

  • Hi everyone. I have been wanting to try Zumba but I am hesitant to buy the DVD's, as I am a horrible dancer and I am not sure I will like it, anyone know where I can try it out before I buy them (I also hate doing things in front of people especially since I am not cordinated). Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks
  • Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a great weekend. Here is to a wonderful day with full of great food choices, lots of water and plenty of exercise. Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • I have surprisingly stuck to my cutoff time since i signed up to this post. WOO HOO. I did pretty well overall this past weekend and I even worked out both days (unusual for me for the weekends) Good luck to everyone. Hope this is a good week. :happy:
  • Good morning everyone!!!! I am so proud of myself I have done my Shred workout everyday this week even though I have been super busy and I do plan to do it for the remainder of the week as well. It also helps that my husband does it with me, so he helps kick me into gear when I really dont feel like doing it. Hope everyone…
  • Okay so October is getting close to being over, but can I still join. I am really bad about eating before bed especially sweets. I go to bed really early like 8 p.m., as I get up at 2 a.m. to be to work by 4 a.m, so I am going to say 6:00 p.m. will be my cut off time. do you think 2 hours is long enough????
  • Okay made it through another weekend. I was horrible yet again. Monday was great and I have planned all of my meals for today and I am well within my calories as long as I get my exercise in. Finally started level 3 of the Shred, Man it is kicking my butt. Good luck to everyone. Have a great day. :tongue:
  • Oh yummy. I will have to try that one. Thanks for posting
  • Sorry!!!
  • You look amazing. COngratulations!!!!!
  • Whew!!! So glad to hear I am not the only one who has a hard time staying on track on the weekends. I not only eat worse on the weekends I am really bad about drinking my water. Guess I should try harder, it is Friday so I will plan on being better this weekend. :glasses:
  • Happy Friday to everyone. My goal is to be good this weekend and make sure that I exercise and do not eat a lot of junk. I know I can work harder but is is so easy just to eat that cookie or to not exercise and make excuses . I really need to kick it up a notch. Have a great weekend everyone.
  • I would say an ooey gooey chocolate browney. YUM
  • I would not worry about what this person says. You know you are doing these things so who really cares what they say. You are doing great. Keep up the good work. Good luck to everyone today!!!!!
  • Good morning!!! Another wonderful day. GOAL Today is to do my exercise, I have been slacking lately and yesterday I went WAY over my calories. Ohwell today is a new day and time for better decisions.
  • I agree. Weekends are killers. I hardly ever even track my calories on the weekends, (That is bad I know) If you come across something that gives you great success let me know. Good luck.
  • Good morning everyone. Hope today is a good day for all of you. My goals for today are to drink a ton of water, do my shred, and eat only my 1200 calories.
  • Welcome and good luck. I am fairly new to this site as well, but I have found it to be helpful. It is really an eye opener seeing all of the calories that you eat in a day. Everyone has been really helpful and nice and I am sure you will enjoy this site. Again good luck.
  • Ready for the Day. Did pretty good yesterday but could have eaten less SUGAR. ALthough I did do my shred so that is a plus. Goals for today are eat good calories and do my shred and perhaps take a walk with the baby and the dogs. Happy Friday evreryone
  • Good morning everyone. Here's to a great day!!!! My goal is to eat healthy calories, (NOT SWEETS) and to do my shred today. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • Can I join too??? I so need help with staying motivated. I really need to get more exercise in but I think I like to make excuses about not having enough time. So any help in the motivation department would be great. Good luck to everyone!!!!!!
  • Welcome. I am pretty new also but love the site so far. Congrats on the 50 pounds, that is great. :happy:
  • I love my Wii and the Wii Fit, although if you are looking for a good workout I would stick with traditional cardio and strength exercises. It is a lot of fun to play but I do not feel that I get a really tough workout with it, but it is great to add in for a few extra calories and also to track your progress with Weight…
  • I love BLueberries too. I like to mix frozen berries and cherries with a serving of light whipped topping and have that as a sweet treat.
  • I am in the same situation. I am now 9 months PP and I have way more than 10 pounds to lose. I am also still breastfeeding but only parttime as my little guy is now eating solids. I dont know if you have noticed but it seems like my milk supply goes way down if I ry to eat a lot less so I am trying to really eat healthy…
  • Thanks so much. He is eating other food now also, so I will go with 250. Thanks again
  • Me TOO . Especially sharp cheddar :heart:
  • I am in again. Yesterday I ended up drinking 17 glasses, man I felt like I was swimming. I will make a goal of 96oz and then hopefully I will be able to drink more again. :bigsmile:
  • Good luck. I am in the same boat, although you have lost a lot more than me. I still have over 40 pounds to go and I am 9 months pp. I am seeing the doc about my thyroid level next week so hopefully that is some of the reason this weight will not go away, ALso the fact that I am still breast feeding may have something to…
  • Hope the cottage cheese dip worked out well. I have found a great fat free sour cream that you might like to try for dips. I cannot remeber the name but it is in a container with cow print on it I found it at Walmart and it is soo good for being fat free, I seriously cannot tell the differnce, and then it is only 20…
  • My favortie Chicken recipe lately has been a red wine vinegar one. YUMMY Cut chicken breasts into small bite size pieces Cook in skillet with tiny bit of olive oil 1/4 to 1/2 cup of Red Wine Vinegar depending on your own taste a sprinkle of itialian seasoning 1/4 tsp or 1 clove minced garlic Dash of Garlic Salt It is so so…