Staying Motivated day to day- Prt 1......



    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Id like to join in as well

    Im in a different time zone being in the southern hemisphere. but still need some support..

    Im feeling aweful at the moment as I have had a HUGE dinner today and no exercise. Work was long and tired.. the last thing I could think of was exercise let alone cooking anything decent. So I ate out (had a heavy creamy indian curry) and im really paying for it now.. Oh am I feeling FULL!!!

    boy am I kicking myself.. why do we do this to ourselves


    welcome :flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good morning everyone, I am up and ready to go this morning. I am still so execited to be out of 40 something pounds lost onto 52 pounds lost. So, I will eat great and do my exercise and drink my water.

    Daily Challenge: 35 minutes of exercise, 64 oz of water. :flowerforyou:
  • Jentx30
    Jentx30 Posts: 15
    Morning all. Today I have not started all that great as I didn't get to the gym but there is always later on today. I ate a smaller breakfast as a result. My 16 month old kept us up last night so I stayed in and slept. Yesterday finished off, I ate a bit more to get in my cals but it was popcorn..100 calorie and like a tbs of PB. I wonder if eating carbs like popcorn at 10pm is bad no matter how many cals one has eaten. Anyhoo, I wish yall the best today!
  • dragonfly81
    dragonfly81 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning team!! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days!

    I spent Saturday at a local Marching Band Competition (I was a HUGE bandnerd back in HS). It was a blast. Sunday, hubs and I were both sunburnt and lazy, so we did NOTHING. lol But it's okay. I knew the weekend would be off track, because of all the junk food at the competition.

    Yesterday, we walked 2.5 miles in the rain. I loved it. I was able to walk it all without getting completely breathless, and was able to talk and walk at the same time, instead of huffing and puffing.

    All of you guys keep going... Look a week ahead and say, "I can do this by then". You are all wonderful.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Planning on another great day!!!!!!
    yesterday staying in my cal's, worked out in AM, went for 2 mile walk with hubby in PM....

    Worked out this morning, felt great, I love the energy it give me. Plan on running 3.5 tonight only 25 days until my first 5K, Wish me LUCK!!!!!

    Hope everyone enjoys their day.. It's a beautiful Autumn day!!!!:flowerforyou:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well, 32 oz. of water already and my hubby, my son and I went for a 40 minute walk. Doing great today!!!!!!!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Way to go,,,, Keep it up!!!!!
    You are doing a great job:glasses: :glasses:
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Way to go,,,, Keep it up!!!!!
    You are doing a great job:glasses: :glasses:

    thanks :flowerforyou:
  • soupandsandwich
    soupandsandwich Posts: 59 Member
    It's cold and rainy, and the last thing I want to do is get out and go to the gym.
    But I have to. It's that, or something here at home, and nothing is appealing at the moment.

    I got the Wii fit plus, and it's a lot of fun. The games are silly, and fun, and I would love to be able to just play those games, but I don't think the Wii fit is really meant to take the place of all other forms of exercise.
    Best case scenario -- I go the the gym and do a good 30 - 45 minutes or cardio. Do some upper body, then come home and play the Wii fit for a half hour or so.

    Water is not good so far. I've been drinking diet soda instead. So I'd better get on it, or I'll be in the bathroom all night if I wait to long to chug-a-lug.

    Everyone is doing great. We all hit snags and bumps in the road, but we have to figure out our way around them.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Hey Team Let's get Motivated!!!!!

    I had a great day....
    Stayed in my cal's, ran my 3.3 miles in 35 min's... 24 days til my first 5k, I am PUMPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Weighting in tomorrow for my 30 day shred group. Last week I was up, I'm ready to see the scale go DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My Jimmy made a great chicken and rice diner with yummy red peppers and zuchs for me, I have a great man... Thank you God!!!!!

    Hope everyone has a great night sleep, Biggest Loser on now....
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Glad everyone is doing well.

    This is the first day I got in my calories before 10pm. So Maybe I can go to bed at a decent hour.

    Have a great night
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good morning everyone, I hope you all have a great day today eating, exercising and drinking your water. I am already drinking some water right now as I type this. I am getting ready to eat my breakfast too.

    challenge for today: 64 oz of water, 40 minutes of exercise
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    it is a great day, I am down 5 pounds from my gaining.. This puts me at a total of 7 pounds lost since MFP and 58 pounds all together, YEAH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eating my fiber oatmeal and drinking water now, did 30 min of pilates this am, will do a jillian or bob workout this evening!!!!!

    Everyone have a GREAT DAY!!!!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    it is a great day, I am down 5 pounds from my gaining.. This puts me at a total of 7 pounds lost since MFP and 58 pounds all together, YEAH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eating my fiber oatmeal and drinking water now, did 30 min of pilates this am, will do a jillian or bob workout this evening!!!!!

    Everyone have a GREAT DAY!!!!!!

    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Well had a great day today, but I didn't get any exercise in today, I drank my water, but went over on my sodium some today. I hope all of you had a great day. :flowerforyou:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Congratulations on the 5lbs

    I had a bag of chips and a snickers but I did exercise most of it off and had a healthy breakfast and dinner. Hope everyone had a great day!
    it is a great day, I am down 5 pounds from my gaining.. This puts me at a total of 7 pounds lost since MFP and 58 pounds all together, YEAH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Eating my fiber oatmeal and drinking water now, did 30 min of pilates this am, will do a jillian or bob workout this evening!!!!!

    Everyone have a GREAT DAY!!!!!!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Good Morning everyone. I am pumped and ready to go this morning. I ate too much sodium yesterday but I will not today. That is my goal today, to not eat too much sodium. I want to drink my water, do my exercise, I am hoping that I a can get on my bike today, not sure if I will or not yet.

    Challenge today: 40 minutes of exercise, 64 oz of water.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Good Morning, I too went over my sodium yesterday:cry:
    Oh, well, today is a new day.
    Worked out this morning before work, Now I drinking water and eating my fiber oatmeal...
    Fell a cold coming on, makes me sad, I haven't been sick in almost 2 years, since seeing my chiropractor... Taking extra Vit C to try to stop it in it's tracks....

    Heres to a GREAT day for EVERYONE:flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • Good morning everyone. Here's to a great day!!!!

    My goal is to eat healthy calories, (NOT SWEETS) and to do my shred today.

    Hope everyone has a great day.
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    well today did not go as well as I thought it would, I ended up eating too many calories today, I am glad that tomorrow is a new day. I hope you all had a great day and did great.
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