mrskern06 Member


  • I have it!! I loved it and it definitely helped me lose weight and keep track of weight loss and BMI! I'm not using it now because I'm pregnant with twins. But I will definitely be using it again after the babies are born and I've recovered from that!!
  • So awesome! I am so proud of you and your success!
  • Welcome!! Hope you like it here. I LOVE it! As a former anti-dieter and anti-calorie counter, I have to say this site has reformed me and I absolutely love it. It has helped me learn healthier living habits, eat smaller portions and exercise (I hated exercise, now I want to do at least an hour a day, if not more)!
  • I usually don't have a problem eating all my calories and more. Especially on the days that I am JUST HUNGRY! When I exercise I burn anywhere from 200-800 calories with my Wii. I actually stalled because I wasn't eating my exercise calories or at least 1200 NET calories a day. Every now and then I will have a day when I…
  • I love my Wii Fit Plus. I got it for Christmas! I use the Free Run practically every day! I kind of don't like the fact that it weighs you every day. I get sidetracked by the fact that my weight fluctuates daily!! I like some of the balance games and the plus games! I have only used the Wii Fit so I don't know how it…
  • having a good support system (friends) for accountability and encouragement is paramount!! Good luck and best wishes!
  • My husband gave me the Wii and the Wii Fit plus for Christmas and I absolutely love it~ I haven't tried any other ones.
  • I'm currently a size 14, down from 16. Goal size: 10 Dream size: 8
  • Welcome!! I hope you find this assignment fun and this site helpful!! I love it. I've been on here for almost 3 months now. I have lost 15 pounds, several inches and gained many healthy, new habits. Everyone I have met on here has been very helpful and supportive!!
  • Welcome and congratulations (on starting MFP, getting married and getting healthy)! It is truly amazing how much this site can help you. The MFPer's are wonderfully supportive and I find logging my meals and exercise makes me more aware of what and how much I am putting into my body! I started this journey close to the end…
  • If it's a black tea you MUST to drink water also. Herbal teas you can get by without drinking extra water. The caffeine in black tea and coffee actually zaps your body of much needed water.
  • MFP always up my calorie limit for the day if I exercise. I don't always eat the extra calories but sometimes I do.
  • my MIL was using it and lost a bunch of weight but had to stop because it was damaging either her liver or her kidneys, I don't remember which! It isn't a good way to lose weight. Losing weight slow and steady while learning healthy eating and exercise habits is the best way to go! :o)
  • It sounds like shin splints from working out. Take a nice, hot bath and take some ibuprofen with food. :o) Pain is no fun!!
  • Hi. I have been very anti-diet and calorie counting. But I love this site and it has given me the tools to eat healthier and track exercise, etc. Good luck on your journey!! You can do it and you will be fabulous!!
  • like so many have already said. Forget about it and start fresh tomorrow. To take a page or quote from Anne of Green Gables..."Tomorrow is a new day, with no mistakes in it!" You have done awesome!! You should be so proud of yourself. If you recognize that today wasn't a good day, do better tomorrow!
  • I use my stairs as a work out tool, also!! Love it!
  • I always log my spices and my herbal teas (some have calories or potassium! Water is the only drink I don't log and you count that on the water counter. :o)
  • I don't see it on the scale! I just weighed myself this morning, after I had breakfast and water, and was at my last weigh-in weigh from 3 days agot! :o) I ate some of everything at the table on Thanksgiving but didn't stuff myself! I was over 1000 calories over my allotment but I exercised and ate well yesterday!
  • I drink my tea and coffee without sugar or milk now. I also cut out my one can of pop a day!!
  • I love Ranch on so many things (not just salads) and can't give it up totally. But often I will use Lime Juice as my dressing on salads.
  • You're welcome!! You are doing awesome. I love being on here and seeing everyone working so hard to be healthy and fit. It's very inspiring!
  • Your best bet is to peel a bunch of bananas and cut or break them into smaller chunks and freeze them on a cookie sheet. Then once they are frozen, you have to pull them or scrape them off of the cookie sheet and then you can put them into Ziploc bags in the freezer to keep them frozen. They are very good to put into a…
  • I have permanent stretch marks on the small of my back and on my thighs from the year I turned 12. I grew from 4' 11" to 5' 7 1/2". My husband calls them my stripes. I had a baby 19 months ago and only got stretch marks on my chest from the pregnancy weight gain. Crazy, huh?!