Women-late 40's early 50's

The weight has really creeped up on me this winter-my back hurts-joints ache-I don't need this! I have a new horse I really want to ride but am so out of shape I don't even want to try and get on him.

I could use some buddies around my age-if you're into horses that's terrific but would love to have help from anyone!

I've had MFP for a few years and used it off and on-now syncing with Map my Walk which I love. Anyway-can someone "friend" or "follow" me (not sure how that works) so I'll feel more accountable to keep track of calories and exercise every day?


  • LoriA6724
    LoriA6724 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Cara!

    My name is Lori and I'm 47. I don't ride horses, but I love to walk. I'm addicted to my Fitbit. I was also having trouble with my joints. My knees were constantly giving out on me. At the beginning of this year, I decided I had to make some changes. I worry more about my health than I ever have. I started eating healthier and walking. I try to get at least 10,000 steps in a day. I'm slowly trying other activities too. I cannot believe the difference it has made! I no longer have trouble with my knees or the old aches and pains I had in the past. I will send you a friend request.
  • daisyacres
    daisyacres Posts: 11 Member
    Yay, thanks Lori. I've wondered about the Fitbit- a lot of people seem to love it. I hope this Map My Walk app is fairly accurate-I like it because I walk on our farm and it maps exactly where I go. Not sure about the accuracy of the calories burned but at least I can make goals of miles per day for now.
  • Sheri3851
    Sheri3851 Posts: 70 Member
    I will send you a friend request also. I turned 50 on Dec 26 and started this journey on January 8, 2014. The best thing I've done for myself in a while. I Love horses but would be afraid to ride one :)
    I have a Jawbone and am addicted to it. I also make sure I get 10,000 steps a day and it really helps be stay active. I find I can now walk without all the aches and pains I used to have, even getting out of bed feels better in the morning. Best of luck with your journey!
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi! I'm 46 (female) and love walking (and my Fitbit!). Anyone can add me--I log on everyday and am here for the long haul.
  • PTMama0614
    PTMama0614 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Cara, I'm Miriam and will soon be 48 years young! I am on MFP everyday and try my best to log my food and activities. I have a Fitbit and it syncs to MFP. I love working out and my go to exercises are running and cycling. I will send you a friend request. Keep it up and don't beat yourself up, we all struggle with our weight. I'm up 7 lbs and am having trouble losing the extra weight I've gained after I started my new job.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hello! I've had 5 horses for several years. Sadly, I had to give them up due to a back injury and no help around the farm. There is plenty of exercise that you can do with your horse, that will get you moving, too. I was never overweight, but I had a few pounds too many at one time, mainly due to the need to eat after doing all the hard work by myself..mending fences, dragging around hay bales and such....you know... How about doing some ground work in a round pen with your horse. Not the kind where you just stand in the middle and give commands, but really walk the rounds with your horse at various speeds. I have trained young horses for a while, and trust me, if this won't get your heart rate up, nothing else will.... Great opportunity to bond with a new horse, too!
    Have fun!
  • jchunt53
    jchunt53 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, My name is Chris. I am 55. I have also used MFP off and on for a couple of years. It started 2 yrs ago when my son showed me the program. It definately works if you log in every day and keep track of food and exercise. I don't have horses, but my self esteem really plumets when I get too overweight. I purchased an elliptical exerciser, a spin bike, a tredmill and a bowflex so I had no more excuses. When we get older, we have to really boost our metabolism, also use the weights.
    When I began this 2 yrs ago, I lost about 40 lbs. I reached my goal weight and felt great. Then I kinda quit logging into MFP and within the next 6 mos, I had gained it back. Now, starting again and so far down abt 7 lbs. Its a start and it takes time and support from friends and others. Good luck!
  • marilync1266
    marilync1266 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm 47 and it seems that all of the sudden aches and pains are coming out of the woodwork! I found out that my Vitamin D - my doc says this contributes to aches, so I'm taking a supplement and have noticed a difference.

    Feel free to friend me!

  • daisyacres
    daisyacres Posts: 11 Member
    I forgot about vitamin D! I used to take that- I should restart it again. I have a Great Pyrenees named Marilyn btw :)
  • daisyacres
    daisyacres Posts: 11 Member
    When I did MFP before I was on that 17 day diet plan. I did lose about 15 pounds and my husband really dropped the weight. I'm not going that route again though-just going to up the exercise as much as I can, eat whole foods, and count calories. See where that gets me. Wish I had all your gym toys-we have a treadmill but I think I do better walking in the pasture.
  • daisyacres
    daisyacres Posts: 11 Member
    h7463-I'm sorry you had to give up your horses. I was horseless for 15 years-not fun! I do need to get back in the groove with ground work. Actually there's kind of a new sport called horse agility which is all on the ground which is very interesting to me. Need to pursue that.
  • daisyacres
    daisyacres Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Miriam-thanks for the friend request! I know those schedule changes can really mess with an eating plan. I'm sure you'll adjust and get back on track soon! I never was a runner even in my thin days. I have a friend that runs 10 miles several times a week-don't know how she does it :)
  • daisyacres
    daisyacres Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Sheri-I'll have to check Jawbone out too-haven't heard of that one. I'm glad you've been having some major success. 22lbs down would be awesome to me :).