casmithis Member


  • Just got mine for Christmas and right now using it as a nice plastic bracelet. Still searching for good youtube videos to show me how to operate it. Any input would be appreciated. Keep in mind I'm over 50 so need very explicit instructions. I got it to sync to my ipad but can't get it to sync to my Samsung phone.
  • Wait, wait, wait, through all of this you didn't have a single glass of wine? You go girl!!
  • I've never made it. Only ordered it at restaurant. Is it easy? Is the recipe online?
  • I've had a bad week in that I've had something on every night after work so skipping dinners (not intentionally) so I've lost a couple of pounds (not sure since I used the scale at work and I don't trust it). BUT I'm going into a weekend of our local fall fair. I'm very involved and pretty much live there for the weekend.…
  • My name is Cindy. I'm 5'3". Ok ok I'm 5"2". I'm at 126 pounds right now but really trying hard to get to my maintenance weight of 115. Can not do it. No matter how hard I try. That last darn 10 pounds. So it's my goal to lose the 10 pounds going into Christmas since I know I'll put it all on over Christmas (maybe!!).
  • You had me at ice cream, lost me at chocolate!!
  • I've been beating myself up since my scales says zilch, notta, nothing, no change lately. I just got back from a funeral and a girl I hadn't seen in a while said "I didn't recongnize you, you look different, like smaller, a lot smaller". I told her I had on flats and she said "no, you've always been short (thanks!), you've…
  • Thank you for my morning giggle. I needed it today. Miss Attitude Panties is driving me crazy at work today. Maybe I could send Mr. Brother Death her way. Ooops, did I just put that in print???
  • Sorry, gotta weigh in (haha). I was wining once and someone said to me "this isn't hard, losing a loved one is hard, natural child birth is hard, this isn't hard!!". That stuck in my mind since I know the difficulty of natural child birth (3 X's) and losing a loved one (too many X's) and I just keep thinking of that when…
  • Today I have it mixed in with a bunch of beans (kidney, green and chick peas) some olive oil, vinegar and cilantro. Can't wait for lunch!!
  • my husband and son eat ice cream EVERY night to try to gain weight!!! Now that sucks!!! There's days I want to kill them both.
  • I just started back to 6 am boot camp and my instructor said to go to bed at 8 for the first little while. I actually went to bed the first night with my gym clothes on so all I had to do was get up and go!!! No judging!!! It worked!!
  • Me too!!! Come on December 1st. I've actually considered the evening of November 30th!! Is that bad??!!
  • I'm still holding out. I almost caved when my husband asked how much I've lost so far. But I told him what I was doing so now I'm accountable to him as well. I think I need to tell him to hide the scale just to be safe. Twitching as well. Almost half way there. We got this!!!
  • Thanks for the laugh everyone. If only that burned more calories. I get the "kicking the husband in the throat" part. My husband tries to put on weight. why can't we just ransfer wieght like an organ. Geesh, why do I have to come up with all the answers!!????
  • Yup, bought the book and a recipe book. Basically no fast food, no packaged food and never add salt to meals. We;ve taken salt out of our home (except for on the walkways when there's ice). My blood pressure has come down substantially and I feel a whole lot better. Good luck to your dad.
  • I have always thought there is a STRONG relationship between doctors and pharmaceutical companies. Not putting either one down I just think some of them are sleeping together. Sorry for the general statement as I'm sure there are lots out there that are in for our best interest. But I also think there's some politics in…
  • Yup, I do. If ill a big mason jar every morning with lemons and hot water and that's my morning drink on my way to work. I keep the mason jar on my desnd refill it about 3 times throughout the day. Someitmes warm water, sometimes hot. I don't know if it's healthy or not (I'm not a doctor) but I like it and it helps me…
  • I have sutomach issues so I try to eat clean. I don't process, processed food. But when I went clean I dropped 16 pounds in 2 months. And I also feel, sleep, work better now that I'm eating less junk. Just me!!!
  • Not for me. Too much of a control freak. I can't be certain I will still like it in 10 years, or 10 days or even 10 minutes. Just too permanent for me.
  • Please can I join??
  • My son did the exact same thing. I dreaded at first, then like you went with a plan. Salad, lots. Peel and eat shrimp (took lots of time), then some sushi mthen fresh fruit for dessert. I left there full and feel I didn't deprive myself.
  • Sounds like a perfect day to me. You are blessed with lots of family that love you and wanted to show it. Savore it and drink lots of lemon water today as I'm sure you had lots of salt intake. Happy Mother's Day!!
  • Agree with all of this!! Love it. The pressure's off as to when or "if" I will get my work out in. I'm done!! But I have to confess. I had to set 3 alarms at the beginning to get me up and out of the house. And the alarms had to be out of arms reach so i HAD to get out of bed to shut them off. The added bonus, I feel I'm…
  • Just joined yesterday. Still trying to figure it out so if either of you know how to add me please do. Oh, must state 50 year old lady trying to get rid of jiggles so if that offends you, I get it, I won't be offended. Haha.
  • Great post but uh... nope, still too scared!! I know, I'm pathetic. I haven't read any of those books. I'll try to grab one this weekend. maybe it will help. Last resort is liquid courage. Haha, kidding.
  • I'm 5'3" and this morning was 114. Originally I was hoping to get to 108 as that was my wedding day weight 20 years ago. I've stopped stressing about that number and I'm happy with where I am. I'm now focusing on healthy eating and gaining muscles.
  • Hmmm, this could be fun knowing there are other "crazy's" out there (and I say that with the deepest affection). My only issue is my husband took me last Saturday to fit me at the local running shoe store for a brand new pair of Socouney's. BUT he made me wrap them and put them under the tree (yes, wrap them myself, you…