Cheating on the weekends.....



  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    I have "cheat days"... although it's usually more like a cheat meal.. rarely do I have full days where I'm bad. Like today I had class all day and didn't feel like driving to get lunch so I bought a grilled cheese (not quite sure it was lower calorie than the fried chicken sandwich would have been after watching them make it lol) and french fries from the cafeteria they have on campus. But the rest of my day has been good and it's also a running day for me.

    Yep, its better than starving yourself, thats for sure.
  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    I cheat on the weekends too...except in my case it's not eating. For many years, I've starved myself and on the weekends, without deadlines, clocks, or set routines to guide me, I tend to go for hours and hours without a single bite. I'm trying to improve that, however. might want to try to keeping some fresh apples and nuts spread about, like your purse on your desk, or in your car, so when you think about something will be handy.
  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    I cheat, but not on any specific day. Last night I had cookies...actually I took up most of my calories with cookies. Cookies are little chocolate chipped demons.

    yeah.. my little one luvs cookies, especially fresh baked ones. On the times where I make them for her, I make a deal with myself to only have one, and then I gourge on some fruit, to curb the desire or apetite for them. Sometimes it works, other times not so much . LOL
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member
    I have big ginormous problems with the weekend cheating. Weekends are when we go to restaurants, or get fast food or mochas on the way to Saturday class, or drink way too much... and I just turned 21. It's hard!

    Moving didn't help. The last week we were rushing everywhere and I took the opportunity to eat whatever I could find. The scale says I gained 20 lbs in the last week... :noway: Impossible, right? But it's a definite indicator that I need to cut back on the excuses!
  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    I include a cheat meal every usually ends up being pizza! Yummm :love:

    I actually had 1/4 of a totinos pizza last night for my final snack of the day. If you anyone would have seen how I stuffed that down, they would have sworn I hadn't eaten in days!!! It was sssoooo.....good....
  • passionhi
    passionhi Posts: 118
    I have big ginormous problems with the weekend cheating. Weekends are when we go to restaurants, or get fast food or mochas on the way to Saturday class, or drink way too much... and I just turned 21. It's hard!

    Moving didn't help. The last week we were rushing everywhere and I took the opportunity to eat whatever I could find. The scale says I gained 20 lbs in the last week... :noway: Impossible, right? But it's a definite indicator that I need to cut back on the excuses!

    :noway: yeah...I know especially when everyone else is having whatever they want. Good luck!!!
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I used to do this, but then I found it really hard to get back on track!! And I just felt gross afterward.
    I mean, if there's something I want (usually dessert) I won't deny myself. My mom tortured me by bringing out pumpkin ice cream last night haha.

    I think if you're still exercising those days, no big deal! I just don't give my self a free-for-all day, because it's not good for me personally.

    Same here...I found that a cheat day turned into a cheat weekend. So I try to work some sort of treat into my day if I want to and my calories allow it. I do, however, usually have a cheat meal of nachos and beer on Saturday nights. :laugh: That seems to be the night my friends and I go out for a beer after our night shift, and I usually end up making nachos at home...followed sometimes by ice cream. :laugh:
  • totallytasha
    totallytasha Posts: 134 Member

    :noway: yeah...I know especially when everyone else is having whatever they want. Good luck!!!

    Thanks! And no kidding about everybody else being able to eat EVERYTHING. My boyfriend probably eats 2 to 3 times what I do, and he couldn't gain a pound to save his life :grumble:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I used to have a cheat day. But have since narrowed it down to a cheat meal. I also use weekends as an opportunity to burn a bunch of calories.

    On Sunday evenings during the summer it's not uncommon for me to be 2500-3000 calories down for the day. :bigsmile:

    I always like Mondays because it's usually an opportunity to get some rest.
  • PatB52
    PatB52 Posts: 65
    I don't like to term it cheating. That's so negative. ;) I consider it a "variation" of my normal eating patterns. Mine also is not necessarily on the weekend. I try to plan ahead for an indulgence but sometimes it is spontaneous and I try to be careful the rest of the day or that day and the next. It's working for me. I try not to let it happen often. I think I would be much more likely to "fall off the wagon" if I couldn't ever have something I crave. (It's a good think I don't care for alcohol.)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    UGHH i totally agree, i CANT get rid of the alcohol inmy life! i just love hanging out having a drink, and then beforei know its 5 in the mornign and i drank a weeks worth of of calories in alcohol in one night. Any suggestions on how i can slow down my love life with alcohol?! :brokenheart:

    Keep in mind what I'm about to say is coming from a guy whose seen his share beer sunrises, and will be having a few at a football game this weekend...

    However, no ones suggestions will have any effect until YOU decide that getting your self in the shape you want to be in is more important that your alcohol consumption.
  • kak1018
    kak1018 Posts: 183 Member
    For me I do really well until I have a couple drinks, then I get the urge to snack and eat crap. My body is not used to junk anymore I often joke I have food hangovers from it these days. I guess all in moderation right?
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    I plan my "cheats". If I know I am going to eat Mcdonald's I cut way back on calories for my other meals and I exercise to get some extra calories. That is usually the weekend and it is either popcorn for movie night or pizza that I go looking for.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I cheat on the weekends too...except in my case it's not eating. For many years, I've starved myself and on the weekends, without deadlines, clocks, or set routines to guide me, I tend to go for hours and hours without a single bite. I'm trying to improve that, however. might want to try to keeping some fresh apples and nuts spread about, like your purse on your desk, or in your car, so when you think about something will be handy.

    Oh I'm fine during the week when I'm at work. It's the weekends, when I'm going going going (and at home), and I never get hungry. I take a protein bar if i'm going out..just to keep something handy.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Weekends are always harder for me, too. Especially since it seems that every Monday I try to recommit myself to healthy eating. We tend to dine out more on the weekends, too.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    You think like me. I prefer to think of it as calorie cycling.

    I used to cheat every Sunday. Like CasperO I would skip breakfast and eat a big lunch. Then it got so I ended up eating within or under my calories on Sunday- like my body know how much to have.
    I don't like to term it cheating. That's so negative. ;) I consider it a "variation" of my normal eating patterns. Mine also is not necessarily on the weekend. I try to plan ahead for an indulgence but sometimes it is spontaneous and I try to be careful the rest of the day or that day and the next. It's working for me. I try not to let it happen often. I think I would be much more likely to "fall off the wagon" if I couldn't ever have something I crave. (It's a good think I don't care for alcohol.)
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'm really careful through the week, then on the weekends I eat differently but plan the calories & work off as much as possible. I log it no matter what.
    I don't usually go over, except in sodium. On weekends I exercise more anyway.
  • Whew!!! So glad to hear I am not the only one who has a hard time staying on track on the weekends. I not only eat worse on the weekends I am really bad about drinking my water. Guess I should try harder, it is Friday so I will plan on being better this weekend.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have to confess....I cheat on the weekends. Get your minds out of the gutter, I mean I cheat on my eating plan( I prefer that term to diet). One day on the weekend I eat whatever I want, or almost whatever I want. My daughter loves to go to McDonalds, and so I don't deny myself what I really want and thats cheeseburger.
    I know McDonalds has healthier choices, and if we go there during the week I choose something on the healthier side. But on the weekends, its a free for all. And sometimes I even eat dessert, yum!

    Does anyone else cheat? If so, what do you break your meal plan committment to have?

    I always think " WHO exactly am I cheating?"

    :heart: Jeannie
  • jassy
    jassy Posts: 4
    Hi all!

    I also have a "cheat". I think it's healthy and if you can limit it to one day, it's a shock to your system, so you should still continue to lose the weight.

    My cheat day is usually Saturday, but while I'm in crunch time right now, I am only having a cheat meal on Saturday...and that will be Wendy's! Mmmm, I can't wait :)
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