Being_Healthy Member


  • Running! ~~~ Never thought I'd be one to say that :laugh:
  • Thanks everyone!
  • Thanks for all the suggestions and ideas everyone! I really hope it isn't my shoes as I only purchased them about 2 months ago (a couple weeks after I started running as I was getting blisters from my old ones). Simply can't afford yet another pair right now. I hope that it is due to building muscle...that would be great!…
  • I'm sorry but I have never, ever understood why it is that people think we should always respect the elderly. Just because they are older doesn't give them the absolute right to be disrespectful and often times down right nasty to everyone who is not as old as they are! Be respectful to me and I will be respectful to you,…
  • I am exactly this way (since the very first week approximately 9 months ago)! And I still have PLENTY to lose so I know that it isn't because I'm down to my final hurdle or anything like that. I guess it's just the way my body lets go of the weight its been holding onto for so long.
  • I didn't realize there was such a problem with reposting questions that have been previously asked. I too was told by someone (a fitness expert) that eating back ALL your calories is not necessary. Sure you should eat some of them back, but you do not have to eat all of them (especially if you have a lot of weight to lose).
  • yep same here. During my first 6 months I lost 30 pounds...and it felt so awesome! But for the last almost 2 months now, I've been losing and gaining the same 2 to 3 pounds. It is incredibly frustrating:grumble:
  • awesome! I'm almost there myself...can't wait! I remember when I was on my way 'up' that even the idea of being 200 pounds made me 200 sounds great. Of course 150 sounds even better :wink:
  • thanks for the support all... I really appreciate the ideas too! My first instinct when you say clean though is to say: "why the heck would I do something that would greatly benefit the person I'm fighting with" :laugh: but you are right, that is definitely about 1000% better than pigging out.
  • I do have a treat everyday...usually not chocolate but something just as fattening. I think that I would probably lose faster if I was able to cut this out, but I also know (without a doubt) that I would end up quitting my weight loss efforts. I've managed to lose 23 pounds (so far) this way and I don't feel at all…
  • aww crud.... I'd love to be watching that but Cartoon Network is running a Bugs Bunny marathon....and my son rules the TV:smile:
  • I thought the article was ridiculous....OF COURSE people regained the weight in those studies! They were hardly eating any calories at all (the first study used men of healthy weight..uh hello!...obviously their calories were already fine, so what was the point in cutting them in half? the second study actually cut their…
  • Adding lemon juice (pure juice from a squeezed lemon) to water can be beneficial.....for preventing kidney stones and for helping to clear up acne. I don't believe that it would make a huge impact on weight loss, unless it was the only thing you were taking in all day which of course would not be a good idea!!
  • WOW! You should be very, very proud...keep up the great work!
  • Thanks everyone! I ended up taking a total ME day yesterday (no exercise and no calorie counting...though I did eat sensibly), so didn't even see all these responses till this morning. Thanks for all the great advice :heart: .
  • I thought that it was ok to do cardio everyday, just not weights. I did end up taking 2 days off this week due to a sinus infection...I just felt too horrible to go workout.
  • Thanks for the replies! I am doing mostly cardio (usually about 65 minutes on the Elliptical). The smoothie sounds really good...I also think I will stock up on bananas. Thanks again for the ideas :smile:
  • I think this site describes it best:
  • I used to eat every single one of my exercise calories, because that is what I read you are suppose to do. Then I realized that I wasn't losing a single pound this way :mad: So now I eat some of my exercise calories (about 40% of them). I don't want to deprive my body of what it needs, but I am in this to LOSE the…
  • Taking Depo was the absolute worse thing I did in regards to my weight. Very quickly after starting I gained more than 50 pounds, even though my doc had assured me that if I gained, it wouldn't be all that much :mad: Aside from the weight gain, I also had extreme mood swings. I would suddenly start crying for no reason at…
  • I was really stuck with my weight loss until I stopped eating all my exercise calories (I know most people on here say you should eat them...but I wasn't losing, just maintaining). I still eat some of them though (about 200 out of the 600-700 I burn), just not all.
  • I drink tons of water during the day (completely cut out soda a few months ago). I actually just started doing the elliptical a week ago (before that it was walking everyday) so I don't think that my body has grown used to it or anything. The reason I changed to the elliptical was because that was my rationale…