How do you get your water in



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    I keep water around all the time and take sips as I feel like it. Other only time I drink quite a bit at once is in the morning.

    Unless you have some medical or psychological condition that affects your thirst sensation, you can trust your thirst to guide you, water-wise.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    I only recently started drinking water. For years all i would drink was Coffee with heaps of sugar, Iced Tea made the same way, Soda, and energy drinks.

    Now that i am drinking water, i fill a glass up with each meal and then i try to remember to drink a glass between every meal too. I now drink diet soda and i count that towards my water goal. I aim to drink half my body weight in ounces.
  • uconnwinsnc1
    uconnwinsnc1 Posts: 902 Member
    chrisdavey wrote: »
    currently water loading so 8-10L target. I have 2 1.5L water bottles and a 1L one. I drink them once then I refill and then I drink again. (plus coffees)

    How are you not peeing every 20 minutes?

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Im supposed to be drinking alot of water. But I just cant seem to get myself to drink lately. I dont drink sodas or juices or anything just water and sometimes i add some fruit to it for the taste. But its pretty dull and boreing. Sometimes I go a whole day without drinking anything.

    I love this stuff, you DO NOT need to drink any amount of glasses of water a day, that is a huge myth, drink when you are thirsty, period, you get water from food and your body is not going to let you get dehydrated, it will signal you to drink, so forget about how to drink a ton of water for no reason.
    actually- if you wait till you are thirsty- you are already in the beginning stages of dehydration.
    That's dehydration : step 1.

    That's like saying if you wait until you're hungry, you are already in the beginning stages of starvation.
  • Hionlife50
    Hionlife50 Posts: 2 Member
    I never drink soda or juice. I drink only water. If I feel like I want a flavored drink, I add the zero dasani water enhancers or the zero crystal light water enhansers. They have some yummy flavors!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have a water routine. When I get up I have a glass of water, one glass before and one glass after shower. Then another one before and after each meal. Thats already 9 glasses of water and I drink way more than that. I just know that if I do this I am drinking enough automatically.

    Pretty much the same as above. Make it a serious habit. After awhile you don't even think about it.

    OP, I get it because I am not one to feel thirsty very often tbh. Before I started MFP or trying to drink more water, I would typically have 1 cup of coffee in the morning and then 2 cans of diet water, and nothing else to drink. I'm surprised I wasn't crazy-dehydrated but honestly I felt fine. However, now that I drink at least 10 cups of water per day (and have lost over 130 lb in the past several years) I notice on days that I only drink say 4 cups, my weight either goes up or I just feel like I am a little bit bloated and more likely to retain water.

    I understand some people say they do not like the taste of water, but I've found for me the big thing is having it at the right temperature. I like my water fridge cold, but not ice cold with ice in it. Makes a huge difference.

  • ninadrunner
    ninadrunner Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2014
    Well..this is probably just me but I'm a snacker. Like constantly. When I sit down and study or play video games... I constantly want something in my mouth. So I changed the snacks to a bottle of water.

    I put the bottle next to me when studying and am so preoccupied with it that I don't notice I'm sipping water constantly in between. Before I know it I've drunk 2 litres. Lol

    Hey, I just wanted to say that I also do this to. Especially when I am playing video games, I notice the most as I am a muncher. I now just take big swigs of water, and I am really satisfied. I actually have an opened water bottle beside me. If possible, I always have a bottle of water around with me.

    I think the tea is a good idea, and I also do this. I add some lemon wedges in there as well.
  • jannikej1
    I signed up for an app on my phone that buzzes every hour to remind me to drink water. I am trying to drink 96 oz or more a day, all before 7 pm or i'll be up all night peeing. I drink 7-8 ounces on the hour, starting at 6 AM, when I get up. That seems to regulate my output, too, which works best since I am a teacher, and sometimes have limited access to the restroom during the day. I occasionally put lemon slices, cucumber, or other frozen fruit in the bottle, but the water tastes so good on its own, that I usually don't. I love the effects of drinking water: clearer skin, sleeping better, happier outlook, not as many headaches, etc, that it is just worth it to me to make sure I drink to my goal each day.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I buy 6 packs of water and drink them while at work and at home. I finish one a day.
  • Wondertje
    Wondertje Posts: 63 Member
    edited December 2014
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    JoRocka wrote: »
    Im supposed to be drinking alot of water. But I just cant seem to get myself to drink lately. I dont drink sodas or juices or anything just water and sometimes i add some fruit to it for the taste. But its pretty dull and boreing. Sometimes I go a whole day without drinking anything.

    I love this stuff, you DO NOT need to drink any amount of glasses of water a day, that is a huge myth, drink when you are thirsty, period, you get water from food and your body is not going to let you get dehydrated, it will signal you to drink, so forget about how to drink a ton of water for no reason.
    actually- if you wait till you are thirsty- you are already in the beginning stages of dehydration.
    That's dehydration : step 1.

    That's like saying if you wait until you're hungry, you are already in the beginning stages of starvation.

    That's why you need to keep a snack with you at all times, to fend off that nasty starvation that creeps up on you! ;)

    Anywho. It's probably (again) a cultural difference, since this is largely a US forum, but in Sweden there are several studies that have shown that this water-hype-trend have led to an increase in cases of water poisioning, i.e. negative effects from drinking too much water. It really isn't that difficult to do it right:

    Drink when you are thirsty. Some people require more or less water depending on a number of things including weather effects, the food you eat, your activity level and so on. The whole "use this formula to calculate your water" is a myth and is so often way off the amount you really need in both directions that it doesn't even make sense to push it.

    Your body has an amazing way to tell you that it needs water, just like when it needs food. You get thirsty and hungry - and that's when you do something about it.

    Sure, you might want to keep an eye out for other signs, like colour of urine or headaches because just like some people need to snack not to go into food-dips, some people probably need to drink a bit a head of time to avoid headaches, but that wouldn't be the majority of the people.

    But really, the major idea isn't that radical is it?

    *Eat when your body tells you it needs fuel, when you're hungry.
    *Drink when your body tells you it needs water, when you're thirsty.
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I drink 96oz a day which is more than the recommended amount for my body weight. It's easy to consume that in a day as I always keep a 16oz bottle of water with me and a 32oz refillable water bottle with me while I'm at work. If I counted the coffee that I drink I consume more than 96oz a day easily.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    I challenged people in my office to drink minimum 8 glasses/cups a day. I told them I would guarantee they would feel noticeably better within 4 days. I won't say what the bet was but if I lost I lost big. Now everyone drinks at least 8 glasses a day. Water is life.

    I don't count juice or coffee, just water. Take the 4 day challenge. JUST DO IT
  • Syd3Strong
    Syd3Strong Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same problem and am currently drinking smoothies file with ice!!! It's a delicious and filling way to get water in!
  • goddessofawesome
    goddessofawesome Posts: 563 Member
    You can go an entire DAY without drinking ANYTHING?! How is that possible?

    I drink coffee in the morning -- only about two cups -- but during the day I either drink 1 to 2 liters of seltzer water or I fill up a seltzer bottle with regular water and drink 1-2 of those.

    It's not that hard. I just keep it next to me at all times.
  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    I agree with the water bottle idea. Drinking out of a cup feels different. I've tried a Camelbak one, where you bite the straw and suck up the water, and I've tried one meant for while you're out running, so you just squeeze the bottle. I've really enjoyed both. I'm odd in that I like certain things by how they feel on my mouth, and I like the feeling of the straw mouthpiece, or the stream of water into my mouth. Other things people have already said: I'm now at the point where I get thirsty if I go too long without a drink, but I also have a hard time with weekends.
  • codename_steve
    codename_steve Posts: 255 Member
    rbfdac wrote: »
    It's an awful lot of water to drink, so I set little daily "mini goals" for myself.

    I do this too! I run on my lunch break and if I'm even slightly dehydrated I get terrible migraines. So I always make sure I've had 'so many' bottles of water before my run, and one as soon as I get done.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    It's all I drink.
  • mforrestall
    mforrestall Posts: 37 Member
    I bought a cute water bottle I was excited about using, bought a soda stream for when I wanted something fizzy and gave up caffeine which eliminated coffee and diet coke (not by choice, was recommended by my neurologist). By eliminating the coffee and soda I naturally replaced it with water or seltzer. I find now if I have t drank enough I get thirsty which never used to happen.
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    About 4 years ago I did Supreme 90, it came with the "clean eating" plan and the first thing it said was sit a container to hold 4 cups of water at your beside to drink as soon as you get up. I chug them down every morning before I have coffee/preworkout. Seems to work fine for me. I don't like being I drink it. I drink about 1.5 gallons of water a day now. It's taken me a long time to create the habit, but I'm glad I did it. I walk to run my errands on top my workout so you may even benefit from just a gallon. Sure you'll pee ALL the time, but wouldn't you rather be hydrated?