Staying Motivated day to day- Prt 1......



  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Would you have the opportunity to use the school's workout equipment before you left for the day maybe?

    Your day sound busy busy!!

    I am still sick. Have no voice this morning, but no fever either, so I have to be at work. How does one answer the phone without a voice??

    I had to run into the grocery store this morning to get some water and Dayquil to make sure I made it though the day. I was feeling so bad that I grabbed a kit-kat bar during check out. I ate two bars of it this morning and made myself stop. I told myself that I wasn't going to let a damn chocolate bar ruin the 31 pounds I've lost. So, I chunked the rest of the bar, and added what I ate to my food diary. It totaled 105 cals, so I will adjust what I eat throughout the rest of the day to make up and make sure I don't go over.

    I haven't been able to get in the water because of whatever this is I have. Plus it's been raining non-stop and I haven't been able to walk. This week just sucks lol

    On a GOOD note, I put on a shirt this morning that did not fit 6 months ago. I couldn't even get it buttoned over my chest. Today, it's too big. I nearly cried.
  • Hey Ladybug,

    I feel your pain. I'm working on getting my body into shape constantly. Did I say constantly? Well, it sure feels like it. I told my husband yesterday, "Why can't all the temptations out there just disappear for a day?" I have good intentions too and finally decided not to make lists anymore. My lists were for what I thought others expected of me. If I plan something, I put it on a future date on a calendar/journal I have at my desk. Once I put it down, I can forget about it and see it when I wake up on that day. This goes for house chores too. I let you know how this works out. So far so good and it's been a week for me.

    I also started reading The Sugar Solution and it's packed full of helpful tips on low and high GI (glycemic index) foods. Following the lower GI foods is supposed to help in so many ways. If you are interested, you can get the book at the library. GI foods effect blood sugar, insulin and weight gain. Dance is the most intensive aerobic calorie burner too and I can't stick to a regimen similar to what most folks do. I find it boring and end up quitting.

    If you need more tips, email me. I'm 43 and going through the change I think. Cravings are at an all time high and so I'm reading about this all the time.

    Best of luck and you were right, it is a new day of awareness.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    And After my eating binge this weekend I stayed at the same weight from last week. In 3 weeks of Jillian I've lost 5 pounds..

    My new focus is to not make it about the weight on the scale :tongue: :tongue:

    I'm gonna let my heavenly father lead my journey...
    I was working in my "loss it for life" book and found this message. LOVE IT!!!!!
    Psalms 139 23-24
    Search me, O God, and know my heart;
    test me an know my anxious thoughts.

    Point out anything in me that offends you,
    and lead me along the path of everlasting life

    After reading this I just realized that my path is so much more than my weight. I again have had a weightless moment. I want God to examine my heart. Use me as he intends and my life fall where he has intended it be...
    Why do we focus so often the wrong aspects of life?

    Many Blessing
    God Bless everyone on your journey....

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I was reading a book called God's Love bank by Tony Roach who stated weight loss will never be permenant unless you spirit and soul are in correct alignment. That we cannot become so preoccupied with our body (cravings, thinness etc) at the expense of our soul.

    It amazes me how I can go from one extreme to the other. It is so hard to find the appropriate balance. But I just keep trying to remember greater is he that is in me...

    After reading this I just realized that my path is so much more than my weight. I again have had a weightless moment. I want God to examine my heart. Use me as he intends and my life fall where he has intended it be...
    Why do we focus so often the wrong aspects of life?

    Many Blessing
    God Bless everyone on your journey....

  • Berna
    Berna Posts: 23
    Well people, I am sticking to it. I have journalized everything I have eaten in the past two days, plus I have recorded my exercise. According to my food intake and my exercise I am losing, hopefully this will reflect on weigh in day (which for me is next Tuesday). I know there is someone out there who does not believe I am walking the distance I am in the time I am but my walk is almost a run and I am sweating and working out.

    So, my question is, why do I feel I have to justify everything I do to this person. Every time I do something active they find it inconceivable and because they can't do it, then it is not possible for me to do it. I wish they would say "Good for you, way to go!" Instead I get "That's not possible, when I do such and such it takes me more than an hour". I guess they don't get that they are not me and I am not them. Whatever the reason it irks the daylights out of me. I always encourage because any movement is good movement and the more of it the better. Or am I totally out in left field???

    Any thoughts?
  • Well people, I am sticking to it. I have journalized everything I have eaten in the past two days, plus I have recorded my exercise. According to my food intake and my exercise I am losing, hopefully this will reflect on weigh in day (which for me is next Tuesday). I know there is someone out there who does not believe I am walking the distance I am in the time I am but my walk is almost a run and I am sweating and working out.

    So, my question is, why do I feel I have to justify everything I do to this person. Every time I do something active they find it inconceivable and because they can't do it, then it is not possible for me to do it. I wish they would say "Good for you, way to go!" Instead I get "That's not possible, when I do such and such it takes me more than an hour". I guess they don't get that they are not me and I am not them. Whatever the reason it irks the daylights out of me. I always encourage because any movement is good movement and the more of it the better. Or am I totally out in left field???

    Any thoughts?

    I would not worry about what this person says. You know you are doing these things so who really cares what they say.

    You are doing great. Keep up the good work.

    Good luck to everyone today!!!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree with scoobeedoo, just ignore them. Or you could tell them that if they walk with you they will learn how to walk the miles in the time you walk.

    Sometimes the scale weight won't come off but I can see the weight is gone because my calves are more cut or my thighs are smaller etc. Sometimes you have to go with the way clothes fit instead of the scale. I've only lost 4 pounds since April but I know the weight is gone b/c I've dropped two sizes.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
    Well people, I am sticking to it. I have journalized everything I have eaten in the past two days, plus I have recorded my exercise. According to my food intake and my exercise I am losing, hopefully this will reflect on weigh in day (which for me is next Tuesday). I know there is someone out there who does not believe I am walking the distance I am in the time I am but my walk is almost a run and I am sweating and working out.

    So, my question is, why do I feel I have to justify everything I do to this person. Every time I do something active they find it inconceivable and because they can't do it, then it is not possible for me to do it. I wish they would say "Good for you, way to go!" Instead I get "That's not possible, when I do such and such it takes me more than an hour". I guess they don't get that they are not me and I am not them. Whatever the reason it irks the daylights out of me. I always encourage because any movement is good movement and the more of it the better. Or am I totally out in left field???

    Any thoughts?
  • Happy Friday to everyone. My goal is to be good this weekend and make sure that I exercise and do not eat a lot of junk. I know I can work harder but is is so easy just to eat that cookie or to not exercise and make excuses . I really need to kick it up a notch.

    Have a great weekend everyone.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Hope everyone had a great weekend. I overate today but I really don't care that much. Maybe it will do some good.
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Hiya people! It is a new week! Are you changing anything up this week?

    I feel better, and have my voice back. I am still coughing, but I'm not going to let that stop me anymore from walking EVERY day this week, (even the days I have water aerobics). I am going to push myself harder and further than I have in the past. I feel guilty for not working out but for a few minutes these past couple of weeks. (Granted, I was sick, but I still feel guilty.)

    So, walking every day, water aerobics twice a week, Zumba at least twice this week in my living room and I *might* try the P90 10 minute start up workout at some point. I want to kick start my weight loss back up.

    What will you do?
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    New week new Me!!!!

    Here we go!!! I am ready to see some drastic changes. I have decided to completely drop drinking any cocktails for the next 30 days... My 5K is in 2 weeks and I am ready to KICK BUTT!!!!!

    Have a great day
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I ate extremely poorly all weekend, and am ready to make some changes.
    I will eat no more candy. Fun sized or not. None -- zero-- zilch- nada.
    Some people may be able to just eat one or two a day, which is most likely not a problem. I am not one of those people. Maybe someday I will be, but for now -- for today-- I am not touching it.

    I was just feeling like I was really losing some weigh too. Not just water weight, or normal weight fluctuations, but actual body fat. So then I go and undo the good I had done by eating a bunch of candy.
    I know, most would say to not have it in the house. But there's no reason for anyone else in my family to not be able to enjoy it once in a while. And I don't want them to hide it from me either. I really want to have the strength and control within myself.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    I ate extremely poorly all weekend, and am ready to make some changes.
    I will eat no more candy. Fun sized or not. None -- zero-- zilch- nada.
    Some people may be able to just eat one or two a day, which is most likely not a problem. I am not one of those people. Maybe someday I will be, but for now -- for today-- I am not touching it.

    I was just feeling like I was really losing some weigh too. Not just water weight, or normal weight fluctuations, but actual body fat. So then I go and undo the good I had done by eating a bunch of candy.
    I know, most would say to not have it in the house. But there's no reason for anyone else in my family to not be able to enjoy it once in a while. And I don't want them to hide it from me either. I really want to have the strength and control within myself.

    Oh, I hear ya!!! It's nice to know that we can start over agian tomorrow... This isn't gonna happen just over night, It took longer to get here to begin with. Why are the weekends so HARD!!!!! No Stress, you got this.. Learning your boundries is half the battle.. Pray, or go listen to music, or go into the bathroom and put make-up on, do your hair, just play, you won't want to eat in the John.. Make a list of things to instead of eating the candy and put the list next to where you keep the candy, on the door or right on top of, Get creative....

    Good Luck
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree self control takes time. It's taken me over a year and sometimes I still overdo it. But as long as the controlled days are more than the uncontrolled days you will succeed.

    Hope everyone had a good day today. I tried a new food (for me) acorn squash. It was similar to a sweet potato.

    I was still lazy and did the WATP 4 mile but I jogged most of the time so that is an improvement. I will try to come up with something more challenging after my vacation:ohwell:

    Have a great night. Hope Laura will be back with us soon
    I ate extremely poorly all weekend, and am ready to make some changes.
    I will eat no more candy. Fun sized or not. None -- zero-- zilch- nada.
    Some people may be able to just eat one or two a day, which is most likely not a problem. I am not one of those people. Maybe someday I will be, but for now -- for today-- I am not touching it.

    I was just feeling like I was really losing some weigh too. Not just water weight, or normal weight fluctuations, but actual body fat. So then I go and undo the good I had done by eating a bunch of candy.
    I know, most would say to not have it in the house. But there's no reason for anyone else in my family to not be able to enjoy it once in a while. And I don't want them to hide it from me either. I really want to have the strength and control within myself.
  • Berna
    Berna Posts: 23
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
    As you can see by my ticker, I haven't lost but I haven't gained.

    I barely did any exercise this past weekend. I spent most of the weekend in bed with the flu and am barely moving around now. I am back to work and feeling somewhat better each day. Hopefully I will be back on my exercise routine by the weekend.

    Last night I did a no no and overindulged on the salt. Eating Orville's Extra Buttery popcorn and snacking on salty crackers, but, all that salt did not reflect on the scales this morning, so, I am happy with that. Here we go another week of logging food and exercise, I hope I have better results next week.

    Keep the focus people, we are all this for one reason or another and we are all doing great....we will make it in spite of our little set backs!!!
  • Okay made it through another weekend. I was horrible yet again. Monday was great and I have planned all of my meals for today and I am well within my calories as long as I get my exercise in. Finally started level 3 of the Shred, Man it is kicking my butt.

    Good luck to everyone. Have a great day. :tongue:
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    I managed a candy free day! And I stayed within my calories. I still have a long way to go for a really clean diet, but I'm not sure that is my goal anyway. I want to be able to enjoy things in moderation, and maybe find some healthier alternatives. But I cannot live on broccoli and chicken breast, even though I love both and they are now staples in my diet.

    I love the idea of putting a note by the candy, or maybe I will store that type of food in it's own box, and I can cover it with reasons to not eat it, or reasons why I am worth not eating it. Because I tell ya, and I know you all know, it doesn't take but a second to let down your guard and eat hundreds of calories worth of nothing.

    I did 50 minutes on the wii fit today. Not too difficult, and it said I burned about 222 calories. I was a little disgusted with myself, thinking about how many calories I could have burned in 50 minutes on an elliptical machine, but then I remembered that I did a lot of different activities that are good for me in other ways, than just burning calories.
    And as long as I eat in control, I don't have to stress about burning as many calories as possible, when I'm not going to over eat.
    So I'm glad I did the yoga and the strength training, and played all the games. I had fun and it was over before I knew it. I was a little sweaty, but not bad. I think as long as this isn't my only exercise routine, it will be just fine to do sometimes.
  • Cindysunshine
    Cindysunshine Posts: 1,188 Member
    hi everyone I'm baaaaaack........ I've been MIA for around 6 weeks. I never got back on track after my trip to MO and I gained back 8 pounds. I've been eating so much junk in responce to my stress about my new schedule. This is the 2nd day of being back on the plan. I am confident in the fact that I'm back to it ! I am so happy to be back ! Have a great day everyone ! Cindy :heart:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    okay, so I am still without my computer, and probably won't be back until tomorrow or Thursday, and I have still not been doing too well, I have gained some back but not went crazy with it or anything. I hope to be back very soon. :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally. I have to get with it, gained some back while I was gone from the site.
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