HCG Users

I have heard of quite a few people using HCG. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that its safe, has no side effects, and you have to eat only 500 calories a day. If you've used it, please share your experience.


  • Amylynn
    Amylynn Posts: 242 Member
    I feel like eating 500 calories a day is starving yourself, regardless of rather or not you are taking some kind of hormone to go with it. I bet that these people feel like they are starving all the time. That's how people end up losing weight super fast then gaining it back plus more, because quick weight loss solutions do not create long term weight loss.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    There's no possible way that can be healthy. It may work for burning away weight short term, but it doesn't teach proper eating and exercise habits, which are needed long term to keep the weight off. Short term weight loss does you no good if you don't develop the right habits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle when you reach your goal weight.

    As someone in another thread put it "IMO, you're starving yourself using this product, and fooling your body into thinking that a non existent baby is eating all the fat off of you. That doesn't seem healthy at all." I would stay away from any sort of diet product that's not called counting calories or exercise.
  • mrskern06
    mrskern06 Posts: 24 Member
    my MIL was using it and lost a bunch of weight but had to stop because it was damaging either her liver or her kidneys, I don't remember which! It isn't a good way to lose weight. Losing weight slow and steady while learning healthy eating and exercise habits is the best way to go! :o)
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I haven't used it, but one of my good friends did. He lost over 100lbs in like 3 - 4 months.... and then just as quick gained most of it back. Then he did it again... lost the weight again... gained it all back just as quick... wash, rinse, repeat.
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    i did it and gained half the 20 pounds i lost back its really hard to stick to like you eat alot but its alot of water and spinach i like this much better and i dont see as many gain backs like this i see on average for time doing it this works better
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I don't think its the HCG that works its the 500 calorie diet that does it. I dont like Total Food Replacement (TFR) diets but they would be safer if you really have to follow a VLCD (very low calorie diet) as all your nutrients are built into the food packs provided. They are balanced at least which would be hard to do by just eating 500 calories on the HCG diet

    I do think TFR VLCD have a place, people needing to lose lots of weight quickly in order to have operations or for immediate health reasons etc but other than that I don't think they should be used. You are not learning how to eat, portion size, how to control binges etc but people are too lazy to do it the hard way want a quick fix. The fact that many on Lipotrim, exante lighterlife etc are on their 2nd 3rd and 4th attempts at TFR's doesn't tell them that it doesnt work unless theyre prepared to learn how to control themselves.

    My advice stick to calorie counting and healthy eating, so you're learning how to do it for life. BUT if you are determined to get shut of the weight quickly and are considering HCG DON'T, choose a TFR diet instead. Roughly the same cost but its all nutritionally balanced
  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    Thanks for all of your input. I was just wondering what real people were going through with it. I don't like taking tylenol, let alone some chemical I don't know much about.