Staying Motivated day to day- Prt 1......



  • Can I join too??? I so need help with staying motivated. I really need to get more exercise in but I think I like to make excuses about not having enough time. So any help in the motivation department would be great. Good luck to everyone!!!!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Can I join too??? I so need help with staying motivated. I really need to get more exercise in but I think I like to make excuses about not having enough time. So any help in the motivation department would be great. Good luck to everyone!!!!!!

    Welcome :flowerforyou: We can do this!!!!!!!!!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Hey Good Morning Team Modivated!!!!!

    Worked out with a nice sunset yoga last night... perfect evening unwind..
    DId a Bob, aka, biggest losser, cardio this morning...

    Spending the day in the office making prospect calls and then maybe some time out on the streets to drum up new business.

    Everyone have a great day!! Happy Friday
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Mom - congrats on avoiding McDonald's! It's BK for me ... I miss it sometimes. :laugh: But then I think of the grease everything (almost) is fried in and it kinda makes me go... ew. :sick:

    whenever i pass by Mcdonald's or BK, there's always this greasy, oily smell that used to entice me back then.. :laugh: But now, whenever I think of the oil being reused and how it has blackened with repetitive frying or how the fries greased the carton that comes with it, you're right on the money! it makes me sick.. :sick:

    Plus, back here, fast food joints have this disposal area like at the back of their building wherein they put all leftovers and trash in there...guess what, it smells kinda like the burger they serve... imagining it together makes my burger craving go away! imagine eating trash! LOL :noway: :sick: :sick:

    :laugh: You're SO right. I worked at Burger King for about 6 months when I was in high school. And ... the dumpster in the back DID kinda smell like the burgers!! :laugh: Of course, that didn't deter me back then ... I'm not sure how much weight I gained in that 6 months ... but I ate a LOT of fast food. More than I'd ever eaten. :sick: :indifferent:
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Afternoon, team!

    I was feeling great this morning, went to the doctor for my follow up, got really great news on my weight loss (27 pounds); but now I feel really tired. I just want to lay down and go to sleep.

    I think it's because my appointment was on my lunch break, so I didn't eat anything all day until about twenty mins ago. Ugh. AND i'm out of water here at work.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    well, I did great today, I got a call from my little girl Anna's teacher and she said that a little girl had scratched Anna on the face and she wanted me to come and take a look at it, and that I could eat lunch with Anna if I wanted to. Well, I ate lunch at home before we went b/c school lunches aren't the most nutritous things in the world, anyways, I got my son Jacob ready to go and we went to the school, so we go into the lunch room and we sit down beside Anna and the teacher asks me if I want something to eat and I told her no thank you, I have already had lunch, well they were having potato chips, and subs. I decided I would stay the rest of the day with Anna, just to see how she acts and reacts to other kids, this is the first time I have ever sit in on her class. So, after rest time, the kids have snack time and little debbie cakes, the teacher asked me did I want one, and I tell her no thank you, I am fine. I am proud of myself, I am really sticking to this thing this time, I want to achieve my goal.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm having a great day. I walked 3 miles this morning before we did our homeschooling. I cleaned the bathrooms from 1-2.30 pm and I 'm at the office working now. I'm here until 8 pm. I hope everyone had a great day ! Cindy :heart:
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    well, I did great today, I got a call from my little girl Anna's teacher and she said that a little girl had scratched Anna on the face and she wanted me to come and take a look at it, and that I could eat lunch with Anna if I wanted to. Well, I ate lunch at home before we went b/c school lunches aren't the most nutritous things in the world, anyways, I got my son Jacob ready to go and we went to the school, so we go into the lunch room and we sit down beside Anna and the teacher asks me if I want something to eat and I told her no thank you, I have already had lunch, well they were having potato chips, and subs. I decided I would stay the rest of the day with Anna, just to see how she acts and reacts to other kids, this is the first time I have ever sit in on her class. So, after rest time, the kids have snack time and little debbie cakes, the teacher asked me did I want one, and I tell her no thank you, I am fine. I am proud of myself, I am really sticking to this thing this time, I want to achieve my goal.

    Wow you're strong and I'm proud of you! I find it hard not to offend anybody whenever they offer me treats and I refuse to even just take a bite :grumble:

    Think of yourself as an inspiration for your kids. you wouldn't want them to experience the same negative things/feelings during our struggles. I think it all starts from childhood , like if the kids start on healthy lifestyle, diet and activity included, it would become habits and be automatic when they grow into fine adults we wanted them to be. :smile:
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    Hello people!

    I almost binged today! good thing I got myself to stop eating! OMG :noway: I just did my exercise just so I can eat dinner and not go over my cals too much. It was SO CLOSE! :mad:

    Hope everyone's doing great!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    well, I did great today, I got a call from my little girl Anna's teacher and she said that a little girl had scratched Anna on the face and she wanted me to come and take a look at it, and that I could eat lunch with Anna if I wanted to. Well, I ate lunch at home before we went b/c school lunches aren't the most nutritous things in the world, anyways, I got my son Jacob ready to go and we went to the school, so we go into the lunch room and we sit down beside Anna and the teacher asks me if I want something to eat and I told her no thank you, I have already had lunch, well they were having potato chips, and subs. I decided I would stay the rest of the day with Anna, just to see how she acts and reacts to other kids, this is the first time I have ever sit in on her class. So, after rest time, the kids have snack time and little debbie cakes, the teacher asked me did I want one, and I tell her no thank you, I am fine. I am proud of myself, I am really sticking to this thing this time, I want to achieve my goal.

    Wow you're strong and I'm proud of you! I find it hard not to offend anybody whenever they offer me treats and I refuse to even just take a bite :grumble:

    Think of yourself as an inspiration for your kids. you wouldn't want them to experience the same negative things/feelings during our struggles. I think it all starts from childhood , like if the kids start on healthy lifestyle, diet and activity included, it would become habits and be automatic when they grow into fine adults we wanted them to be. :smile:

    thanks, I was made fun of in school for being overweight, and I do not want that for my kids, I am glad that I woke up before they are teenagers. They are 4 and 2. I want them to eat healthy and think of exercise as being fun. I have learned to love exercise and the way it makes me feel after I do it. I am going to make it to my goal and not quit and have another regret of why didn't I make it to my goal, I will get there and I will not let anything stop me even little debbie cakes. :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, I am up, got up early because I couldn't sleep, my back is still giving me problems today. I want to exercise but I don't want to do any more damage to my back. I might slowly walk back and forth thru my house or something but as for getting on my exercise bike I don't think so. I have already started drinking my water for the day, and I am eating great.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    A great day headed for disaster...
    I got up and went to the gym. I did 45 minutes total, cardio, and an upper body workout. Came home, ate breakfast, and then showered, etc. I have to go to work at noon, so I thought I'd pop on here and catch up with everyone. Lo and behold someone left a bag of reeses minatures right by the computer.
    Uh huh -- that's right. Reese miniatures.
    I ate 5 or 6, by the time I got to this site. And that stopped me.
    I thought, 'what am I doing? Why did I get up and go to the gym, if I'm just going to undo it all, in a few minutes sitting here? '
    And that is all it takes. Just s few minutes of not thinking, of absently putting that candy in my mouth, one after the other, and not even realizing it.
    I could have consumed a thousand calories easily, instead of the 250 or so that I actually did eat.
    Too bad I didn't stop here first!
    So thanks for being here, and for getting me to think about what I was doing. While I certainly didn't need those 250 calories, it could have been much much worse.
    I love hearing about everyone's triumphs. Driving past a Mcdonalds, or whatever your weakness is, takes strength. The more you do it, the stronger you will be. And it gives me strength.
    But as far as fast food goes, even if we weren't trying to lose weight, we all deserve better quality food than that. I know so many of us just love it. Maybe because we grew up with it? Are we conditioned to like it? Because when I go for a long time without eating a fast food burger, then have one, it's always disappointing. I wonder what the appeal ever was.
    So I think we can all get past the fast food thing. If you are really craving a burger, at least get a high quality one. Maybe that will help ease our cravings for that stuff.
    I still love fries though- if they are fresh. But most of the time, the fast food fries are not quite fresh and crispy anymore. Didn't you used to eat them anyway? Sometimes I would take them back, but most of the time, if they weren't too terrible, I would eat them.
    Why did I do that? They weren't good. If I'm ever going to eat fries, and I know that should be extremely rare, they are going to be delicious, golden crispy fries. Never again will I eat soggy, cold, grease soaked fries.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    A great day headed for disaster...
    I got up and went to the gym. I did 45 minutes total, cardio, and an upper body workout. Came home, ate breakfast, and then showered, etc. I have to go to work at noon, so I thought I'd pop on here and catch up with everyone. Lo and behold someone left a bag of reeses minatures right by the computer.
    Uh huh -- that's right. Reese miniatures.
    I ate 5 or 6, by the time I got to this site. And that stopped me.
    I thought, 'what am I doing? Why did I get up and go to the gym, if I'm just going to undo it all, in a few minutes sitting here? '
    And that is all it takes. Just s few minutes of not thinking, of absently putting that candy in my mouth, one after the other, and not even realizing it.
    I could have consumed a thousand calories easily, instead of the 250 or so that I actually did eat.
    Too bad I didn't stop here first!
    So thanks for being here, and for getting me to think about what I was doing. While I certainly didn't need those 250 calories, it could have been much much worse.
    I love hearing about everyone's triumphs. Driving past a Mcdonalds, or whatever your weakness is, takes strength. The more you do it, the stronger you will be. And it gives me strength.
    But as far as fast food goes, even if we weren't trying to lose weight, we all deserve better quality food than that. I know so many of us just love it. Maybe because we grew up with it? Are we conditioned to like it? Because when I go for a long time without eating a fast food burger, then have one, it's always disappointing. I wonder what the appeal ever was.
    So I think we can all get past the fast food thing. If you are really craving a burger, at least get a high quality one. Maybe that will help ease our cravings for that stuff.
    I still love fries though- if they are fresh. But most of the time, the fast food fries are not quite fresh and crispy anymore. Didn't you used to eat them anyway? Sometimes I would take them back, but most of the time, if they weren't too terrible, I would eat them.
    Why did I do that? They weren't good. If I'm ever going to eat fries, and I know that should be extremely rare, they are going to be delicious, golden crispy fries. Never again will I eat soggy, cold, grease soaked fries.

    I grew up eating Mcdonalds, Burger King, Hardees, etc. so trying very hard to break the habit, I don't want my kids to eat that garbage and I do agree with everything you said here. I would eat the fries anyways even though they weren't good. Good that you stopped yourself from eating a lot of the Reese minitures. I love those things, don't know that I could have been so strong, and don't want to find out any time soon either.
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    Sometimes I crave a Mcdonald's hamburger. And I can't figure out why. I think it is definitely a psychological thing, because they aren't good. But I associate them with something good, so I want them.
    I really hope by avoiding that kind of stuff, those old associations will go away, and we will all realize that bad food is bad food.
    I don't mean to trash all fast food though either. I'm sure some has quality ingredients, but the regular old Micky D's hamburger is nothing special, that's for sure.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I guess I'm older than you guys. My parents didn't allow fast food or junk food. I grew up on homemade fried chicken and creamed potatoes, pot roast with potatoes, macaroni and cheese. On rare occasion did we eat out. I discovered McDonalds and Wendy's during college and it was downhill from there. But since they took the trans fat out of the McD fried I can pass on anything from there. I prefer Bojangles :bigsmile: .
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, I made it today, another great day. I am really doing this. Tomorrow is officially a whole week that I have not done bad, I however did not get to exercise like I wanted to due to my back hurting but I hope that will stop and I will get to do my exercise like I want to do this week. Heres to the new week :drinker:
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I didn't really grow up with it either. But I think it became a treat for me, because it was so rare. And it was a treat. We very seldom went out to eat, so that burger and fries was special. It was probably better then, that it is now. It's wasn't a McDonald's, but a restaurant called The Gold Key. ( i'm pretty old too!)
    I didn't really eat a lot of it, or really crave it, until high school, and of course, college.
    I think the dining halls too better now, offering more healthy choices and a better variety. When I was in college, they did always have a salad bar, but not many other choices. So we just loved it, when we could go to the Dairy Queen, and when Hardee's opened up in town -- WOW!

    Mom of two-- great job. The first week has got to be the hardest. I'm sure you'll be seeing the results you're working so hard for. Keep up the good work! I hope your back feels better soon.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I am up and my back is still not feeling good, another day of taking it easy, I want to do my exercise but I am not really able to right now, but I can do what I am susposed to do and eat like I am susposed to and drink my water. I hope everyone has a great day today.
  • etey7
    etey7 Posts: 44
    I also grew up on weekly fast food plus the occasional treat when I was still a kid. It's kinda special for me i don't know. I was a varsity player back in high school and after every practice during the summer, I will feast on fried chicken, 2 cups of rice, ice tea and a sundae from the local fast food joint. No wonder I gained 15 extra pounds (on top of another extra 10 pounds)even if I'm really active! :noway: Then, during my first year in college, my friends and I will eat fast food everyday! :sick: it was only after college (5 months ago) that I took a serious leap towards healthy eating and I was so thankful I did!

    Now, I don't crave it that much and when I do find myself in a fast food establishment or any kind of restaurant, especially when I'm out with family/friends, I usually go for their healthy options! yay me! lol :laugh: And whenever I do crave it, I just cook my own. Home-cooking is better in taste and nutrition anyway! :happy:

    Wow momoftwo29 I almost didn't recognize you with your profile picture! looking good! :flowerforyou:

    Congrats newattitude2009 for having the strength to stop yourself before consuming thousands of empty cals!:flowerforyou: Wish I also have that kind of self-control. When I start on something (particularly sweets), I just can't stop. :grumble: Great job! :wink:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I also grew up on weekly fast food plus the occasional treat when I was still a kid. It's kinda special for me i don't know. I was a varsity player back in high school and after every practice during the summer, I will feast on fried chicken, 2 cups of rice, ice tea and a sundae from the local fast food joint. No wonder I gained 15 extra pounds (on top of another extra 10 pounds)even if I'm really active! :noway: Then, during my first year in college, my friends and I will eat fast food everyday! :sick: it was only after college (5 months ago) that I took a serious leap towards healthy eating and I was so thankful I did!

    Now, I don't crave it that much and when I do find myself in a fast food establishment or any kind of restaurant, especially when I'm out with family/friends, I usually go for their healthy options! yay me! lol :laugh: And whenever I do crave it, I just cook my own. Home-cooking is better in taste and nutrition anyway! :happy:

    Wow momoftwo29 I almost didn't recognize you with your profile picture! looking good! :flowerforyou:

    Congrats newattitude2009 for having the strength to stop yourself before consuming thousands of empty cals!:flowerforyou: Wish I also have that kind of self-control. When I start on something (particularly sweets), I just can't stop. :grumble: Great job! :wink:

    thank you etey7, you can call me Laura. I took that pic myself yesterday, I am going to get my hubby to take a full body shot one day though. Tomorrow is my weigh in day so we will see what those evil scales will say :laugh:
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