mforrestall Member


  • Eat one with lunch almost every day. I find that they help keep me fuller longer which is awesome so I can avoid getting hangry around 4pm!
  • I figure out how to fit it in my calories the next day. For example, last week I wanted cookie dough ice cream Tuesday night. I logged my food for the next day, planned to head to the gym and had enough calories for my treat. I have failed EVERY time I've tried to eliminate things I love. This time Ive decided not to say…
  • Turkey burgers and corn on the cob. I may get crazy and put some avocado on my burger!
  • I make a smoothie for breakfast on work mornings. Protein powder, oats, banana and whatever other fruit sounds appealing that week (sometimes fresh, sometimes frozen). Lunch is usually leftovers of dinner. Dinner is different every day, but is usually some variation of meat, vegetable and carb. Snacks are usually Greek…
  • I like the Yogi brand teas a lot. My current favorites are the vanilla spice (replaced my undying love for French vanilla coffee that I had to give up) and soothing bedtime caramel.
  • I meal prep my lunches and snacks on Sunday for the week ahead. Sometimes I'll do a little bit of prep for dinners if needed (like chopping veges). I'm very lucky that my husband gets home earlier then me and is a great cook. Generally he will check the white board and get dinner started (we plan weeknight dinners together…
  • I'm 28 and losing weight slowly as well. Feel free to add me!
  • Smoothie made with Greek yogurt and/or protein powder
  • I have a magic bullet (I think) and make a smoothie every morning, keeps me full for a couple hours. I usually drink it around 8 and eat lunch around 11:00 which is what works for my current work schedule. The smooth is always a banana, protein powder, dry oats and some kind of frozen fruit (mixed berries, strawberries or…
  • I know exactly where you are coming from. As much as I KNOW exercise will help, it seems literally impossible when I barely have the strength to get out of bed at times. For me I've focused more on the diet side with a goal of exercise 2 times in a week. If I don't want to exercise (for whatever reason) I don't. For me,…
  • This time around I've gotten rid of the idea of foods I "shouldn't" be eating, all food are available to me. If I find myself wanting to eat i take a moment to think about I really want this? Am I thirsty? Is there something else I'd rather eat instead? How many calories do I have left today and what will I have to…
  • I have a smoothie every morning with protein powder. I use a magic bullet so I actually throw everything in here the night before and then add a little water in the morning before blending. It's the on,ly way I've been able to eat a quality breakfast, and like you I like my sleep so getting up earlier wasn't an option for…
  • M+Ms, Reese's cups (the mini ones...perfect chocolate to PB ratio), mashed potatoes.
  • Leftovers or rice and beans with salsa and guacamole. Both can be made and portioned/packaged the night or even days before which is essential for me. I also usually have a vegetable (green beans, cucumber, carrots) and a yogurt to round out the meal.
  • I bought a cute water bottle I was excited about using, bought a soda stream for when I wanted something fizzy and gave up caffeine which eliminated coffee and diet coke (not by choice, was recommended by my neurologist). By eliminating the coffee and soda I naturally replaced it with water or seltzer. I find now if I have…
  • Too much sauce, anything liquidy gets a separate bowl and each bite is indivually dipped, yogurts with fruit on the bottom, homemade mac and cheese (can eat the fake kraft stuff just fine) and soggy bread. I can't even watch someone eat something like a meatball sub (soggy bread AND sauce), and I have to make most of my…
  • My husband and I were supposed to be in Boston tonight, but had to change our plans last minute. We will be having spaghetti with homemade meatballs, strawberry spinach salad and homemade garlic bread. I made gaucamole as an appetizer and chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Tomorrow is steak tips, baked potato and brocolli!
  • I use I like that you can search by type of ingredient. I usually cook a big meal Sunday evening a bring leftovers the rest of the week. If I don't do that my go to lunch is rice, beans, salsa and avocado. I prep the rice and beans on Sunday and portion it out so it's pretty grab and go each morning.
  • Yes, just dry oats! Sorry, that's confusing :\
  • My daily smoothie is a banana, frozen fruit (either peaches or mixed berries), chia seeds or dry oatmeal and a scoop of protein powder. Comes out somewhere around 350cals depending on the weight of the banana and how much oatmeal or chia I want that day
  • I've been trying to bank some extra calories this week (Sunday-Wednesday). I eat Christmas Eve dinner with my inlaws, Christmas dinner with my family and then a brunch-y meal with my siblings and extended family. There are healthier and unhealthier options at each meal. I plan to eat what I want, try to maintain moderation…
  • I add protein powder and oats to my smoothie each morning. The powder is only because I have trouble hitting my protein goal. I do find the oats keep me fuller longer. A few times I've left them out to save the calories for later in the day and always seem to get hungry a lot faster despite the protein powder.
  • I see a naturopath who firmly believes that if you're "sensitive" to gluten that it can trigger migraines. I checked with my neurologist who said the empirical research and data is limited, but that there is a wide body of anecdotal support. She supported me trying as sort of a "kitchen sink" approach to dealing with the…
  • I try not to as a recommendation from my neurologist to reduce migraines. I'm not 100% there yet, but trying!
  • thanks for this! I've been drinking my banana-peach-oatmeal smoothie for a few weeks and have been wanting to switch it up. I might just try this next week.
  • Thanks everyone!! I bought the protein powder when doing an elimination diet with my doctor which is why it's brown rice. I'm almost to the end of it and will certainly look at a different kind when I buy. Yogurt sometimes gives me an upset stomach so I've been hesitant about it, but can certainly incorporate it a few days…
  • My lunch this week has been brown rice with black beans and some spices (like chili powder). I heat the rice and beans and then scoop half an avocado on top. I havent added anything else but it probably would be delicious with additional veges, salsa, plain yogurt etc
  • I'm on this journey as well! I joined MFP a few years ago when my coworkers did a "biggest loser" challenge and lost a fair amount of weight, but like GeauxWill the changes were not sustainable and as soon as the challenge was over I went back to my old habits. I got married in mid-October and was at my heaviest weight…
  • I'm rejoining as well! I got married in mid-Oct and was the heaviest I've ever been. It was a pretty big wake up call that even my wedding wasn't motivation for me to lose weight and get healthy. I'm trying to alter my mindset and goals this time to be more successful. I'm committing to logging every day and making it to…
  • Thanks! I do have some other workouts that I enjoy and actually have missed, plus a big goofy dog that is missing our morning runs. I just thought I was "supposed" to do the video everyday. Guess I'll go back to switching it up based on what I'm in the mood for that day and add 30DS into the mix. Thanks