Slim Fast - Is it worth doing?

I've just started the Slim Fast and i'm doing quite well two weeks in and I've lost 8 lbs, Has anyone tried Slim Fast and lost much weight?

I need to lose 7 stone to be classed as a healthy weight and I'm not sure if I'm going about the right way or weather Slim Fast is the unhealthy option.


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    In my opinion, no it's not worth it. the problem with programs like Slim Fast is that you don't learn all those healthy habits you're going to need when you transition to maintenance. It's not likely to hurt you, but I found calorie counting and eating foods I actually like 100% more satisfying in the long run.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I agree, Slim fast doesn't teach you anything about healthy eating habits.

    Eat the foods you love in moderation, within a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    The Slim Fast diet only works because it forces you to eat at a calorie deficit. There's nothing magical about Slim Fast products that will cause you to lose weight. You're simply eating fewer calories than you need to maintain your current weight.

    If you enjoy using Slim Fast products, that's one thing. I sometimes drink a high protein Slim Fast shake for breakfast because it helps me meet my macros and I can drink it on the go. But if you're just using them because you think you need to and are relying on them for weight loss, I recommend shifting your focus toward building new eating habits that you can use for life. You're more likely to lose weight and keep it off if you have healthy tools and habits in place that you can use when eating real food in real life. :smile:
  • samijdkl
    samijdkl Posts: 35 Member
    i did slimfast last july for 2 weeks only while off work to kick start weight loss at the same time i joined a gym the first week i did it 2 meals the 2nd week i just did 1 meal i lost about 8lbs in that 2 weeks but then once i started eating even though i was doing up to 2 hrs every week day in the gym/pool i lost nothing for 2 weeks in this time i started seeing a pt he told me should not have done slimfast as my body would now be in famine mode and that could take a month to get over .
  • JessBarnes1991
    JessBarnes1991 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for the feedback! I think I shall stick to normal food but count the calories and control what I'm eating, Slim Fast has been good but I have noticed some changes in my body that I'm not keen on!

    Thanks again! x
  • gmhaggie06
    Great idea Jess! best of luck in your new journey!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Slim fast made me constipated. And it didn't teach me to eat sensibly. I didn't lose much weight, and what I did lose I simply gained right back, because I didn't learn anything.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    You're asking the wrong question....what you should be asking is:

    "Has anyone done Slim Fast and kept the weight off afterwards?"

    Lots of people have lost weight with slim fast. I think you'll find the success rate of keeping it off is close to nil.
  • paigenevaeh
    paigenevaeh Posts: 64 Member
    I wouldn't say so!! I tried it when I first started losing weight, the shakes are 230 calories and I always ended up snacking because they weren't filling! You might as well have 230 cals of salad or veggies. You'll be fuller and it'll be damn more tasty.
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    I don't think its maintainable, I get too hungry and end up eating so much more. I do drink one shake for breakfast, because I don't enjoy breakfast foods and I really look forward to it in the mornings.

    I've been drinking it every morning for 3 weeks and eating at 1200 calories a day + exercise and I've lost 10lbs. Very occasionally will I have one for lunch as well but then the starvation hits and there's no way I can stop myself eating anything and everything in site.
  • Spewze72
    Spewze72 Posts: 82 Member
    Well, to put it in perspective, I lost 8lbs in my first 2 weeks of eating to a reasonable calorie no shakes, I still eat what I've always eaten, just a lot less of it and I'm more mindful of what I shovel in my mouth. I also try to move a bit more every day.

    So basically, I'd say don't waste your money!!
  • Muffiewilmes
    Muffiewilmes Posts: 36 Member
    Not a horrible item to have on hand in the event that you are unprepared for a quick meal but following the program is too blah for long term I think. Good luck
  • mordant57
    mordant57 Posts: 58 Member
    It's not terrible...but honestly the shakes did NOT fill me up at all. I was ravenously hungry an hour or two later.
  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member
    I do slim fast intermittently. I will do a week to two weeks at a time to bust a plateau and/or to get motivated again. I am starting a stint of slim fast on Monday again. I don't think it's the type of diet you maintain for long periods of time. I usually do the shakes when I am not planning on extreme exercises. I keep a 1200-1300 calorie/day diet with the shakes, and 1450 calories/day normally.

    It's not a fix for anything, it just works for me when I try it for motivational reasons. I have lost my weight very slowly and maintained my 40 lb loss for about a year. It keeps me on track to my ultimate goal, and it helps me get over my holiday slumps in diet.

    Mostly, it's convenient. Shakes travel easily and don't take up much room in my purse when I'm rushing in the morning... they help me stay on a calorie deficit :)

    Take time to find what works for you :) Healthy diet and exercise is a good place to start!
  • jenniferevon
    Stay away from the normal Slim Fast and drink the High Protein ones. The regular ones have way too much sugar. Lower carb, high protein eating will help you lose weight. I drink a Slim Fast High Protein shake every morning for breakfast.
  • Teenie71
    I wouldn't use them for meal replacement but maybe as a supplement to get your macros in line for the day
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Slim fast is useless, sure, you'll lose some weight (water and waste) But you'll gain it back as soon as you stop. Slim Fast, as well as pretty much every other "diet" product out there are designed this way. there's no money in eliminating your customer base after all. They rely on your repeat business, they know that you'll come back when the weigh does because, hey, it worked before right? Except the weight didn't stay off because you never actually modified your eating habits.

  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    It will help you lose weight fast but it isn't going to teach you how to eat to maintain your weight loss.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Slim fast made me constipated.

    Made me the opposite.. eek!

    I did the Slim Fast diet before my prom. Lost 20lbs rather quickly. Gained 30lbs just as quickly when I started eating food again.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I've just started the Slim Fast and i'm doing quite well two weeks in and I've lost 8 lbs, Has anyone tried Slim Fast and lost much weight?

    I need to lose 7 stone to be classed as a healthy weight and I'm not sure if I'm going about the right way or weather Slim Fast is the unhealthy option.

    Not worth it!! The secret to losing weight and maintaining your weight loss learning how to eat healthy (the majority of time) and improving your relationship with food. SlimFast does nothing to reinforce that.

    Find a healthy daily calorie goal, eat a variety of foods, stay consistent and you'll lose weight without having to give up an entire meal and replacing it with some god awful toxic drink concoction...yuck phewy!