

  • I don't have chia seeds...but I do have silken tofu. That may work, thanks! In baked goods it's easier to substitute but for this I need something that will hold the flour with the veggies.
  • Oh I'm all in. I tried to start a Monday weigh-in group but it died off quickly hehe. I have no labor day plans but it looks like I better make some! Please let's keep this thread alive, I need it haha. May 3: 158.5 May 10: May 17: May 24: May 31: June 7: June 14: June 21: June 28: July 5: July 12: July 19: July 26: August…
  • I went to a horse race on Saturday and the sun got my fair Irish skin as well. You are not alone.
  • My plans for acquiring Insanity this weekend did not work out, but I ordered it today and should have it this week sometime....I'll do some 30 Day Shred or other DVD in the meantime :)
  • I become immune to prescriptions very quickly. Codeine, tramadol, and a lot of pain killers just don't work on me anymore. I still have Imitrex shots for when they're really bad, but even then it's a crap shoot if it'll work or not. I've had migraines since childhood and I'm 23. I've been doing elimination diets since I…
  • I was put on topamax (topiramate) on 3 separate occasions and was thoroughly pissed off the last time. I was an honors student in college and topamax not only gave me severe extremity tingling--it also affected my memory and made me think I was absolutely going insane. If I was more then 20 minutes late in taking the meds,…
  • I've emailed a few times with the lady selling the set and her story is that she's a trainer (we'd be meeting at a Gold's Gym for the swap) and a friend gave her the set as a present after she'd already gotten it. And she doesn't want to sell it to her clients because she doesn't want to endorse anything. I wish I could…
  • I keep starting/joining groups that die off quickly haha. Maybe since you're starting a program this will really work! I'm buying the Insanity program from Craigslist on Sunday and sort of planned on starting it in a few weeks when I'm more in shape, but'd help get me in shape faster. So I'm down, I'll start it on…
  • I weigh in on Mondays to help keep me accountable over the weekend. I weighed in at 165.5 on Monday morning. I weighed in yesterday morning and the scale said 155.5 but I fluctuate depending on sugar, sodium, water, my workouts, etc. so I only log on Monday mornings. Hopefully I'll be 155.5 or lower on Monday, but if not I…
  • I agree with jennylynn on this, fruit sugar is good because of the fiber. But juice...not so much. And obviously refined sugars aren't healthy. To avoid the red zone on my sugar, I upped it to 45 but I eat 2-3 servings of fruit a day so that includes my natural sugars. I keep my refined sugars under 15 or 20 probably.
  • Just to throw some science at ya... The process of turning sugar into "Splenda" substitutes three atoms of chlorine in place of the naturally occuring hydrogen-oxygen groups in the sucrose molecule. And if you know anything about the history of aspartame being approved by the FDA, I'd say it's safe to be skeptical of…
  • I vouch for the splenda headaches. I know that artificial sugars give me headaches so I always avoid them, but Splenda is sneaky with its use of "sucralose" on packages. Damn Splenda! I got fooled into trying some kettle corn last week and it had sucralose in the ingredients, totally overlooked it thinking it was just…
  • Hehe I eat healthy too and my ratios are 60:15:15 I love how different we all are!
  • Hehe so after my workout last night I made a crispy kale coconut tofu with brown rice dinner, and then passed out on the couch. I tonight hehe
  • UPDATE: Dresses acquired!!! I want to thank jenniferdtidwell for recommending Dress Barn because it just rocked my world. I will take pictures tonight for those interested :-) Depending on the type of dress, I bought the following sizes: 1 12 (very tight in bust area if I went smaller) 2 10s and a size 8!!! I have lost…
  • I know, right?! I feel like formal occasions are incredibly difficult with big tits. I either have to look like a nun or a hooker. How about you build those triangles a little wider? I am displeased with only having informal boobs, I'd like to have them at formal occasions as well...hehe
  • Hahaha, Rob are you a Redditor?
  • Well hello. I have lost almost 20 so far and have another 20 to does a 40 lb. total qualify? Hehe I feel like I'm in the groove with my weight loss and would love to keep up my motivation and spread the happy feelings to others as well!
  • Ooh there is a Dress Barn near my work metro! I will stop by today actually! Whoo, thanks Jen! And maybe I'll pick up some new spring color camis while I'm there...looks like I'll be needing them this summer hehe
  • Hahaha my boyfriend is unsympathetic to my plight as well. And dinosgirl, I think I'll try the cami technique, thanks! I'll shop around for a halter maybe, it's the built-in area for boobs in sundresses that messes me up. I'll keep trying to find one that will let my breasts define how much space they need, rather than a…
  • Bleeerrrrrrg. So no sundress, I take it? I don't want to be obscene...
  • Welcome to MFP! I'm 23, graduated last May and took a little longer to get my health back on track after graduation so congrats on getting to it right away! I'm 5'4", got to 174 at my heaviest, currently at 156 and looking to drop 15-20 more. I'll add you :-)
  • I'm giving myself 2 more months to prepare....and then buying Insanity :-D I like using my own body weight in exercises, even though I do use weights at the gym. But it just feels like a more natural workout for me.
  • It's often said that losing weight is 80% (90 maybe?) nutrition. Sure, working out will strengthen you and tone your body, but if you're not eating properly, your body will reflect that. I just wanted to bring it up because eating healthy has been so amazing for me and my weight loss. It's like hitting the gym is a daily…
  • I used to drink amazing, delicious beers but really cut down on the drinking the last two months. Last night I had some Bud Lights with a buddy while watching the game and they tasted like water haha, blech. But it worked out and I stayed in my calories, even though I had to sacrifice flavor. This coming Saturday I'll be…
  • f_cstewart and hooah_mj, looks like we're all hiding from the sweets this week! It's rough, that's for sure. I've been satisfying the craving from time to time with a half cup of fruit and it does the job. Where's the rest of the group? :-) I'll start messaging to pull them back...
  • View yourself as a work in progress, especially when looking in the mirror. Don't get down on yourself when looking in the mirror or trying on old clothes--think of the future and how hard you're currently working. You are a masterpiece in the making. Educate yourself. Unsure about protein requirements or if you're eating…
  • Of course it's ok, we're the silly Americans who should be apologizing hehe
  • Originally I had set it as a Monday weigh-in. I feel it keeps us more accountable over the weekend!
  • Good morning everyone! My official weigh-in for this Monday: 156.5 lbs. My goal weight for next Monday: 155.5 lbs. My fitness goal for this week: At least 30 minutes of cardio each day, and 20 walkout pushups! My nutrition goal for this week: Be mindful of cravings (particularly for refined sugar and casein-the protein in…