening up and nearly deleted the post before I posted it. It felt very therapeutic though and I'm glad I didn't. I can relate to everything you said. I just wanted to get through xmas as it was the day before xmas day that we buried my mum. It was a lot better this year but it gave me a sense of putting the past behind and starting to loom after myself again. I was up and down weight wise but I feel stronger emotionally now and am ready to stay focused.

    Good luck you are doing really well with the weighg loss. I will add you :) x
  • 117cheryl
    117cheryl Posts: 14 Member
    Hi my name is Cheryl and I am just starting back up on here and could really use some friends for motivation:smile:
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    Welcome to MFP! While I haven't yet lost anyone close to me as you have, I can relate to all the changes going on at once to totally make life a stressful chaotic mess.

    Try to remember that you're human, you will make mistakes, but it doesn't define WHO you are.
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    My last post was to mklassy.....I'm not sure how these message boards work...if I reply to a specific post are you notified lersonally?
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to MFP! You are gonna meet some AWESOME people here. I started here about 2 weeks ago and am heading to the gym this morning for the first time in about 2 years.

    I am a former paramedic and police officer and I lost my left leg on Christmas Eve 1994 when I was struck by a car in the line of duty. I have 150 lbs to lose and I plan on losing about 75 of them before my 50th birthday this October, another 25 by New Years, and another 50 by summer 2015.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE getting and receiving motivation.

    I agree there are some amazing people and I'm really greatful for all the responses. I will certainly add you and be friends along the journey. Good luck with your gym session. Looking forward to getting to know you :) x
  • goldenopp
    Yes like most of us here we have our life stuff too. This is a great place to get going and meet others for motivation and support. Logging cals is great too! I myself found a phenomenal group for fitness accountability, motivation and support on fb. If you'd like to join you're more than welcome! Congratulations on taking back your life!
  • angelsforme5386
    Hi Toovodz,
    I am just starting out as well. Just about a week in. I am 215 which I never was in my life and like you cant stand being in this body anymore.
    I have tried many diets and exercise programs only to fail because I didn't see results fast enough. After many lab tests and doctor visits and a horrible BMI number my doctor prescribed me phentermine. I just started it and dont know if it will work but I am willing to try anything.
    I did start cutting out the bad foods and have noticed a lb or two gone so with the medicine hopefully I will get results.
    I also lost my mother 3 years ago and had the few drinks in the evening when my husband came home. Plus he is a big eater and a good cook so with all of that it spiraled out of control.
    Good luck to you and keep it going!:)
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome to MFP! While I haven't yet lost anyone close to me as you have, I can relate to all the changes going on at once to totally make life a stressful chaotic mess.

    Try to remember that you're human, you will make mistakes, but it doesn't define WHO you are.

    Your last words here are very fitting because for a while I did lose myself. There were so many changes all at once I was knocked offmy feet. Thank you! x
  • MichaleneRN
    MichaleneRN Posts: 13 Member
    I too am starting back here. I really want to be down close to my goal weight before I turn the big 4-0 in October! Please feel free to add me!
  • baileyang33
    baileyang33 Posts: 131 Member
    I lost 37 pounds by May of 2013 with 10 pounds until goal. On May 9th my father drowned and June 25th I lost my job of 15.5 years. Needless to say I am back on week 3 to lose the 20 I gained during my life lows. Beer too was a close friend! It's hard but can be done. Coming onto a year since my father pasted I want to be back in the same mindset I was in before his accident. Happier, healthier, & brighter days to come!
  • toovodz
    toovodz Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you so much for all your replies. If I haven't messaged you back yet I will do later as I have to go out.

    Good luck everyone! X
  • PHS7
    PHS7 Posts: 213 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I have been using this site for a few years. There is so much here to help you from logging food, to getting ideas, to meeting people to help and to realize YOU ARE NOT ALONE in trying to get healthier. There is a lot of support here, just have fun and be committed to yourself & your family.