Son wants Mandarin Chinese Buffet for his Bday

bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
And of course I am letting him choose and I am going . I have a plan and want to know if you think I have a good one or if you have additional suggestions .
So my plan is this :
-Drink lot of water that day
-Don't go there starving
-Fill up on the salads - watching the dressing
-Avoid anything deep fried or battered as I know I will go over my calories goals if I do
- Try to get in a good workout that day

And most of all forgive myself and try to enjoy the day. I am stressed that this buffet meal will set me back yet I know that it takes 3500 extra calories to gain a pound. Tell me I am right and all will be okay please LOL . It may seem silly but I am stressed about it .


  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    You sound like you have a realistic plan! And no matter what you do, you might see a small jump in the scale the next morning due to some water retention. Just go back to your normal habits and all will be well. You didn't lose your weight in one day, so you won't gain it all back in one day either. Allow yourself to have some fun and try not to stress! You could even ask to order hot tea with your dinner to have something to sip on and slow down the pace of your eating.

    It's a great sign that you're being thoughtful about your health and want to plan ahead.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    you'll be fine. my recommendation is to put as little food as possible (without being ridiculous) on your plate. youre much less likely to overeat if you do this, and just make sensible choices. mostly everything there is fried and greasy so it'll be tough but its possible.

    if you like shrimp go wild on those ones they have on ice that you have to peel. having to work for that little piece of crustacean is just another thing that will make you less likely to overeat (plus those buggers are delicious)
  • vastiris
    vastiris Posts: 56 Member
    Look up a few of your favorite dishes you know they'll have.... you may be suprised at what you can fit in. Even though it's definitely not my best habit, if we're strapped for time or feeling particularly lazy, we'll hit up our local (and AWESOME) chinese or japanese take-out, and even though there are lots of high-calorie traps there, we both know what things will make us happy and won't COMPLETELY derail us. Pick something with lots of veggies to minimize the damage - but go in with a plan. That has helped me tremendously, since chinese is my absolute FAVORITE and I'd go crazy if I gave it up entirely.
  • casmithis
    casmithis Posts: 216 Member
    My son did the exact same thing. I dreaded at first, then like you went with a plan. Salad, lots. Peel and eat shrimp (took lots of time), then some sushi mthen fresh fruit for dessert. I left there full and feel I didn't deprive myself.
  • SJKirk51912
    SJKirk51912 Posts: 176 Member
    I have gone to the Chinese Buffett quite often lately and have continued to lose. The one I love has delicious green beans that I fill half of my plate with. I then get a little chicken and broccoli, grilled chicken teriyaki, and any other types of grilled meat, but just a few pieces of each. I avoid the rice and noodles personally, but if you want some get the steamed rice.

    When I sit down I eat the green beans first. I then move on to everything else. Usually by the end of my first plate I am satisfied. If I'm not then I go up for just a couple more pieces of whatever I want. The next day my weight is never good because of the sodium but it goes down quickly.

  • pookeyism
    pookeyism Posts: 84 Member
    Take your own food. I do. I took a purse full of oranges and grapes and apple slices to a BBQ cook off - and a serving of vegan burger patty. Also - begin to speak up when people are choosing things that are difficult for you - seriously! your child (or man? even more so) can eat mandarin anytime - how many more meals does he want with his Mom?

    As a few weeks have progressed into months and years, I am really aware that 1) never give up spreading the message or at least awareness to others that there are alternates to the "provided" fare and you have opted out of mainstream choices. 2) that I can never assume people will act in my best interests no matter who they are - it is very difficult for most to comprehend the fact that a weight loss lifestyle needs to become a habit, and habit require repetition, consistently. 3) that you are worth it - the altered plans, the slight inconveniences - you are worth it.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Thanks everyone. I am just going to make the best choices I can while still enjoying myself . I just have to tell myself it is only one meal and move on. No other 'special occasions' I have to worry about this week so it should be alright. That is what I am telling myself lol
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    This is fine. Celebrate and eat!

    Realize that you're going to have to deal with events like this for the rest of your life. You must incorporate them into your daily and weekly calorie goals to be successful long term.
  • smc0170
    smc0170 Posts: 56 Member
    This is fine. Celebrate and eat!

    Realize that you're going to have to deal with events like this for the rest of your life. You must incorporate them into your daily and weekly calorie goals to be successful long term.

    Can't agree with this more. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. Go and enjoy yourself...just don't eat until you want to burst and you will be fine. Just make sure to try and hit your weekly targets.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    He has 1 birthday/year...don't panic! Celebrate! You have 364 OTHER days to be strict...try not to go TOO crazy, but hey if you go over your calories for one day, it's not the end of the world!
  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    This is fine. Celebrate and eat!

    Realize that you're going to have to deal with events like this for the rest of your life. You must incorporate them into your daily and weekly calorie goals to be successful long term.

    This is the best advice, IMHO!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    This is fine. Celebrate and eat!

    Realize that you're going to have to deal with events like this for the rest of your life. You must incorporate them into your daily and weekly calorie goals to be successful long term.

  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I know it is hard at a buffet, but I would try to stick to a single plate if possible. Places like that use sooooo much sugar in their sauces that even things that are mostly veggies have tons of calories.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I struggle with the social aspect of food so I definitely sympathize. One thing I do at buffets is to keep my food separate. I really do that because I don't like my food mixed but it helps with not helping your plate. I then limit myself to 2 plates. Try to fill each plate at least half full of fruit and veggies. Like you said no fried food and limit fatty dishes/sauces.... It will be ok
  • AnnaVee84
    AnnaVee84 Posts: 345 Member
    Happy Birthday to your son!!
    I agree with above poster; it's just a matter of finding the balance, but I like to enjoy and celebrate life and food too!

    Living in Vegas, the capital of buffets, I've learned a few tricks in balancing buffet life with my normal diet:
    Many Chinese buffets have a grill or wok area where they cook veggies and meats in front of patrons; does this buffet have that? Great way to get lots of protein and veggies in and can ask for less oil and monitor what sauces you use for the dish. I always try to start with vegetables, salad, fresh seafood (II always gotta have at least one plate of crab legs or shrimp haha!), and then move on to sushi and meats (Korean BBQ, or the grill) and try to avoid anything fried or doused in sauce. Sometimes, I just have to have some calamari or fried chicken tho! And I always save room for dessert :)

    Usually when we do a buffet, we go do a hike or something to plan for the calorie onslaught. But sometimes life calls for a buffet, and I'm not gonna say no! I just work with what I have and enjoy the night!

    Enjoy the celebration and have fun!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    For special occasions, you can be more relaxed with yourself... one day isn't going to do that much damage (though you will likely see a water weight increase the next day due to high sodium content of restaurant meals).... so long as it's not too often (if you eat in restaurants regularly then you need to log the calories and stay within your goal)........... my advice would be 1. don't be hungry when you get there, you'll eat a lot more if you are. 2. enjoy the food, take small portions of whatever you fancy, but stop eating when you feel full. 3. one way to lower the total calorie intake at a restaurant is to drink something low calorie with the meal... since doing this I find I actually prefer to drink water, as drinks with lots of flavour tend to take away from the flavour of the meal. but that's just me. but if you really want a fancy drink then have one, because this is a lifestyle change and learning how to enjoy yourself and have a meal where you really don't worry all that much about calories is an important part of it. If it's a one off occasion and you stop eating/drinking calorie-containing drinks when you feel full, you're not going to undo any progress in one night.
  • RadioGames
    RadioGames Posts: 24
    And of course I am letting him choose and I am going . I have a plan and want to know if you think I have a good one or if you have additional suggestions .
    So my plan is this :
    -Drink lot of water that day
    -Don't go there starving
    -Fill up on the salads - watching the dressing
    -Avoid anything deep fried or battered as I know I will go over my calories goals if I do
    - Try to get in a good workout that day

    And most of all forgive myself and try to enjoy the day. I am stressed that this buffet meal will set me back yet I know that it takes 3500 extra calories to gain a pound. Tell me I am right and all will be okay please LOL . It may seem silly but I am stressed about it .

    I think you should not stress about your weight; if you have children, it's normal to weigh more.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    good plan, but remember you have to 3500 calories over maintenance to gain a pound. You'll be fine.
  • krysannboggs
    krysannboggs Posts: 48 Member
    This is fine. Celebrate and eat!

    Realize that you're going to have to deal with events like this for the rest of your life. You must incorporate them into your daily and weekly calorie goals to be successful long term.

    YES YES YES - THIS. You cannot keep this up your entire life, girly. Practices like this and vilifying foods can lead to warped ideas about food and even eating disorders. Celebrate and EAT every now and then. Then don't step on that scale for a couple weeks, don't stress, LET IT GO, and keep going. One or even two or three bad days is not going to cause a problem for you. Your body is smarter than you give it credit for :)

    Heck, go get some exercise after, but do NOT use it as punishment. Those endorphins will help you.
  • parkscs
    parkscs Posts: 1,639 Member
    You can always eat less the rest of the day in order to save some additional calories for the buffet. It's easy to overdo it if you eat normally the rest of the day and then try to fit a Chinese buffet into a normal sized dinner, but if you eat sparingly the rest of the day and perhaps do some cardio, you can likely eat a big meal at the buffet and fit it into your calories. Find a way to eat what you like to eat and have fun.