MFP vs. Weight Watchers



  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    I lost over a stone with weight watchers but I think it forces you in to using their products out of convenience and frustration at working out the points and that annoys me. Ultimately if you follow it properly it's a way of controlling calories and would work but because it gives you the impression that you can have their crisps/biscuits/prepackaged junk often and still lose weight I think people start to slip back on their efforts and eat the real thing over the tiny portion of bland rubbish in an over priced bag! WW works best if you stick to the points and each fresh natural foods because it's limiting calories and making healthier choices. If you assume that all points are made the same and eat the ww packaged foods I would pretty much guarantee you will still be hungry and want more as they just aren't nourishing foods. If you then add in a get out clause of eating as much fruit and veg as you like then no wonder people blow it because you overcompensate on sugary fruit and eat too much.

    *end of my rant*

    WW can work well but it needs some common sense too, stay in your points and eat real food and I would bet most people would lose significantly over time. Most people don't do that though so MFP which shows you more about what you are eating is better for me as the numbers (macros and nutrients) encourage me to make better choices and as anything can be eaten I don't feel restricted or controlled.
  • dmsimone
    dmsimone Posts: 7
    I lost about 35 pounds on WW. I had 5 pounds to go but couldn't get rid of it. Then they changed the plan and my daily points went from 29 to 26. I STRUGGLED with this. All year long. I would stick with it for 4 or 5 days, but then I would be starving and would binge. And I hadn't binged in years. This continued for a couple of months. I finally gave up. In the end I gained back 10 pounds (hard to believe!).

    I started MFP this week. The first thing I did was put in a typical WW day based on 29 points. OMG it was less than 900 calories a day. No wonder I was starving all the time and not losing anything.

    Now I have 15 pounds to lose. 1200 calories per day is SO MUCH FOOD compared to what I was trying to do with WW. We will see if I am successful...
  • mdmorgan25
    mdmorgan25 Posts: 15 Member
    I used WW for about a year before recently discovering MFP. I was only doing the on line program because I don't need the support of meetings. I was paying $18/month! I had been moving between the same five pounds for the last several months on WW after losing about 25 pounds pretty quickly. I even manually reduced my daily points target to try to start losing consistently again and it did not work. After logging a few of my WW days in MFP, I found that although I was staying under my points goal I was heavy on carbs and sugar. It was a revelation that I needed to try to pinpoint why I couldn't get past those five pounds. After a week of using MFP I have found it to be more valuable, easier to use, and I love the mobile app version. I lost 1 pound in my first week and hope to get past that mark I have been unable to get past using WW.
  • PTMama0614
    PTMama0614 Posts: 31 Member
    I've had success with WW in the past. I think it beats MFP in many ways including

    * it does have an education component (where MFP's forum are more like dis-education, with all the bad and erroneous info)
    * it has in-person accountability and support
    * it addresses the emotional and behavioral aspects of eating and dieting
    * you watch people around you literally changing before your eyes week after week
    *it does have a maintenance plan but it's basically the same as any maintenance plan-- figure out what eating level you maintain at and learn to eat at that level.
    * it simplifies things to what really matters. To lose weight, no one needs to know their BMR and TDEE, for example, or hit macros or a bunch of other things that come up here all the time.

    But MFP is free and if you know how to eat right already, can ignore the forum 'info', and don't need the in-person support and accountability, it works, too.

    I have had success on WW and am currently a lifetime member. I have tried other weight loss programs and WW by far is the best in terms of support and tools to succeed. I've learned how to make healthy choices and earning extra points for exercising was a huge incentive for me to become active.

    I do like MFP because now I know how many calories I should be eating and that's important to me. MFP has an advantage in that it's free. So my take is that both programs work, WW has the support and great tools, recipes and information to help anyone succeed. I think the bottom line is if you want to lose weight, get fit and be healthy, whatever works for you is what you should do!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I did WW Online a few years ago and lost about 25lbs with it. Ultimately, I got sick of the whole Points business and stopped doing it. I went on to lose another 15lbs or so without any sort of diet plan. I kept that off for a couple of years, but gradually regained a large portion of what I had lost.

    Like anything, MFP is what you make of it. I was introduced to the site through an employer-sponsored wellness plan. My eating plan was developed in conjunction with a dietician, and I initially used MFP only as a tool to keep track of my food and activity. I did eventually find that, while the forums can be maddening at times, there is some useful info here. I've learned a few things and been inspired to try new fitness routines. Plus I've got some great people on my friends list :smile:
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I have been tracking and following the MFP plan for six weeks now. I am a Weight Wathcers member at my work, and go to the the meetings, but the daily calorie goals fit me better. I am allowed 69 "points plus" per day, not including my exercise points or my bonus 49 points. It is way too much food for me, so I follow the tracking system here, with really good results. But like someone else said:

    * it does have an education component (where MFP's forum are more like dis-education, with all the bad and erroneous info)
    * it has in-person accountability and support
    * it addresses the emotional and behavioral aspects of eating and dieting
    * you watch people around you literally changing before your eyes week after week

    This is very true, so I go to the meetings just for these reasons.
  • roch1972
    roch1972 Posts: 113 Member
    I just cancelled my WW :wink: While I was successful with it I find MFP much more enjoyable to use. I too like the fact that I can easily monitor how much fat, carbs and protein I'm consuming on a given day.
  • mamabear0222
    mamabear0222 Posts: 455 Member
    I have never personally tried weight watchers but I feel they are a "gimmic" like any other weight loss center out there.
    People say they've had success years ago, or tried it and lost weight but gained back etc.
    Personally if you have to buy any "product" for a program, then it's always going to be short term IMO.
    (such as Body by VI, Jenny Craig, or counting "points" and whoever else has these types of weight loss tools)

    Eating right and exercising is the way to lose weight and the other "gimmic" part to it just throws me off and I'll never join there.

    The pros I think would be mainly the in person accountability every week.

    Whereas here you only have yourself to be accountable to...

    Just my opinion.
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    My leader at WW used to say your same identical phrase " I don't know anyone who got fat by eating too many bananas "... I guess WW uses the same sentences all over the country LOL But anyway, the truth is somewhere in between: if the fruits a person eats makes him/her go above their daily needed calories, yes, that person will by all means gain weight by eating bananas. The only time I ever lost weight in my entire life (41 yrs. old) has been by counting calories.

    Just saying...
  • robinhardysmall
    robinhardysmall Posts: 246 Member
    I have had much better sucess with MFP~ I gained weight on the latest WW Program~ MFP is real and I can do this without all of the points figuring and much more sucess in the regard of getting more information and exercise as well.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am of the opinion that any weight loss organization that makes you pay for their services is setting you up to fail. You know how many former clients of those companies are REPEAT customers? A LOT! That's where they make their money. You do lose, but you don't keep it off so you try again because you lost weight on it before. The old fashioned way is the best. :)
  • DonnaCW
    DonnaCW Posts: 24 Member
    I lost weight on WW, and could not keep it off. MY old habits came back and so did the weight. MFP is the same concept, FREE, and it is easier to just log what you eat instead of looking up point values. This is so much easier, and you get the breakdown of fat, protein, etc. Much better!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I have done both. I prefer MFP by far. It's more scientific and reliable. I liked WW when they used the exchange method, because you still kept track of calories in a way. I still use that method to make my own recipes, especially for soups and stews. Using the exchange method for making recipes is pretty accurate when you start adding up the calories and for nutrition tracking.
  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 783 Member
    I joined WW in May 2010, very religiously counted my points, exercised & by Nov 2010, I had lost 50 lbs. I did WW all online, all by myself. I have never been to a meeting.

    I continued with WW until June 2011, when they changed the points system. I have been using MFP since. :smile: :smile: :smile: And have managed to maintain.

    WW helped me understand "Lifestyle Change vs. Diet" - It was all about portion control.
  • mommamisty823
    I've done WW and lost 40 pounds on it and then gained it back when I hit life time. I didn't think the maintance stage was helpful at all. I also tried the PointsPlus system that they rolled out and didn't lose or gain.
    I like MFP much better, it's free for one, I don't have to take time out of my schedule to try and squeeze in a meeting, there's support in the public forums, and I like that I understand how I'm losing weight, instead of just plugging in point to an equation that I don't get.
  • warrenvalley
    warrenvalley Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a lifetime member of WW - lost 45 pounds back in 1998 on the flex plan. I never gained it all back, but would creep back up 15-20 pounds. I'd go back and get within 5-7 pounds. The Points plan was good and I had success there as well.

    But PointsPlus was the end for me. They nickel and dime you to death. Now you can't figure out points on your own - you have to BUY a calulator, or book or online membership. Just this week there's a big hubbub that they've changed a bunch of points values on foods that make no sense.

    I also don't think they encourage exercise enough. I went from an extra-large ball of mush to a medium ball of mush. I started MFP in January and I'm in the best shape of my life - down 12-14 pounds - lower than I was in 1998. That said, I'm far more motivated and goal-oriented now. The phone app is key for me. And it's free.

    I agree with other posters that WW is a great place to start for support and outside accountability. Once you experience the mindset-change, MFP is a better value.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Neither work unless you are personally focused and committed to success and if you are prepared to be patient. When I started this I thought 6 months to goal - 10 months on I have lost 39lbs but still have 16lbs to go. But that is fine because I have learnt patience and because I am doing it slowly I feel much more confident that I will maintain. I did WW years back but it wasn't for me. MFP is 24-7 - if I need support it is there. I like the fact that on here you can be pro-active or passive - it doesn't matter. My sister in law is on here but only uses it for the databases. I have made quite a few friends and I have cousins in Canada who are here - I like the social aspect and the support people give. MFP is very flexible. WW starts well but personally I found it too much in terms of lack of flexibility - I cannot in my job turn round to people and say I can't do something because I have to go to WW! I guess it depends on your own personality, lifestyle etc. But hey - as long as it works right?
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I did Weight Watchers for six months or so. I lost about fifteen pounds and no more. I didn't gain, but I wasn't losing either.

    I've been on MFP for over a year. I've lost 50 lbs in about 8 months and now I'm on maintenance.

    You can see the difference MFP made for me. MFP changed my life. Weight Watchers didn't. The hardest part with Weight Watchers for me was eating dinner out. I just couldn't learn to balance "real life" with Weight Watchers. With MFP, I have. In fact, MFP just kinda is life. It's something I do almost naturally now.

    But WW does work for a lot of people. I have a good friend who swears by it. She lost 40 lbs with it years ago and has been a "WW lifetime member" (i.e., maintained) ever since.

    It just didn't work for me.
  • BitteOrca
    BitteOrca Posts: 74 Member
    I successfully lost 15 lbs with WW about 5 years ago, and gained it all back. I tried again a few times and never made it past a few months.

    I'm loving MFP SO much more than WW. Why?

    1. WW taught me nothing about nutrition. I used the magical formula card/app to calculate points and that was it. No understanding of macros or how the body processes food.

    2. WW products were constantly being pushed on members and I felt in general that the community was very open to chemical-laden diet products. I now understand that artificial sweeteners truly trigger my desire for more sugar-y things.

    3. The forums on WW (which were important to me as I was a digital subscriber) are full of people who a)congratulate themselves way too much for eating poorly "it's ok, try harder tomorrow" and b) basically ate a lot of processed crap--which I guess relates to my point above. I love how my MFP friends are truly inspiring--they work hard, eat right and try to spread accurate, helpful information.

    4. Finding foods (especially obscure, Israeli foods) is SO much easier with MFP!

    I do miss meetings though. Nothing like a public weigh-in to keep motivation going.
  • WendyKing1974
    WendyKing1974 Posts: 80 Member
    I lost 60lbs on WW in a year., then gained it and more back when I got pregnant with my youngest child. I found MFP 2yrs ago and have lost WAY more. I'd rather just look at a package & know what I can eat by the calories than sit there and have to convert it to points.