I did Keto up until Christmas. It was awesome! My wife hated it though so it works for some people and others can't stand it.
Heyo! I'm back in the gym as of a few weeks ago (lost 80 pounds, took 2 years off!) I'm down 15 pounds so far and have a long way to go! I do have a super awesome amazing girlfriend but I totally need more friends and support on here! Add me up!
Rock on dude! That's fantastic!
Skullcrushers! Skullcrusher kick my tricep's *kitten*...
Thanks for hooking me on to ZWOW! I was bummed she left bodyrock too. Girls like Susana Spears aka Zuzana or ZWOW inspire me to be a a sexy dude! Can't ask for something while trying to give something completely different. Know what I mean?
You look great! I can't wait to see that kind of difference in my own skin. I made your page one of my pages favorites!
I love workout supplements. Though as I lose more weight and spend more time in the gym, I could see myself becoming more hardcore in the fit and cut and bodybuildingish direction. I use Monster Milk after my workouts for the protein, creatine, amino acids, and all the other fun stuff in there. Also, let's be honest...…
Vasagel! I can't wait to get it approved in the USofA. Seriously, going to be a game changer.
I approve this message! Seriously though, the article is super interesting and from a nutritional standpoint, it makes total sense. Though on this round of getting back into the gym, I was super frustrated with not having seen any weight loss in a week, then I remembered I hadn't been tracking beer calories (I bartend at a…
Totally agree. I don't usually tell them I am interviewing them but I do ask a lot of questions and at times take over the interview. Work is so much of our life, I want to make sure I am going to be happy and therefore productive. We should put all this into a book and start hosting seminars....
WOWZERS! You are a total inspiration!!!
I've met tons of cool girls from responding to messages of girls I wasn't interested in dating. I've found that a lot of people on dating sites are there for some of the same reasons I am, we're all kind of just lonely. We might go out for a date or two but if things aren't working I always keep things light and friendly…
I drink a super tasty strawberry, chocolate or vanilla deliciousness of protein every day with skim milk. Really good!
I stopped trying to impress in interviews long ago, now I just get to know the people and tell them WHO I am, not always WHAT I am, if that makes sense. The past two years I've had a great position as an administrator in a school district and I still applied for jobs and went through the interview process, just for the…
woot hotty! Nicely done chica!
yup! I am a barefoot runner and I still only do like one day a week with my VFF's. I love them though. I also bought toe socks to wear with them to keep my feet warm and to keep the VFF"s from getting too smelly. There is loads of information out there about barefoot running. Check out and their…
yeah I get like that when I'm dehydrated. It can totally bring you to your knees.
I know right? HAWT! lol I need a big print of this picture to strive for. This needs to go in that "celeb body you want to look like" thread!
- :P
So someone mentioned Grandmas Boy and it's definitely up there in my list but well... my two favorite movies that I absolutely love are Surfer, Dude Sahara My ex always made fun of my man crush on Matthew McConaughey and I don't enjoy any of his chick flick movies but these two I can pretty much watch on repeat.
guys lie. I plead the 5th to say anymore than that, guy code and all that.
I don't know how to tell you this mate but your face is missing. Lose all the weight you like but I imagine a missing face is a deal breaker for most ladies....
Labs are great dogs Border Collies are some of the most energetic dogs I've ever known BUT My last dog that I sadly left with my exgirlfriend (so the dog could protect her) was a Bluetick Coonhound. I am a total convert now, I will never own a dog thats not a coonhound, they are the most loving, energetic, expressive dogs…
I've had both. The iphone 3GS and now the HTC Nexus One. While I liked the AT&T network better than T-Mobile one I'm on now, I love my droid based phone tons more than the iphone. I had jailbroken my iphone and it was loads better that way than the way it comes standard, I was able to do some of the things I can do with my…
yeah I've had a few dates here and there on online dating sites and a few one nights from good ole CL but nothing ever substantial and it just feels like a ton of work lately. I don't want to meet people to mess around with anymore, I want to meet someone to share life with, ya know?
Aww yeah... No interest here for Oprah. A bit old. Anyway yeah, I am maybe tripping on painkillers a bit right now after pulling something in my back pretty major earlier but reading this thread just I realized how shallow it all sounds. And yeah I guess for that initial reaction, us guys (and the honest girls :p) are…
I'm glad I'm not the only one! I totally understand what you're saying about the intimidation thing as well, especially now that I am starting to realize how much time, dedication and focus is spent on looking that good. It takes serious self discipline and that totally intimidates me at times. I'm terrified of the girls…
Hi, I'm Jake and I'm a fatty. I'm not ashamed of it but I have certainly never told a girl that they were a fatty, don't be a hater. Be sweet, bsweettt!
I'm with you bro. I want to be fit for myself but I would be lying if I said having a sexy companion wasn't a serious motivating factor. I realized not too long before I started this journey that I have been crazy hypocritical about want I want in a mate and it's long past time to change that.
ooooh maybe that's what I'm feeling! Hmmm probably not though since I'm in Phoenix. :p