Foods with Caloric Ratio near 40:30:30 (Carbohydrates:Fats:P


Foods with Caloric Ratio near 40:30:30 (Carbohydrates:Fats:Protein)


  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    Not a great example of 'healthy' foods though!! :noway:
  • aareeyesee
    aareeyesee Posts: 65 Member
    Perhaps I am confused or missing something. Why in the world would you want foods that are 40/30/30? I am on that macro nutrient % and I achieve it by meal totals through out the day. High carbs am, midday is all 3 and evening meals low carbs mid fat and high protein. Is this some sort of diet where u eat foods that are really bad for you?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I eat healthy and my ratios are: 10:50:40 (Carbs:Fats:Protein).
  • camdenhuffman
    This is for everyone on the Zone Diet - If you are not on the zone diet it doesnt apply to you. This is more of a cheaters list for those that have to stray because of time or food available. The perfect meal would be lean proteins, veggies and fruits for carbs and nut oil, fish oil and olive oils for good fats. Like I said this is a cheaters list that keeps Zoner's within their goals without totally cheating.
  • cmurphy04722
    I eat healthy and my ratios are: 10:50:40 (Carbs:Fats:Protein).

    Hehe I eat healthy too and my ratios are 60:15:15

    I love how different we all are!
  • camdenhuffman
    Amen :)
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    This is for everyone on the Zone Diet - If you are not on the zone diet it doesnt apply to you. This is more of a cheaters list for those that have to stray because of time or food available. The perfect meal would be lean proteins, veggies and fruits for carbs and nut oil, fish oil and olive oils for good fats. Like I said this is a cheaters list that keeps Zoner's within their goals without totally cheating.

    I just would have thought it would be better to veer off of your macro path than eat KFC!! :wink:
  • camdenhuffman
    I guess that is why some people use the zone :wink: if we want to be honest KFC and watching calories and intake is the first step for many. Some people that are 400+ pounds can't or want to be as strict as we should be - I have yet to find the "perfect" diet. If there was we all would be on that single diet :smile: Food can be an addiction so to tell someone you can never eat some of the things you want every once in a while they would never stick to it. To each their own. Good luck to everyone!
  • sparklepants
    sparklepants Posts: 149 Member
    I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one!! :happy:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I guess that is why some people use the zone :wink: if we want to be honest KFC and watching calories and intake is the first step for many. Some people that are 400+ pounds can't or want to be as strict as we should be - I have yet to find the "perfect" diet. If there was we all would be on that single diet :smile: Food can be an addiction so to tell someone you can never eat some of the things you want every once in a while they would never stick to it. To each their own. Good luck to everyone!

    That is true. Some people do well with slowly taking out stuff, others can eat a little of everything..........

    For me, it is an all or nothing thing. If I don't elminate certain foods, I will binge eat, which then leads to bulimic tendencies and i can't live like that any longer, especially with my other health issues.

    Grains, especially wheat are irritating to my digestive tract, so I have eliminated them from my eating. Besides that, grains lead to me binge eating as to sweets like cakes, cookies, donuts, etc...........

    I do best with eating lots of fat and protein to keep me full and satisfied. Add in fruits, veggies and nuts for a few carbs and that is the basis of my eating plan everyday. My one indulgence is to have full fat Fage greek yogurt with sliced strawberries and a splash of vanilla. That is the only dairy I eat.
  • camdenhuffman
    I had started with the Zone diet because it worked for me...I then took in way more protein as a % when I was doing P90X but I used the zone diet to get me use to watching my intake and getting to the point i could eye my meals for portion control.
  • camdenhuffman
    Also wanted to remind people if you are on the zone that with these meals you have to check your caloric intake - just because it is on the list you can eat a whole pizza lol