The tabs not making sense and the searching not including the tabs on the website are some of the reasons I don't track on here anymore. I don't think anyone has fully tested it for usability of the customer.
Panera did the same thing. I wrote an email bitching and said I probably wouldn't be visiting their stores. I usually edit the sandwiches so much that it's almost impossible to tell what the correct nutrition is afterwards.
No - Cold Brew doesn't get as strong as I like it. I make hot tea at work with the hot water spigot on the coffee maker. I let it brew, take out the leaves/bags and put it in the fridge for the next day. Another option is to brew it at home and bring it in daily. Just make sure you have a container that doesn't leak!
Absolutely. I drink a lot of tea. I will let it brew for a while and stick it in the fridge or pour it over ice. There are some that are even better cold than they are warm. In fact, unless I am cold, I am drinking my tea cold. I found that the tea out most places just isn't strong enough for me anymore. I like it really…
I should've specified - that much caffeine is too much for me :) Loose tea is tea that you buy in bulk - not in the bags at the store. Much better flavor IMHO and, depending on what kind you get, more economical. A box of Family Tea Bags won't last me very long, but a pound of loose Earl Grey will last quite a while. I…
Caffeine is definitely a problem when drinking that much tea. You might want to look into other types of teas to avoid that. There are many different flavors of tea that have no caffeine. I urge you to look into loose tea instead of tea bags - to me, they have a much better flavor. A word of caution - Tea does not always…
Depends on the situation. I would HATE going out to eat and the other person eats beforehand or doesn't eat. I think it's rude. What is the point of going out to eat *specifically* and not eating?? If it isn't plans to eat, then I don't care. Eat or not. If I am hungry and don't get anything because you don't want to,…
I have erosive gastritis that was diagnosed by my doctor. It is 100% managed if I take the medicine that was prescribed by hem (now OTC). Check with your doctor
Then take it then. If there are issues, speak to your doctor. People on the internet do not know your health history and it is inadvisable to take advice from strangers
As long as the nutrition from the package was for UNcooked, that's what I would do. If it was for cooked, then you need to add in the fat some way
Honestly, if you really think it is a medical problem and your doctor is unwilling to check, get a new doctor. Reading your post, she is not supportive and doesn't deserve to treat you. Seriously. Get a new doctor. Also, nothing changes with one day. You cannot gauge how good something works in one day - it has to be a few…
No it won't If you have acid reflux, this could cause issues, but otherwise, it's fine. In fact, the more I think about it, I eat about this long before I go to bed and sometimes sooner.
Not true. All my weight is in my mid-section. Where you lose first and last is completely genetic - no bearing on male vs female.
Weight fluctuates daily. It's probably water weight. If the fluctuations bother you that much, weigh yourself less.
Metformin was a life saver for me - not for weight loss, mind you, but for evening out my hormones. Before it, I was like a manic depressive. After it, I am a lot more level headed, not as quick to anger. If you are taking that high of a dose, then I am sure you are aware of the *ahem* digestive issues :) Still, it might…
- Get help
In order to make this a lifetime-sustainable thing, I do not. I log vegetables like corn, carrots, potatoes, etc. But, lettuce, onions, celery, etc? Nope
Doctor. Random internet strangers aren't going to be much help
Honestly, I eat it until it starts to smell funny. I've had chicken almost 2 weeks after cooking with no issues.
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I don't know anything about a "carb effect", but the only way I am getting breakfast is if I make it the night before. I also make a quiche or egg based breakfast casserole and eat that for a week or two. Takes all the guess work out of breakfast.
Use the package in your hand. It is the most accurate
Pasta, bread, dough, potatoes. Anything with the dreaded "carb" label. No - cauliflower and squash are not the same thing and don't taste "just like the real thing"
What is Summer Savory?
i usually make some some of egg casserole or quiche, divide it into individual portions and eat that for breakfast all week and sometimes two weeks. Or, really, anything you want to eat. I had a meatball sub and fried zucchini for my breakfast and it fits in my macros. (well it would if I was not planning on a birthday hot…
I always weigh mine after I cook it unless it is going into a recipe - then it is before. I am not going to keep track of which burger weighs what if I weigh beforehand, so it is just easier for me :)
Meatball sub and fried zucchini from the food truck. Only eating half so I get to eat it again tomorrow! WOOT!
I have had PCOS for probably 2 decades. I noticed the rapid weight gain, but when I am actually watching my calorie intake, I don't really notice it being hard to lose weight. I contribute that to the fact that I am taking medications to get everything balanced. I am also dealing with a thyroid condition. Again, when I…
Not necessarily. Polycystic ovaries do not mean a diagnosis of PCOS. I have it, but do not have cysts. It is one of the frustrating things about this syndrome. The name is very misleading.
^^ This. Ask your endocrinologist about it. It is harder to diagnose because you can't run tests for it specifically, you have to kind of eliminate everything else.