marinweb Member


  • No qualms with Paleo, but it's not the answer. If it wanted to be truly authentic it should have you hunting down zebras,lions, and hyenas.....and maybe that fat cousin you don't like so much.
  • +1 If you really wanted to go paleo you'd have to hunt pretty much every animal (including humans) to get your meat quota......
  • Just as it sounds. You fast for different periods and only eat during certain periods. You're getting the same calories, just different timing on when you eat. eg. You only eat between 12 pm and 6pm would give you and 18 hour fast with 6 hour eating "window"there are different ways to go about it, but that's essentially…
  • He's saying some crossfitters treat it like they'd obsesses over IF and paleo diet.
  • Been meaning to try IF, any places other than the leangains site to get good info?
  • Dont use the word diet.Just make smarter food lean beef vs a rib eye, 2% or low fat milk vs whole fat. Brown rice vs white get the picture. If you cut out sugary drinks youll be suprised how much food you can eat.
  • Eat after 7. There's no reason not too. Eat when you're hungry but make sure to eat 'healthy", eg. Brown rice, chicken, veggies...
  • Listen to your body and over time your appetite will open up. My way of getting calories in is by making protein shakes and adding milk and peanut butter. Just eat healthy meals. Eating high protein also helps with feeling full. Meal timing really has nothing to do with body composition, meaning your body doesn't care…
  • Im in the same boat, so i fill it with dried fruit. Raisins, dried mango, dates, etc. Just make sure to stick to portions.
  • For a lot of people it becomes obsessive....some times its easier to keep it simple. Pick a number, try for a few weeks, adjust up or down depending on result. Just measure more than "weight", eg stomach, arms. It depends on personality. Some people want to build cars, others just want it to turn on.
  • Focus on eating better and you should be fine. At 18 you can get away with it. Just mix in some exercise.
  • My sister was in your camp a few years ago. Its tough, but once you get over the hurdle, the fear of weight gain your life will be so much better. My advice would be this, listen to your body as you workout, eat etc, and it will tell you what it wants. Focus on eating "good foods" and don't worry about calorie counts etc.…
  • We're pretty much there now in this thread too. All we can do is this: And hope at some point they find a better way.
  • Stop obsessing over the scale. Measure other things to see if you are making progress. Be patient. The results will be there in the long run.
  • For that level of activity, You should be eating more. Try the 1500-1700 range. You must fuel your body to allow it to rebuild from the stress you are going to put it through. Diet is MORE important than your workout routine. Read this,it might help:…
  • The more I read, the more this seems the case. "Generally Accepted" fitness rules don't necessarily mean they are right. Meal timing seems to be more of a performance thing (eg. more energy for workouts if you eat carbs before) than a body composition thing. It makes sense. Anyone really think hunting man had the luxury of…
  • Measure other areas and it should give you an idea eg. Arms, thighs, hips+waist, etc. Hendrix is right, be patient. Eat well and exercise....the results will come in time.
  • If loose skin is concern I'd suggest slowing down fat loss to allow your skin time to adjust to its new size. Maybe shoot to lose 1/2 to 1 pound per week. Remember, muscle takes less space than fat, so you can't just add muscle mass and expect it to fill out where the fat was. At 26 you might be young enough that your skin…
  • Forget about weight, focus on BF% and how you feel about the way you look. Weight is only part of the equation. There's no need to wait. Muscles are your body's natural fat burners. Weight really doesn't mean anything. You can drink 16oz of water and weigh a pound more, but you didn't get fatter. FYI, if you start weight…
  • There are plenty of workouts you can do at home. With some Googling you can find more. You can always get some used weights on craigslist on the cheap.
  • The link is a very good starting place. You should attack fat loss and muscle gain as two separate things. Your body can't do both at the same time. There are exceptions but it is generally the rule. Weight training essentially convinces your body to maintain muscle to handle additional stress (lifting weights). You have…
  • Probably the best advice you'll get here. BMI charts are highly in accurate and don't account for muscle. eg. A pro athlete with a lot of muscle would be considered obese under BMI. Use your mirror, if you look good and feel good, does how much you weigh really matter? Focus on BF%. Just adopt good eating habits (read…
  • You can get the same info by doing a little research, without spending money on a nutritionist or a trainer. Here's a very good article by a PHd on the subject: