Do you have any weight loss words of wisdom?

Weight Loss Words of Wisdom

Here are my 2 cents worth of wisdom:

1. Take it one day at a time. Patience is a virtue (which I’m still working on). If you fall get back up, don’t let one step off the path completely detour your journey.

2. Don’t compare yourself to others. We are all unique. Measure your success by how you define it, not by what others have achieved. We have different bodies, different surgeries, different health issues, no two people are alike and no two people lose the same way or at the same speed!

Do you have any Weight Loss Words of Wisdom to share?


  • cmurphy04722
    View yourself as a work in progress, especially when looking in the mirror. Don't get down on yourself when looking in the mirror or trying on old clothes--think of the future and how hard you're currently working. You are a masterpiece in the making.

    Educate yourself. Unsure about protein requirements or if you're eating too much fiber? Google it. Or look the the MFP forums or your favorite MFP all-star. Your health is in your control so seize your resources! And after you've learned more than you can handle, put your body to the test. We are all different so find what works for you.

    You will always feel better after a workout and/or a healthy meal. You may have a craving for that cookie or not feel like going to the gym, but your brain-and the rest of your body-will love you for choosing health over convenience. You are stronger than your body's chemical cravings. Re-train your body until it craves the real food it needs, not the salt, sugar and fat that we've been raised on.