How do I eat enough!!??

Hey everyone,

I started p90x today, and am "roughly" trying to follow the diet plan. After working out my BMR etc as you need to do at the start of the book, I am in category one, and therefore need to be eating 1800 calais a day. I thought I would find it easy, but having had what I consider to be a good day, I am still quite a bit off calorie goal (feel free to look at my diary - as I said, only started today!).

I am afraid of eating too much as it goes against everything in my head, but I know that sometimes you need to up your calories to see some losses. I'm fine with that bit, but struggling to see where I can add more cals (specifically protein as I am in phase 1)? Any ideas greatly appreciated, really want to try and stick to 1800 cals.


  • curvyvegan
    curvyvegan Posts: 80 Member
    I would increase the size of your breakfast and lunch! You did great with your calories at dinner, just eat larger meals early in the day, too. Add a slice of whole grain toast and a piece of fruit with your breakfast, that kind of thing. Also if this is your day 1 you might not be too hungry since you may have been eating more up until a couple of days you might start waking up ravenous and it will be easy for you to eat more!
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Try more calorie dense foods like avocado and nut butters? Add a little EVOO to your foods? Use full fat products instead of the lower fat versions.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Eat calorie dense food. Oats, PB, Lean Meats. More PB :smile:
  • jessmoore_84
    When I started P90X I felt the same way (I was eating 1600 cal/day), but I stuck with the eating plan and the daily workouts and lost 5 lbs my FIRST week!! so, if you can't follow the meal plan exactly just make sure you are eating a good balance of healthier foods! Good Luck!!!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    You are not meeting your fat goal. Add more healthy fats (nuts, seeds, avacado, olive oil or other vegetable oils) and you'll meet your calorie goal.
  • marinweb
    marinweb Posts: 23 Member
    Listen to your body and over time your appetite will open up. My way of getting calories in is by making protein shakes and adding milk and peanut butter.

    Just eat healthy meals. Eating high protein also helps with feeling full. Meal timing really has nothing to do with body composition, meaning your body doesn't care how/when you get your calories, just that you get the right amount it wants/needs. If you're hungry, eat. Just make good food choices.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    add more protein and good fats into your diet. eggs, avocados, nuts, full fat yogurt, chicken, turkey, etc. protein shakes are good since with 1-2 scoops, some almond milk and frozen fruit you can get 300-400 calories worth of 50 g of protein. if you're eating egg whites then throw a few whole eggs in there as well.

    I eat around 1750 so you can have a look at my diary if you want. a word of warning the past few days I havent had much of an appetite (i started doing HIIT protocols again and those hormones affect your appetite. i also tend to not log most of my fresh veggies either :laugh: but feel free to have a look.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 276
    Avocados, nuts, PB, extra virgin olive oil. Good fats, calorie dense foods.
  • skinnyminni1985
    Thanks guys, all really helpful, I have just helped myself to a spoon of natural peanut butter! Yum!

    Are there anymore ideas for what I can add to breakfast? I don't really want to have toast as I'm meant to be low carving in this phase, and want to save my carbs for dinner when I am most hungry.

    Also, have never touched a protein shake in my life, but very intrigued... Any recommendations? Ideally not to expensive, good amount of protein, and chocolate flavour! ;) also an idea on serving size? Total protein shake virgin here! Also, I'm in the Uk, so not sure if some brands are harder to get hold of?

    Thanks guys! ;) x
  • skinnyminni1985
    Any ideas on protein shakes anyone?
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm also struggling with eating more. My nutritionist gave me a list of protein to add to my diet and she suggested eating more at breakfast and lunch. Puls I need to eat a protein rich snack in the afternoon. Time to go food shopping!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Almond butter is a good alternative to peanut, and super delicious too! Go for one with only almonds and poss a little salt in, or make your own at home :)