October's "No Late Night Snacking" Challenge



  • How did everyone do over the weekend? I think I did pretty well overall. I did have pizza but I made sure that I had plenty of calories left. Since it's getting colder outside, it seems like my urge to snack is getting stronger. I've been craving hot chocolate with mini-marshmellows:smile:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I didn't plan my meals right, so I wasn't good enough on Saturday (though I went to bed late and by that I did in fact stop eating at least 3hrs before hitting the pillow :smile: ).
    Last night was good. I did not eat past 8 p.m. Well, I was too full. However, I also was in my calories range. :happy:

    Veronica, well done! :flowerforyou: You sure live up to the role (of leading this group :wink: ) I hope Stephanie joins us. How's everyone else doing?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Think I failed, il put it to the board!!!

    I went to bed early last night after early start, didnt eat after 7:30 and was asleep by 9, however woke up at 2.30am and had a feast (approx 1200 cals)

    However got up and did 20 mile bike (1750 cals) at 7 am

    Wo:noway: ow, lots of biking! :flowerforyou: I'd say it's all well when it ends well :wink: . Keep working on it :flowerforyou: , you sure are a determined guy!

    Haha, I had to edit "determined lady", cos you're the daddy to this lovely child in your profile photo, aren't ya? :wink:
  • I went over my carbs yesterday but I still consider yesterday a success since I avoided that late night chocolate calling. I just sucked down a couple glasses of water, brushed my teeth and headed off to bed shortly after.

    Side note: I saw Stephanie on the September thread the other day and invited her over to this one. Hopefully we'll see her around soon!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi -
    I finally found the group and I'm going to try again. Happy to see you're still here dewdrop. :smile:
    I surfaced only briefly in Sept. and I probably won't be on much for Oct and Nov. (travel plans), but I have to get back to this. It really made a difference last winter/spring. Thank you always dewdrop for starting this!:flowerforyou:
    Thanks also to Veronica320 for keeping it moving forward.:flowerforyou:
    My cut-off will still be 9:30 pm. and tonight will be my Day 1. How is everyone else doing?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey everyone? Can I join?

    This is my 4th wk on MFP and I have made it a point to stop eating at around 8. but on wkends thats harder. So I'll set my time for 8pm and 9pm on wkends (i stay up way later).:smile:
  • Welcome aboard:smile: ! Weekends are the toughest for me too (or really crappy days at work:mad: ). But this thread really helps me hold myself accountable. I hate having to report in that I've been naughty. Good luck. We can do this!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I almost blew it. I made dessert tonight for my hard-working husband so I had some too. I'm pretty sure I had the last bite before my 9:30 cut-off. I'm out of the kitchen now til tomorrow!
    Good night and good luck!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Zaza, it's so so good to see you here. Now I really have to behave, cos you' re watching, and I don't like to dissapoint old friends :wink: .

    I had to eat past my cut-off yesterday, cos I was sick all day and ate very little. But I still was under my calories, so yday counts :smile: .

    Welcome, nola, and good luck to you too :flowerforyou: .
  • We have a wedding reception to attend tonight and I have no idea what kind of food to be expecting or how it's prepared:ohwell: . Hopefully there will be a few healthy options there for me to choose from. My plan is to avoid desserts all together (we'll see how that goes over). Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • I just heard it's a pig roast:sick: But at least there's an open-bar:drinker:
  • jeanns
    jeanns Posts: 58
    Hi, everyone- hope i'm not too late to join in! This is one of my worst problems! late night snacking often turns into late night bingeing for me! :grumble:
    This is a GREAT challenge for myself so I'm gonna set my time for 7:30p! Except alcoholic drinks on the weekend :drinker:
    Thanks for coming up with this!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Hi, everyone- hope i'm not too late to join in! This is one of my worst problems! late night snacking often turns into late night bingeing for me! :grumble:

    Bin there, done that. :embarassed: But being part of this group sure makes you feel more aware of what happens at night.

    Be prepared for fight - there will be easier nights, and there will be nights where you feel you can't hold on to it. Just remember to get up every time it looks like you've failed. The only failure is not getting up :wink: .

    This being said, for some reason I feel good about my past nights, even though I did not go strictly by my cut-off. Been just too messed up during the day - yet, I went to bed with an empty stomach, so I did stop at the right time :smile: .

    Veronica, I am so inspired by you! :flowerforyou: Good luck with the reception tonight - just remember to put the accent on conversation, rather than on all-time eating :wink: . Good luck with staying away from deserts - save 'em for me (I'm cutting off sugar actually :wink: )
  • The reception went good (had a lot of fun and probably a bit too much to drink). I decided to eat before I went there and felt like a bit of a weirdo while everyone else was eating. Sunday we had dinner at my Grandma's house and I know I went waaaay over my calories that day. She made some kind of a Southern style chicken dinner with all the fixins. Everything was fried and covered in butter and gravy. She is an awesome cook and her feelings are hurt when people don't eat. So I just let go and ate it all.
  • I'm on my 4th day of being insanly sick. Pretty much I've been surviving on soup and Vitamin Water. I can't call in because our office manager is on vacation and I'm "acting manager" while she's gone. This sucks:sick:
  • Okay so October is getting close to being over, but can I still join. I am really bad about eating before bed especially sweets. I go to bed really early like 8 p.m., as I get up at 2 a.m. to be to work by 4 a.m, so I am going to say 6:00 p.m. will be my cut off time. do you think 2 hours is long enough????
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I'm on my 4th day of being insanly sick. Pretty much I've been surviving on soup and Vitamin Water. I can't call in because our office manager is on vacation and I'm "acting manager" while she's gone. This sucks:sick:

    Oh, dear - I hope you get well really soon. :flowerforyou: *hugs* Relax, things will get sorted out (I tend to stress more about work when I'm sick). I have been quiet in this thread lately because I wasn't feeling well and ate very light during the day, so I had to make up for it by also eating something in the evening. However, I have been doing well on calories and even lost some weight. :drinker:

    scoobdoob808, sure you can join! Every day is a good day to start - this month we haven't even publicly counted the successful days, so not sure how we're doing. But definitely join! Take it as practicing for November, hehe.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Veronica, are you better now? Hope all is already back to normal and you are using the WE to recover. Spoil yourself - you desirve a reward, after coping with the cold :flowerforyou: .

    I'm staying strong again at night. Not playing strictly by the rule, but I am amazed to see that I am staying within my calories. Which shows that I do have some self control :wink: .

    How's everybody else doing? Don't be ashamed if you failed, feel bad only if you've given up. Adjust goals (like cut-off time) and allow yourself a bite if your stomach is growling. If a bite/healthy snack is all it is, you're still doing great! This challenge is about late-night-binging actually. And it is not an easy one! :grumble:
  • I have surprisingly stuck to my cutoff time since i signed up to this post. WOO HOO. I did pretty well overall this past weekend and I even worked out both days (unusual for me for the weekends)

    Good luck to everyone. Hope this is a good week. :happy:
  • Hey everyone! I am finally starting to get better. Today is the first day in a week that I don't feel like I could just keel over at any minute. My entire weekend was spent curled up on the couch in my sweatpants watching the Alien series on AE:laugh: . I still have a pretty wicked cough and not a whole lot of energy but I'll live. Great to be back.....and eating solid food!
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