What is the best exercise to lose this fat?



  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    You need to know what your BMR is.


    Eat at that level to maintain your weight.
    Eat/Exercise to that level to create deficit to lose weight.
    Eat more than that to gain weight.

    Start there, then look at heathier food choices, beneficial exercise programs- cardio and weight training.... etc etc etc.
  • jennkain97
    jennkain97 Posts: 290 Member
    Get yourself a copy of "The New Rules of Lifting For Women". This will give you lots of info on both diet and exercise. Then join a gym and follow the plan. You will love yourself for it!
  • shbmommy110
    Seriously thank you all so much, these are great tips and I am going to use these!!! I cant wait to eat healthier and feel healthier!!! Thank you :)!!!!
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    It takes more than 4 days to see results from exercise. Be patient, keep at it.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    For fat loss, diet > exercise

  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    For fat loss, diet > exercise

    This is true! Pay close attention to your diet. Eat clean foods. Stay away from processed foods (fast food, frozen dinners, box foods etc). Completely clean takes a lot of work, but has great results. I would try to eat as clean as you can. High protein is good too along with low sugar. This can be difficult because it seems just about everything these days is ladled with sugar! Anyway, when grocery shopping, stick to the outer aisles, around the edge. These will have the "cleanest" foods. Avoid the inner aisles (as much as possible).

    Then...be active. Do something you enjoy, something a bit challenging at least 3x a week.
  • shbmommy110
    Just to clarify, I wasnt looking for results in 4 days, just telling you how you i have been working at it.
  • dstov
    dstov Posts: 4 Member
    If you continue with your exercise, and if you also try your hardest to eliminate sugar from your diet and foods that turn to sugar when ingested, white bread and potatoes for example, you will see great results in eliminating the fat around your tummy.

    Bottom line, there is no secret to weight loss, or at least quick weight loss. Exercise more (run/walk a minimum of 20 minutes), eat healthier - avoid processed foods and DON'T eat out - and you will slowly but surely start to see results.
  • MonkRocker
    MonkRocker Posts: 198
    You may want to start here:


    That's a good overall guide to get you started. If you are framing what you are doing as a "diet" you are setting yourself up to fail. If you change the way you eat as a temporary thing, then go back to eating the same crap you always did, your weight will just go back up.

    So don't "diet" - change your LIFE. Conventional Wisdom on diet/exercise/fitness has changed a LOT in the last few years. If you've been out of the loop, do some research first. It will save you a lot of time and wasted effort.

    Also: your question topic hints at a concept known around these parts as "spot reducing". It is a MYTH, plain and simple. Trust me on this. And as people have already pointed out in this thread - abs are made in the KITCHEN, not the gym.

    Most people around here are friendly enough and happy to answer questions, BUT - we do tire of seeing the same misinformation and/or answered 200 times previous questions. Google first. Message board search second, THEN ask if you still haven't found an answer.

    Hope that helps! Also: good job on taking the first steps!
  • DustMastaFlex
    All i am doing is running/walking in the morning 5-7 days a week and as many crunches as i can, around 70 for right now, but i wonder what else i should be doing, i am not really seeing any results, i am already on day 4 of doing this, but this is my first day on this site. Any suggestions???

    I am 5'5 and 171, trying to get back down to my pre pregnancy weight of 124!

    Thanks in advance!!! :)

    Help your body, stop doing crunches and do Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Prisoner Squats, any lunges - doing 5 minutes of these is worth far more than doing supine crunches.

    ^^^^ great advice on skipping the crunches as they are just an isolated movement and will burn less calories than the exercised listed above! Also walking in the A.M. is awesome, but i have a few questions... 1) How long are those cardio sessions? 2) Are you doing the walking/running before you have breakfast? My advice is to wake up, have a glass of water to get the body going. Then do your walking/jogging for about 30-45min on an empty stomach to use your fat stores as energy. Eat breakfast right after your walk/jog, you must eat an hour upon waking up! And for food wise, just keep it clean and simple and use the food diary available to you on the site so you know how much your eating and the nutrients consumed... good luck!!!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I haven't read any replies so forgive me if I am repeating someone..

    You don't need any exercise to lose weight. You need to eat less calories than you burn. If you want to look good naked when you're done, you need to lift weights. You can do cardio to increase calorie burn if you like, or eat less food, whichever you prefer.
  • soul_sista88
    soul_sista88 Posts: 57 Member
    What I have been doing was counting calories of course. I do cardio, strength training, and dancing. If you are unable to purchase gym membership, I first started working out at home. I went walking at least 45 minutes a day. I then would come home after work and do some Jillean Michaels 30 Day Shred, Tae Bo, Insanity, Kendall Hogan, or other random YouTube videos that were helpful. After awhile, you have to change up your routine because your body will get used to it. Now that I have found a free gym on campus, I attend the aerobics and zumba classes and I ride the stationary bike. Try taking some music, watching tv, or talking because if you are working out, time will just go by so quickly. I try to make sure that my net is a negative number which is good because it shows that I am burning more calories than taking in. I drink only water and may occassionally make a smoothie. You have to eat, but eat healthy. Try to eat at least 1200 cals or more daily, but also don't try to force yourself to eat if you are not hungry. I try to avoid eating fast food (although I may have to go there because of the company, but I choose things that I feel is healthy). I can get a sandwhich, but I choose to not have cheese and mayo and instead pile up the veggies. I was amazed at all of the things I could snack or cook that were so healthy. Not only do you need to look at calories, but you should also look at the sodium and sugar levels. Although you may see low cal food items in the store, doesn't mean that it is healthy. MFP is a great motivator and making sure you have friends online can allow you to get tips on exercise, food choices, and positivity. I do not look at this as a diet, but moreso a new healthy lifestyle because a diet ends. And after meeting my weight goal, I want to maintain it and not go back to my old habits. There will be sometimes you go over your personal calorie limit, but don't give up. Just keep trying.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    All i am doing is running/walking in the morning 5-7 days a week and as many crunches as i can, around 70 for right now, but i wonder what else i should be doing, i am not really seeing any results, i am already on day 4 of doing this, but this is my first day on this site. Any suggestions???

    I am 5'5 and 171, trying to get back down to my pre pregnancy weight of 124!

    Thanks in advance!!! :)

    Help your body, stop doing crunches and do Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Prisoner Squats, any lunges - doing 5 minutes of these is worth far more than doing supine crunches.

    ^^^^ great advice on skipping the crunches as they are just an isolated movement and will burn less calories than the exercised listed above! Also walking in the A.M. is awesome, but i have a few questions... 1) How long are those cardio sessions? 2) Are you doing the walking/running before you have breakfast? My advice is to wake up, have a glass of water to get the body going. Then do your walking/jogging for about 30-45min on an empty stomach to use your fat stores as energy. Eat breakfast right after your walk/jog, you must eat an hour upon waking up! And for food wise, just keep it clean and simple and use the food diary available to you on the site so you know how much your eating and the nutrients consumed... good luck!!!

    Why must you eat within an hr of waking?
  • pag41989
    pag41989 Posts: 39 Member
    I started when my daughter was 9 months old with getting back into the gym. I am 5' 2 and was 172.. I am now down to 158. At first I was just working out and still eating quite of bit of carbs but as soon as I started following a diet the weight started coming off at least by 1 lb a week. I eat a lot of veggies and make sure that I always have healthy snacks on hand. I eat every 2-3 hours and I am never hungry. I just started a diet consisting of mostly veggies with protein and light carbs and I can already feel a difference even after just a week. Just be patient and it will come off. I have been doing this since the beginning of May and have lost 14 lbs so far. Good luck! :) Also there are a ton of great tips on bodybuilding.com and I am doing Jamie Eason's livefit trainer 12 week workout.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Its only day 4, give yourself a break. and keep it up
  • mamaofscj
    mamaofscj Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with everyone else here - DIET is such an important component to losing weight. Use the calorie counter on this sight - it's a godsent lol...and keep up with your walking/running during the week. If you dont see results right away, have patience...because keeping up with your routine (but switch up your exercise every 2 weeks) and eating right you will suddenly notice weight loss! :)
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    The best exercise for losing fat is... the one you enjoy and will continue doing for the rest of your life!

    You can be told to do jumping jacks or lifting weights or running or whatever, but if you don't enjoy what you are doing, then you will most likely give up which is no use to man nor beast.

    Yes, there are certain exercises that are better for toning and core strength, but if you like walking then keep on walking.

    There are three secrets to successful, sustainable weightloss:

    #1 - Eat fewer calories than you burn

    #2 - Do some kind of Exercise - regularly

    #3 - Enjoy Life!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    All i am doing is running/walking in the morning 5-7 days a week and as many crunches as i can, around 70 for right now, but i wonder what else i should be doing, i am not really seeing any results, i am already on day 4 of doing this, but this is my first day on this site. Any suggestions???

    I am 5'5 and 171, trying to get back down to my pre pregnancy weight of 124!

    Thanks in advance!!! :)

    Help your body, stop doing crunches and do Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Prisoner Squats, any lunges - doing 5 minutes of these is worth far more than doing supine crunches.

    ^^^^ great advice on skipping the crunches as they are just an isolated movement and will burn less calories than the exercised listed above! Also walking in the A.M. is awesome, but i have a few questions... 1) How long are those cardio sessions? 2) Are you doing the walking/running before you have breakfast? My advice is to wake up, have a glass of water to get the body going. Then do your walking/jogging for about 30-45min on an empty stomach to use your fat stores as energy. Eat breakfast right after your walk/jog, you must eat an hour upon waking up! And for food wise, just keep it clean and simple and use the food diary available to you on the site so you know how much your eating and the nutrients consumed... good luck!!!

    Why must you eat within an hr of waking?

    dude if you don't you will totally looz ur gainz. best to get a machine that mainlines bcaas into your veins with pump action activated by the steps you take.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I won't tell you to skip the crunches. They will help you in the long run by strengthening your abdominal muscles. But definitely add some jumping jacks to your routine. Jumping jacks burn more calories than just about any other exercise.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I dont really know where to start with the diet part, should I count calories?

    Use the tools on the site to help you do so, yes.