5 a day.

Do you have 5 fruit/veg a day? If so, do you find it effects your mood/motivation/weightloss?



  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    I eat vegetables as a part of almost every meal I have. What most makes me happy and full for the longest, is a combo of veggies, wholegrain bread, and some protein like tuna or chicken breasts.
    If I leave out any of this stuff, soon I feel hungry...:)
    I dont eat much fruit, but I know I should...could improve in that!
    Quality non processed food (80%of the time) has improved my health a lot!
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    I've substituted fruit/veg/seeds for the less nutritious snacks I was previously having (crisps/chocolate). Now - I'm not saying I don't still have chocolate (hotel chocolat, I love you!) but I have seriously cut down and I think before eating them and take the time to savour them. Crisps (chips to my American friends!), I have now more or less cut out completely. I have lightly salted popcorn if I want a savoury snack, or seeds (Munchy Seeds in the UK do a good range).

    So, generally I probably have more than the 5/day & that, with the increased water intake definitely helps I think. It's certainly been a good factor in my weight loss so far :-)

    Mood/Motivation - I suspect it helps on these too, I know my motivation is driven a lot by fitting or nearly fitting into clothes I once could fit & whenever I feel low (for whatever reason) I think "I'm doing well, a little bit more & I can fit into that dress/skirt/whatever), rather than "where's the chocolate" which would have been a previous response!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I've always eaten lots of veggies, i love them. But only recently been eating more fruit, the summer fruits are so much nicer than what's around in winter.
  • StrawberrySprinkles
    I try to squeeze in as many fruits and veggies as I can. It can be difficult, especially if your vices are a little more on the indulgent, salty end of the scale. Fruit/veg consumption can come in the form of a quick shot of fruit smoothie in the morning along with my toast or oatmeal...vegetable soup or salad at lunch time with whatever I'm eating and a steamed veg or two at dinner then a small fruit salad for dessert.

    Oddly enough, I go for more fruits and vegetables at the weekend...
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    I think it's easy to get in your 5 a day.

    Chop some banana/strawberries/blueberries onto your cereal or porridge
    Have a few mandarins as a mid-morning or mid afternoon snack
    Include 2 or 3 veggies as part of your lunch and/or evening meal

    Easy peasy! :)

    I think the fructose and natural sugars in fruit are actually a better mood stabilizer than a lot of the processed sugars. If you feel like something naughty make a home-made banana milkshake with vanilla ice cream and top with a sprinkle of cocoa powder... it's delish!

  • broxi1979
    broxi1979 Posts: 30
    I exceed it pretty easily but most of my daily diet is made up of fruits, salad & vegetables.

    If you struggle with it the simple way is to eat your fruits in a smoothie and eat your veg in a soup. You'll have your 5 per day in 2 quick easy meals.