

  • Thank you for your sarcastic snarky comment, I found it a really helpful contribution to the thread. 8/10 - Would read again.
  • I'm guessing it was the skullcrushers that jacked your elbow up. Gotta watch that movement.
  • I have the exact same issue right now, decided that I'm just going to hit the cardio for the next 3 weeks. I can squat using the smith machine and do Leg Press and crunches in the meantime too though. If it isn't any better after 3 weeks I better go see a doc about it.
  • I really should do that, it's more laziness on my part and I was worried about it spoiling. When you make a batch, how many days do you expect to get per cook?
  • I would advise changing them anyway even if it just for weight loss. I set mine to: P: 50% C: 30% F: 20%
  • Rice Cakes but always ensure it is the no added sugar organic type stuff ... like Whole Earth.
  • It depends, I buy my meats & chicken fillets in bulk from a farm shop, much higher quality and they come in at just under £1 each. One of those is more than adequate for a main meal, they are not like the little anaemic things the supermarket sell. For veg I buy bags of frozen stuff, it's cheap and often retains more of…
  • People misconstrue the concept of bulking, the idea is not to go crazy and eat a calorie surplus of whatever you like to gain weight, all that does is make you fat ... the idea is to eat your full maintenance calories or a very slight surplus in order to be effective in your workout. The carb level of your macros should be…
  • Water only, I have it right after my workout.
  • How is this a dangerous statement, if you are losing weight and over-eat on any of your macros, make sure it's protein and not carbs. I agree that MFP by default is way too low on Protein, this is why I customise my macros to take in about 50% protein, 30% carbs and 20% fats. Give or take.
  • I exceed it pretty easily but most of my daily diet is made up of fruits, salad & vegetables. If you struggle with it the simple way is to eat your fruits in a smoothie and eat your veg in a soup. You'll have your 5 per day in 2 quick easy meals.
    in 5 a day. Comment by broxi1979 July 2011
  • That sounds like great progress, draw a quick and simple little line chart with bi-weekly points and see what a sharp decline in weight that really is. Anything close to 8lbs per month is very good, if you started of losing 10-14 per month, then as you lose that initial extra weight, the progress has got to slow down. Well…
  • Yep, that sounds about right. When I used to train 5 days a week, I would see little gains thru the week, at the weekend I would just relax and have some fun, not worrying about training and on the Monday *Bam* I would have lost 2-3 lbs. Those rest days are important. Insulin Resistance throws a whole other factor in there…
  • That phenomenon of weighing more after sustained training is pretty common but do you find that weigh loss comes after a 1-2 day rest period from the training? Building muscle is very important not only for weight loss but maintaining healthy weight when you get there. Muscles are little calorie burning factories and being…
  • I measured progress in sets of 3 weeks, If you just think of every 3 weeks as a set, it makes it a bit easier because 2 weeks in you will be thinking "I only have 1 week left in this set" and it motivates you. I also use 3 weeks because that to me is historically the optimum timeframe for noticeable results. However, this…
  • I don't subscribe to the calories in calories out theory. Load of crap in my opinion, if it was true then if you took 10 seperate adults and gave them the exact same diet and training regime, they would lose or gain the exact same amount of weight. I think we all know that this isn't the case, it has a lot to do with your…
  • Means to bump post the thread back up to the top of the main page because it contains good information worth reading (without actually commenting)
  • Great Post!! Very little to add to that. I'd also say a bit about soups, great way to consume your vegetables and adding garlic & spices introduces a good source of phytochemicals. You are very right about the eggs, I can eat 8-10 eggs per week.
  • Thanks, that's kind of what I figured, I know that some health experts advise against eating a lot of grapes or oranges in particular but I don't over-do it anyway..
  • Avoid Maximuscle and avoid H&B in my opinion. I use MyProtein True Whey, they have some nice flavours and they're very cheap. Just avoid Cookies and Cream - horrible. I'm going for the straight up unflavoured stuff next though, mixes well with water or milk.
  • I use Whole Earth Organic Peanut Butter on wholemeal toast as a mid-afternoon snack sometimes on training days, it's delicious and a little energy bomb.
  • I have been practising poached eggs for a couple weeks now and have my technique down well now, although this looks a lot easier ... 6 eggs? My technique. First boil up enough water in the kettle (not required but quicker) Transfer water to a decent sized pan add a little white wine vinegar to the water crack the eggs into…
  • This is very common, it is a mix of various things including dehydration but also that you tend to make the most gains in periods of rest, this is especially true if you have a regular training routine. For people who train Mon-Fri, how many times have you noticed that you lose the biggest amount of weight over the weekend…
  • I hate the things and I agree with the other person who said they are evil. Diet is much better calorie wise than regular but it is by no means good for you. The only times diet coke gets near me is by accompanying a vodka.
  • Short answer - Yes. It doesn't matter where the water comes from as it's still water. Even water in your food will count towards it. BTW: There is no real medical proof that consuming 8 cups of water per day has any health benefits other than ensuring you are properly hydrated. Just drink your water sensibly and keep…
  • Do not discard the yolk, it is nutritious and in no way harmful. This anti-egg yolk thing is a myth built of the bad information that we have been provided over the past 20 odd years. Watch this lecture for some good information on cholesterol and the causes of high cholesterol.
    in Eggs Comment by broxi1979 June 2011
  • The most effective way of boosting the metabolism as far as I am aware is the mantra of eating a little a lot. Therefore your daily diet should consist of 6 small meals at regular intervals so as to not leave the body without food for any long periods of time. The set-out should be roughly as follows. (the parts in…
  • Lightly salted home popped popcorn is pretty good. Word of warning on those who snack on grapes, these are not really all that healthy even though they are a fruit, they are unique in their sugar content. Moderation on grapes guys, treat them as a treat only.
  • Chicken Breast, grilled Red Pepper, cut in half and filled with cous cous or savoury rice. Side Salad with a light dressing. This has always been my most effective meal when cutting weight.
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