

  • Great job! You went from cute to total stud ;)
  • Nice to see i'm not the only one with the same humor :)
  • Not since I became vegetarian. Lol, okay, okay...I know that's mean. Sorry!
  • It totally depends on the person. I think its cool to see pics month by month and its always good to wear somewhat the same clothes and be close to the same posture :) You'll be happy to have those pics once your goals are complete!
  • Self motivation is the biggest step in self success. Figure out what it is that motivates you most and go for it. You can even set a day where you will commit yourself for no less than a month on a "diet" of whichever you choose. Everyday tell yourself that it is only a month. After that month you can continue on doing the…
  • First I will state that yes, you should eat 1200 min. But...anyway....try drinking more water, gum, coffee, even tea when you feel you MIGHT purge. Just try it and tell yourself that you dont even need all that junk and its just going to give you a lot of mess to clean up. If you feel you really do have to purge a bit do…
  • Encourage him to start with small steps. Maybe while eating fast food he should get diet soda or water. Then he can slowly get smaller size meals or start going to places that offer healthier choices. Pretty much, if you can encourage him to make ever ONE small change...it might motivate him to make even more good changes!!
  • WooHoo!! Good Job!!
  • I've been using my bodybugg for two weeks now. It is a lot more accurate than my wrist HRM in my opinion. I would rather guess low than high anyway on the calories burned.
  • I still have my moments but i'm such a different, more confident person that what I once was. Because I LOST my inner fat chick, i'm able to start losing my outer fat chick. lol. Seriously, I never lost so much weigh and so easily as when I started to feel better about myself. I've never thought of myself as cute,…
  • Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • Thank you all. And I drink enough water...my baseline for water intake is one gallon per day but sometimes I get more in depending on activity. I love my fiber and choose whole grains whenever possible. I count every single calorie I put into my body. Even those 2 calorie or so tic tacs I have on accasion, lol!! I'm hoping…
  • Celo24, thanks! And the aiming for 1600 will be something I try hard everyday to acheive. What I meant was if I aim for 1600...even on a very busy hectic day there should be no reason i'm ever under 1200 if my goal is 1600 :happy:
  • I never asked for help. I don't need help. I know what my problem is and I was explaining my problem with what I had written. Only at the end did I ask if anyone was going through the same thing. Kinda for a support team thing from another person with the same problem who knows exactly what i'm going through. My diary is…
  • I used to keep my weight very much so on the down low with my husband. But I've come to a point where now I do not care because I know I will NOT be that weight forever. Letting him know my weight makes him a part of my journey and makes it easier for him to support me. Mind you...my husband is in the army and very fit. I…
  • I think that is great!! I too am christian but plan to give up something for Lent as well! Just not sure yet! I've already given up soda. I think...I think it will be nicotine :smokin: I've tried so many times, especially here lately...but I think this will be it. I did quit the entire time I was pregnant with my son...but…
  • Thank you mish26 :happy:
  • How does couch to 5K work? What do the days/weeks look like. I have always wanted to start running but but I can not just jump into it. I've never heard of couch to 5K...sounds like something that would help me though with my goals!!
  • Today for the first time I tried "Full Bites-Savory BBQ" from the BeFull line of products and must say they tasted GREAT almost like pork rinds but at the same time like a chip (hope you're not vegetarin since I put that, lol). They are 150 calories for a very satisfieing bag!! Also full of fiber and protein. Also Kashi…
  • Awesome for you!! That is GREAT :happy:
  • Are you making you sure you get atleast 1200 calories a day? A lot of weeks I will NOT lose unless i've drinken atleast 1gallon of water each day. I'm not sure how much water you drink so it may seem like a lot but you totally get used to that much. Water really, really is key for weight loss!! How is your sodium intake?…
  • Ooh...I will join this! This is the only place I will "share" my weight (MFP). My current weight is 225.6
  • My B....ummm...... I would have to say my upper arms. I think they are huge in a very bad way. Then I would have to say my kangroo pouch/apron (lower stomach). Then my double chin (which I can finally see getting smaller). :happy: :laugh: :tongue:
  • BUMP. Is it wrong that i've never heard of Kale?
  • Is the place actually called "The Diner"?
  • I'm only 22 but i've done my fair share of SOOO many different diets and ways of eating. I don't judge those who do that, if it works for them...but what I have learned is that there is NO quick weight loss system (except starvation, and hcg if u stick to it). I now kinda laugh at all the different diet and diet secrets…
  • Sorry...they didn't have my town, nor the next town over on the option.
  • OOH!! I have a problem with oatmeal, lol. Maybe I will try adding in some Nutella tomorrow and see how that tastes!!