protein shakes

I struggle to reach my protein targets on a daily basis, I try to eat chicken fish Greek yoghurt cottage cheese eggs and things like that but still am low, I exercise 3x weekly zumba swimming and have now started weights. Should I consider using a protein shake or bar?


  • SarahSiegle
    Personally, I love protein shakes and bars. I buy my whey protein at Costco and I use P90X protein bars or Quest Nutrition Apple Pie flavor protein bars. It seems expensive sometimes, but when you break it down to a per serving cost, they really aren't as expensive as they seem, certainly cheaper than the McGriddles I used to eat every morning! :)

    I also found that the added protein eased some of my muscle soreness when doing P90X and Insanity, so with you lifting weights, it might be a great time to at least try some different brands of protein shakes and bars. My advice is to buy several flavors of one brand before buying in bulk. The flavors and textures vary widely by flavor even within the same brand. Some stores that sell protein powder will let you sample before you buy. Good luck!
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I also had a hard time getting enough protein so I bought whey protein and have a big fat protein shake for breakfast every single day! :) it's great. You can combine it with anything, I love mine with banana and berries :)
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    If you decide to go the route of protein shakes, may I suggest making your own instead of buying a pre-packaged type? When I do make shakes, I typically use fresh fruits, leafy greens (you won’t taste them), homemade almond milk, dates for sweetness etc. I will add an organic powder (like hemp) for the protein if I feel the need to do so.

    By making my own shakes, I can avoid processed junk that is often found in the pre-packaged kind. The preservatives and sugars (real or fake) are often not-so-good for health, nor weight loss. If you do go the route of pre-packaged shakes, pay very close attention to ingredients. I'm sure there's some good ones out there. :smile:

    Just my two cents!

  • PTMama0614
    PTMama0614 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm glad I found this post. I've been considering including a protein shake in my diet because I'm not getting enough protein especially since I work out at least 5 days a week. I want to find one that is low in carbs if at all possible. I don't want to gain weight either. I am currently 4 lbs from my goal weight and need something that's going to be filling and nutritious. I would appreciate any recommendations.
  • Bigal5565
    Bigal5565 Posts: 12
    my personal favorite is "Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Isolate". its a low carb protein shake, 24g protein and only 117 calories per serving. i use this everyday.

    here is a link
  • Cryren8972
    Cryren8972 Posts: 142 Member
    I use Juice Plus Complete. It's a whole foods based protein powder. The chocolate is the best. I mix it with chocolate almond milk and various fruits, coconut, or peanut butter...etc. It's on the bottom of this page:
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Use them if you think you need to? I use soy isolate, more on days I work out , less on non.
  • djames92
    djames92 Posts: 990 Member
    my personal favorite is "Dymatize Elite Whey Protein Isolate". its a low carb protein shake, 24g protein and only 117 calories per serving. i use this everyday.

    here is a link
    i use dymatize as well but i use the elite xt extended release not that i believe in the extended release but i love the flavors :)