Does anyone drink warm lemon water in the morning?



  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    It is not a gimmick .... Body pH has a lot to do with Metabolism and Cell performance not to mention having positive or negative affects on most or organs and systems ... A great many things we love to eat metabolize acidic, for most a good majority , yes that morning coffee and doughnut metabolize acidic. For optimum cellular performance a neutral pH (7, same as water) to slight Alkaline pH should be the goal for someone wanting to reach optimal health... Body weight is not the only indicator of health. Many healthy weight people have health issues, some that can be helped by controlling our pH. That morning lemon water will not do it alone though. A balanced diet that is made of complex carbohydrates, and fruits ( most metabolize very alkaline) combined with the rest of your daily intake such as meat proteins that mostly metabolize Acidic while throwing in a little lemon water while eating some watermelon and avocado will help towards keeping a more neutral pH.

    Nothing wrong with the warm lemon water in the morning, but not so much just as a means to lose weight. I have been using it myself, but with apple cider vinegar added as well. During allergy season I add a teaspoon of Local organic honey to help with fighting those allergy issues.

    Your body is a machine, and when cells and systems are working at their fullest potential everything including weight loss are optimized.
    Body pH is tightly regulated by the body regardless of what you eat..........this is no more than pseudoscience. Everything that goes in your stomach is in an acid environment and when it it's your intestines it's all alkaline.......your body does the rest.

    Here's a couple.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I do drink warm lemon water every morning but not for the reasons you listed. IMO the lemon water is a diuretic and helps me not retain water and bloat. It is a source of potassium and is good for my skin and digestive system.
  • ghurl7
    ghurl7 Posts: 27 Member
    i do drink warm water ... and it has been good to my digestive system in general ... if i had access to fresh lemons ... it would make it sooo much better - with added vitamin c - a natural inflammatory =)
  • Maryam2014mfp
    I do drink warm lemon water every morning but not for the reasons you listed. IMO the lemon water is a diuretic and helps me not retain water and bloat. It is a source of potassium and is good for my skin and digestive system.

    Good to know. Also what the other lady said about it being an anti-inflammatory. Great info. Thanks
  • snowmanluv
    snowmanluv Posts: 200 Member
    Yes I drink it. I cut up a lemon into 8-10 pieces. When I fill up with water, I add a piece.

    I don't know the nutritonal value but it does make my water taste better.

    Several people have told me that other cultures start their day out with this warm. Your body is dehydrated so water in the morning makes sense.

    I think their is a difference between the bottled to the actual lemon.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    actually doing that too much is bad for your teeth...

    As for any real medical or weight loss
  • cmpnaz
    cmpnaz Posts: 190

    First, lemons are acidic, not alkaline.

    Fifth, the "acid/alkaline theory of disease" is complete nonsense. Here's info on why:

    Sixth, it won't do anything to your metabolism.

    Lemon Metabolizes Alkaline
    Lemon Water does not expose teeth to a high enough levels of acid for long enough to be an issue

    The body does naturally regulate pH in the blood stream where it is slightly alkaline between 7.35 - 7.45
    there are 3 natural buffers/processes to help regulate this pH in the blood stream
    A person living on a high acidic diet of mainly high acidic forming foods such as simple sugars, processed foods (refined flours and such) over long a long enough duration of time can have a negative impact on 2 of the natural buffers, which could lead to long term health issues.
    It just so happens that many with that kind of diet also typically consume more calories and often in surplus thus gaining Fat.
    There is no harm in having any water with or without lemon in the morning .. and there are benefits to consuming more alkaline forming foods like complex carbohydrates and fruits as part of a balance eating lifestyle for long term health affects.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    For optimum cellular performance a neutral pH (7, same as water) to slight Alkaline pH should be the goal for someone wanting to reach optimal health... Body weight is not the only indicator of health. Many healthy weight people have health issues, some that can be helped by controlling our pH.

    Your body doesn't like a neutral pH of 7.0; in fact, that's considered acidotic and only the gravely ill have pH's of 7.0. Your body's pH is maintained between 7.35 and 7.45 by several mechanisms, the most responsive of which is breathing. Nothing you eat or drink is going to affect your body's pH.
  • Never heard of it. On the other hand you might want to try a cup of cofee, no benefits torwards mwtabolism speeding up but it's low cal (like 5 MAX) and has somewhat of a taste and had a loads of other benefits.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,558 Member
    Nope! Sounds icky. :sick:

    I prefer muffins and raisin bread!

    I like hot water with lemon!

    But I have no delusions that it does anything for me.
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    Yup, I do. If ill a big mason jar every morning with lemons and hot water and that's my morning drink on my way to work. I keep the mason jar on my desnd refill it about 3 times throughout the day. Someitmes warm water, sometimes hot.

    I don't know if it's healthy or not (I'm not a doctor) but I like it and it helps me drink more water and so far no side effects. I go to the dentist tomorrow. I'm going to ask him about the teeth thing.

    Stay tuned!!
  • Kaelakcr
    Kaelakcr Posts: 505 Member
    What sounds awesome to me is coffee beans ground down soaked in boiling water. Then filter the grounds and drink anyone tried this or is it too off the wall?

    That's gross. I prefer to pull leaves off plants, petals off flowers, and bits off herbs, dry & cure them, and then soak them in a bag in hot water. But that's just me.

    OP-all joking aside, warm lemon water is tasty but not magical! :)