PTMama0614 Member


  • Incredible job and dedication! Congratulations!
  • Hi Cara, I'm Miriam and will soon be 48 years young! I am on MFP everyday and try my best to log my food and activities. I have a Fitbit and it syncs to MFP. I love working out and my go to exercises are running and cycling. I will send you a friend request. Keep it up and don't beat yourself up, we all struggle with our…
  • So true! We need to stop blaming everyone else for our faults and failures! Just because McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc offer cheap food, doesn't mean we need to eat it. Make wiser choices people! If you want to indulge, do so but know you will have to work harder to burn those extra calories! I love McDonald's…
  • I usually add a stevia packet or a little sugar in the raw and then my fruit which is usually fresh blueberries or strawberries.
  • I have been using a fitbit for over a year and a half and I love it. I have the fitbit one and clip it to my waist. I like it because I can wear it without anyone knowing I have it on and it syncs to my iPhone 5S and MFP. With the new MFP upgrade, it now syncs my fitbit steps. I also love that it tracks my sleep and has a…
  • I would love to try these and wonder if I could substitute the whole eggs with whites and lowfat cheese.
  • I use a heart rate monitor when I work out and I usually eat some of the calories I burn but not all.
  • I will usually eat a banana or a rice cake with some peanut butter. It all depends on what I brought to work with me. I will also eat something between lunch and dinner, like some carrot sticks and light string cheese. I suggest you try to keep your snacks low in calories but filling. Almonds are a great snack. The main…
  • I find the fitbit to be accurate and very addictive! I try to get my step goals in every day and even surpass them if I know I'm going to have a day that I can't workout or get all my steps in. It helps me to motivate me to move as often as possible.
  • You look amazing and It's hard to believe you are 63! You are my inspiration to continue working out and lifting cause I want to look like you when I'm 63! :smile:
  • bump! :happy:
  • I think it's a matter of comfort and preference. Personally I don't care if I have a panty line at the gym, I'm there to workout. Being comfortable is key. I use thongs and have rarely had any problems. I have ones I wear specifically for working out and ones for work. I will need to look into the Underarmor ones to see…
  • When I first started working out, I didn't wear my HRM and I tracked my workout calories burned based on what MFP or the machine gave me. The problem I found after I started wearing it was that I was tracking way more calories than I actually burned. And I do eat back some of those calories but not all. So when I started…
  • Going to try these! They sound delicious and easy to make!
  • I now use truvia too. I was using Splenda for years. I haven't read anything bad about Truvia so would like to know what others think about it.
  • I'm glad I found this post. I've been considering including a protein shake in my diet because I'm not getting enough protein especially since I work out at least 5 days a week. I want to find one that is low in carbs if at all possible. I don't want to gain weight either. I am currently 4 lbs from my goal weight and need…
  • I usually have a cup of nonfat plain Greek yogurt which I sweeten with a packet of Truvia and add fresh berries, either blueberries or strawberries and some crushed or sliced almonds. It's very delicious and filling. On cold days i like oatmeal with unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon and blueberries.
  • Good luck! No can do for me. I enjoy my coffee too much. I use the sugar free french vanilla creamer but limit it to 2 tbsp a day. Sometimes I'll use fat free half & half too. :drinker:
  • You have already made a positive choice and that's to get healthy and lose weight. The journey will be filled with lots of ups and downs, don't allow that to overwhelm you. Start by making small changes in your life. Plan your meals and bring food to work with you. Knowing what you are going to eat that day makes it less…
  • I have never tried Shakeology but have heard good things about it. My opinion for this topic and forum is for us to encourage each other. What works for one might not work for another. We are all different but in the end I think we all have the same goal in mind, lose weight or maintain our current weight, get healthy and…
  • I log in everyday and have been a MFP member for over 10 months (I think). Feel free to add me. I'm in my 40s too and work full time and have a family so I know the challenges you face. I'm always looking for MFP friends and my diary is open. Best wishes!
  • I'm a transplanted Californian! I'm originally from the East Coast but have lived in SoCal since 1989 so this is were I consider home.
  • You can add me too! I'm in the 40+ age range and have to say I feel the best I have ever losing weight and keeping it off. We can all use extra support and motivation. :happy:
  • It is most definately possible. I workout at least 5 days a week for a minimum of 1 hour and my workouts consists of running or intense cardio. It all depends on the workout type and level of intensity. On my rest days, I try to do a lot of walking and can still burn at least 300 calories or more. I use a fitbit which…
  • Welcome! I know you will find this will help you acheive your weight loss and fitness goals! I love it and have been using for almost a year now. Feel free to add me if you'd like. Good luck!
  • Congratulations! That is a major acomplishment and goes to show that with determination, anything is possible. You look amazing! :happy:
  • I have had success on WW and am currently a lifetime member. I have tried other weight loss programs and WW by far is the best in terms of support and tools to succeed. I've learned how to make healthy choices and earning extra points for exercising was a huge incentive for me to become active. I do like MFP because now I…
  • I agree! Age is nothing but a number and like many here, I am in the best shape of my life. Yes, I do have to work harder at it to maintain my weight loss but the benefits far outweight the work! I have more energy which is very important since I have a very hectic life. I want to know that when it's time for me to retire,…
  • I agree with others that have posted that it just might not be your thing. Running is not for everyone. When I started running I dreaded it, however, I love it now. I think I started enjoying it when my friend, who's a marathon runner would run with me and motivate me to go farther and faster. She encouraged me to train…