

  • Have you gone to the website and registered the armband yet?
  • My trainer has said that is pretty typical. cardio helps with the soreness because it helps get the lactic acid out of the muscles.
  • And it is plain old oil with a little propellant included. I am going to guess she didn't mean that she is spraying out enough cooking spray to replace a 1/3 cup of oil and just means that she sprays her food with it sometimes, or something like that. Otherwise, I don't think I have ever wanted to save calories enough to…
  • everything i have heard indicates that you can still drink all the soda you want, but it shouldn't be counted as water. I have also heard that it really slows down the weightloss for some reason. I haven't experienced this since I gave up soda before I decided to try to lose weight.
  • you replace oil in a recipe with cooking spray? how does that work?
  • Also, have you tried taking any other measurements beyond what the scale is showing you? I am on the mother of all plateaus as far as my weight goes, but last month I lost nearly 10 inches. It isn't just the number on the scale you are trying to move.
  • yeah i started with smaller weights than i probably should have but i did an arms workout that i am still feeling a couple days ago. I didn't want to hurt myself. I think i need to go up to the next set of weights tomorrow to try to see how the middle set feels. Good job!
  • Just finished day one. Some of the moves were a bit too much for me and I hate that but it will get better. :-) I did find I burn more calories at the gym, but I do workout longer at the gym too. This will be great for the days I am not scheduled with the trainer. Rock on everybody!
  • It's something like $9 on Amazon. I paid to have mine delivered supah fast... i figured i was willing to spend more on it anyway, so might as well pay the extra for the shipping. ;-)
  • oh besides that? :-) I am having a hard time with this lately. There are so many things that I just can't have just one when they are in my house. I don't want to have to banish all good treats from my house forever so I am working on staying within a serving size of pretty much everything. i have given up so many things…
  • okay i have been reading this thread thinking, both... be mad then get over it. That parting shot, though, would make me hang on to it a LOT longer and show him what being a REAL B*** means...lol That being said... I would make a total me day of it, or even a g/f day of it. Sushi... movies... pedis... etc. And he call call…
  • I got mine last night but by the time I was able to get around to checking it out, it was after midnight and i had no interest in doing it. However, I did want to make sure it worked okay due to some issues i have been having with my bluray player (needed to make sure it was a disk problem not a machine problem... This is…
  • lol that's funny because I was thinking it was interesting that people were saying how they would have to get ready and drive to the gym etc if they worked out at the gym. We all have our own stuff that makes what we do work for us huh?
  • Yeah they think they are helping. It is hard to take it as help though. My mother, who is the one most likely to do this kind of thing, knows better...lol. My fuse can be quite short with hooey like this and she knows it. ;-) That being said, sometimes a good answer is just "Okay." The point, as you know, isn't that you…
  • My trainer actually told me that all treadmills are at a downhill slant and you have to put them at about 1.5 to be at regular street walking. I always start at about 3.0 mph and then work up. If i start too fast i feel like i am going to fall down...lol
  • I would much rather hang out on my couch than do most of the exercise I can do at home. That being said, I lost over 60 pounds mostly at home. We have tunnels underneath our building at work that I have spent a lot of time walking in, as well as a bike at home and really good walking trails in my neighborhood. However, I…
  • Happy to stumble across this thread. I bought some zumba classes through a groupon and wanted to get some dvds before the class so i wouldn't feel sooo silly when i got there. I am NOT a dancer by any stretch of the imagination. I have been hesitant to put out the money for the set with the better reviews on amazon, and…
  • well any time something is processed you start losing nutritional value. the more processed the more that is lost. That being said... if you like the other better and it gets you eating that instead of, for example, an egg mcmuffin... then do it. one thing i do find, for myself though, is that if i make myself eat…
  • I actually gained a pound over the last month of going to the gym and seeing the trainer twice a week. But I lost almost 10 inches. Don't forget to keep track of that too. and do you FEEL better? This is what I told the trainer when we saw that i had gained a pound (not to mention that i weighed with him after eating all…
  • My dvd should actually arrive today so count me in!
  • When i was with former diet dude, he tried everything he could to get me to agree to put my goal weight at around 160. I felt the same as you... I have no interest in being "thin." Just healthier. So 190-180 is my goal. This is YOUR journey. You have to do what feels right for you and your health. No matter what anybody…
  • I was going to say, essentially, the same thing. There is very little that is healthy that comes out of this place.
  • you are likely to see a weight or inches change if you change it up too. Same goes for changing up the food, though that is much harder for me since i cook what is easy, living by myself. :-)
  • I assume this is the body bugg you are talking about? If it is, from everything I understand you have to wear it on the arm they say to. I don't know why, but that is what I have gathered. And so I do. I don't wear mine all the time. I hate their online interface so i just use mine to track calories burned when exercising…
  • Ya know, they told me nobody locks their lockers (they are out in the open) and nothing goes missing because they would just check the video cameras if something happened. I would like to think that they would do the same if someone heisted a treadmill. :wink:
  • My Anytime Fitness seems to let guests come work out at .... anytime *ahem.* I have never investigated the real deal with it but they have a sign up saying that you have to give 24 hours notice that you are bringing a guest and they have to sign in. People tend to do things like this without even thinking about it. I try…
  • I keep either honey nut cheerios or chocolate cheerios at my desk, as well as a bunch of bananas (not the same bananas... that would be weird.) I also have a good supply of oatmeal that I keep at my desk. I switch back and forth between the two. If I am at home, it is either cheerios or bagel thins. rarely eggs and bacon…
  • I have coworkers who wear them and say that they can feel a difference when they are walking. Whether they have actually helped tone anything is unknown.
  • I would suppose it would, in theory. As long as sodium makes you retain water, but you would also have to cut back on water i would think. When I was with former diet dude he always told us that the night before weigh-in the following things were no-nos. Apparently they stick with you and cause your weight to go high the…