pag41989 Member


  • We go to my mother's for Thanksgiving so its usually smoked turkey, ham, mashed potatoes with gravy, deviled eggs, sweet potatoes, at least 8 pies.. you know all the fatty stuff lol. I figured for holidays its just one day so it won't ruin my whole week so I plan to enjoy it ;)
  • I always work out before work so I have no excuses. I am always tired at the end of the work day and the last thing I want to do is go to the gym so I just get up in the morning and go before work instead. It has become part of my normal routine and it feels odd now if I can't go for some reason
  • I am 5' 2" and started at 172.. I am now at 157 and seem to be stuck in that same area :/
  • Google Jamie Eason's protein bars. She has a chocolate bar that is yummy and it really helps me when I have to have chocolate.
  • Ugh nevermind I can't get the pics to post :/
  • If mine stay after I lose my weight you can just have some of mine, how is that? lol :happy: I am hoping to lose some of mine though. I am a 36D and would love to be a C or B cup again.
  • I would also recommend doing it now. Combining cardio and strength training will help you reach your goals :)
  • I have mine with a little bit of powedered creamer and splenda
  • I do a combo of compound and isolated. I am following Jamie Eason's livefit trainer which has everything from dumbbell squats to arm curls. It seems to be doing pretty good so far :)
  • Welcome! I also have 50 lbs to lose and I have lost 14 so far :) Feel free to add me if you would like an extra friend on here :)
  • Its not really "fat" as it is just loose and hanging there. It almost seems as if it is loose skin that just needs a little bit of tightening. Cardio is really helping with losing fat all over and I can really see a difference in my shoulders from the isolated workouts combined with the cardio I have been doing. I have…
  • Ah I know that feeling! My hubby made mango salsa the other night and it was soo good. At first it was just a few scoops with some chips and before I knew it half the bag of chips was gone :sad: I felt horrible about it and I have had other dinners like that. I have learned though that you just have to take it day by day…
  • Wow you look fantastic! Good job :flowerforyou:
  • Hey everyone! I joined MFP back when I was trying to lose weight for my wedding and fell off the wagon, then got pregnant and gained a ton of weight. Right now I am looking to lose my baby fat and then some. I was not in a healthy weight range when I got pregnant but I am hoping to be there by this time next year. :) My…
    in Welcome Comment by pag41989 August 2012
  • It is defiinetely in your head and I can see a huge difference in just that 15 lbs. I do the same thing to myself and I have lost the same amount of weight but when I compared a before and after photo I can see a difference. I think you look great!
  • Thats amazing congrats!
  • I cook the same thing but if I am doing a protein and veggies I will boil some pasta for my husband because he complains about being hungry because a little bit of chicken and veggies is not what he is used to eating so I just throw in the extra carbs for him and he seems content :)
  • I was debating on cutting one in half and having it as my afternoon snack but I am not sure it is worth it. I just ate a large salad for lunch about 30 minutes ago but I have a huge weakness for sweets lol
  • There are days where you just don't want to do it. I personally love doing my workouts in the morning. It has naturally become part of my routine and its nice to have it out of the way for the day and it seems to give me an extra energy boost. On mondays when I don't work its hard to get motivated but I either look at the…
  • My daughter is 10 months old and I started going to the gym in the morning after she started sleeping through the night. I have been going since the beginning of May and have lost 14 lbs so far. Its hard but I feel amazing. I had a lot of pregnancy complications so its good to know that I am getting my health back and will…
  • I was dating my husband for 2 years and was engaged for almost 2 years and we have been married for 2 years and we just had our daughter 10 months ago :)
  • I LOVE my morning workouts. The gym is less crowded and there isn't a ton of people hogging the weight area and theres plenty of room in the showers. I usually get up at 530 and some mornings if I am really tired I stop by the gas station and pick up a small sugar free redbull and I always make sure I eat something light…
  • I started when my daughter was 9 months old with getting back into the gym. I am 5' 2 and was 172.. I am now down to 158. At first I was just working out and still eating quite of bit of carbs but as soon as I started following a diet the weight started coming off at least by 1 lb a week. I eat a lot of veggies and make…
  • I got measured at Victorias Secret. Its free and the lady that did mine did a great job. I went from a 40DD to a 36D and it fit perfectly :)
  • Have you changed what you eat recently? If you eat less but eat higher calorie items to stay at your goal that could be a problem. 1200 calories in unhealthier foods is going to treat your body differently than 1200 calories in veggies and grilled or baked meat. Also I know if I have diet sodas it affects my weight loss. I…
  • I have just started an exercise program at It is kicking my butt and I am enjoying it!
  • My husband is not working out with me or anything but if I want to go to a restaurant with healthier food, we usually end up going there. I have been able to find something pretty healthy on pretty much any menu though. It helps to check the menu and nutrition info before going out to eat :) He also eats the same dinner…
  • I live in Florida so it is 100 degrees right now in the shade. I am very prone to heat stroke so I choose to stay inside. Plus right now I workout at 5 am so I feel safer in a gym that is locked. I can't wait until the fall though so I can take my little girl on afternoon jogs with me in the park.. and all the fresh…