1 month into this...



  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    WTG on your 10 pounds! You just have to take each day as it comes and commit to yourself that you're going to stick with it. Good luck!
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Try yoga breathing -- helps with relaxation and body awareness.

  • mforrestall
    mforrestall Posts: 37 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from. As much as I KNOW exercise will help, it seems literally impossible when I barely have the strength to get out of bed at times. For me I've focused more on the diet side with a goal of exercise 2 times in a week. If I don't want to exercise (for whatever reason) I don't. For me, forcing myself to do something because I "should" just makes me shut down. I have found incredible relief from my chronic headaches and migraines by eating healthier and a medicine that actually works when I have a migraine. What works for me is to spend a day, usually Sunday, prepping some kind of food for lunches during the week and then storing it in individual containers, this eliminates the "what to eat" debate and it's so simple because it's portioned and ready to do. I usually have a smoothie for breakfast which is also fast and easy. Some people can't do it, but by eating mainly the same thing for a week, it helps me create a routine and manage my anxiety. Good luck, you are not alone with your challenges.
  • betstoo
    betstoo Posts: 8 Member
    I have suffered from depression and anxiety for 30 years! I have done the medication route. I am currently med free and have been for four months. I was on effexor for abt five years. It was difficult getting off for me and I am not saying it's for you but exercising helps me. As well as taking folic acid, b12 and Gaba and staying away from sugar. Maybe just adding those vitamins will help.
  • meganokamoto
    meganokamoto Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats on your ten pounds lost!!!

    I definitely have PCOS and anxiety, and am currently in the process of getting diagnosed with fibromyalgia as the cause of my migraines.

    From what I've read since my diagnosis in 2004, PCOS can cause anxiety and depression. Maybe in taking care of the PCOS, you will alleviate some of the anxiety! All these hormones being off balance are super irritating. I'm currently on birth control for my cycles and planning to start reducing carbs this week (which according to some studies can be helpful for women with PCOS). I've also used the Glycemic Index when I was first diagnosed and that helped me a lot too.

    Someone mentioned meal planning - I've found that to be helpful when I stick to it! I also found that logging my meals for the day keeps me from over eating. If I know how much I'm having for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I can plan my snacks accordingly. I have long days so snacking is a must!

    There are some great PCOS groups on mfp that are super active and really informative. I don't have information on anything else, though. I'm sure there are groups out there if you look! Feel free to add me if you'd like :)

    Thank you for telling me about the PCOS groups! I will definitely be looking into those. I'm also on birth control to regulate my cycles. I just recently started going to a new doctor who is in the process of rediagnosing me with PCOS since I was diagnosed 10+ years ago and she just wants to reconfirm, I guess. I'm awaiting my appointment to find out the results of the ultrasound I recently got.
  • meganokamoto
    meganokamoto Posts: 13 Member
    drabbits3 wrote: »
    10 pounds in a month is TERRIFIC! That is a great start! I suffer from anxiety and that alone is a lot to manage, forget all the other stuff you are also dealing with. I agree with everyone that said get on meds. Why suffer if you don't have to?!?! And it is hard to care about pretty much anything when the anxiety is in overdrive. I have found that exercise is key to keeping my worrying to a manageable level. I lost 20 pounds since June 30 and have gained back 5 since November 30 from the combo of holiday eating and not exercising AND I notice a HUGE difference in my anxiety. Not only the extra crap food but the lack of movement. The hardest thing for me was finding exercise that I like enough to keep doing. Turns out I like repetitive, kind of meditative stuff--elliptical, treadmill, walking outside (we live by Lake Michigan, so I can walk the lake trail), and my favorite--swimming. Program your device with Pandora or podcasts or something and let that be your zone out time. The thing I like best about swimming--no one can talk to me. I count laps and it's very meditative--helps with the racing, spinning anxiety brain. Ditto walking outside--even when it's cold, I bundle up and even if I only do 30 minutes-it's better than nothing. I listen to classical music and gregorian chants--again, very calming.
    Good luck! Friend me if you want--you can totally do this!

    Thank you for the encouragement. I'm definitely going to be looking into the local trails... I live in Washington state and there are plenty of beautiful places to walk. My boyfriend is very supportive and walks with me a lot of the time... I just get tired of the same road, I guess. So I'll have to start looking for ways to mix it up! I also love the repetitive exercises - stationary bike, walking, etc... I would LOVE to have access to a treadmill and elliptical but I don't have the money for a gym membership or to buy the equipment myself, lol.
  • meganokamoto
    meganokamoto Posts: 13 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Think you are overcomplicating it.
    • Prelog your food and eat according to the plan. This should ensure consistent deficits= weight loss.
    • Do 30 mins exercise every other day going to every day starting with walking or swimming.
    • Do research on understanding how people lose weight i.e consistent sustainable deficits. Have realistic expectations and make more ood choices than bad ones.
    • Dont beat yourself up. Dont demonise food.

    If you keep it simple, just focus on one day at a time and keep recording deficits then you will lose weight. Dont worry about the rest. Once you start to make progress you will get a sense of achievement which should help make you less anxious and should also reduce some of the migraines if you are also having a healthy balanced diet as well as getting soem exercise.

    Focus on doing the above as consistently as you can.

    Thank you for your input! I started off doing lots of research about losing weight, healthy and cheap recipes, and many other things - I think maybe I'll start doing that again because I think learning new things keeps it interesting - keeps me from feeling stagnant.
  • meganokamoto
    meganokamoto Posts: 13 Member
    RodaRose wrote: »
    Try yoga breathing -- helps with relaxation and body awareness.


    I honestly didn't even think of yoga breathing! I'll definitely give it a try. Thank you!
  • jlp419
    jlp419 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi there. I can relate to you. For three years I battled, and still am battling severe anxiety and depression. As a result, I have gained 60 lbs. My current weight is 225.

    To deal with anxiety and depression, my advice is to seek medical help until your body calms. It doesn't have to be permanent. Feeling better mentally is the first step. I think you are tackling too much at one time. Just be sure the side effects are not weight gain on any medications you try. You can have your life back. I am on Cymbalta and feel so much better.

    As far as losing weight, try Intermittent Fasting by Dr. Sara Solomon. Sign up on her website and she will send workouts via email every day. I am on day three.

    I know the feeling of hopelessness, and trust me it will get better. I am here if you need to talk. Lots of ♡ your way!

  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    I agree that a 10 lb loss is huge. Congratulations!

    Focus on one thing at a time. Your weight isn't always your top priority BUT you should be thinking about small, sustainable changes. Tracking/logging your intake consistently is far more important than whether you're over/under your calories on any given day. Just the process of tracking everything and being more aware of what you're eating and why will help you out.

    One thing that helps me is remembering that being overweight contributes to depression, and depression contributes to being overweight. It's a nasty cycle, but the weight loss (and related behaviors) help to break the cycle.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Also - I think you're being rather hard on yourself. Your next goal should probably be "286" or even "290". Celebrate small successes. You're on the right track. It won't happen overnight, though.
  • Jaywalker_7
    Jaywalker_7 Posts: 68 Member
    Exercise has helped me tremendously! I had to literally drag myself to do it but my many mental disorders have been a million times better since incorporating exercise. Even just a 20 min walk can help. I suffer almost an identical list of mental disorders you mentioned along with OCD, I understand the turmoil of just waking up some days. But I have a little girl that needs me to keep it together and I really don't want to be on meds, I am NOT against them and support others using them 100%. I've just tried multiple combos over the years and found that losing some weight so far and moving my body has really helped me stay somewhat sane :-) Good luck, your loss so far is awesome! Add me if you'd like a friend in a similar boat.
  • Jaywalker_7
    Jaywalker_7 Posts: 68 Member
    Oh and we have similar stats/goals :-) I started at 325 and I'm currently 255, first major goal is 200.