

  • I turned 40 in August, so I make the cut! :smile: With the holidays quickly approaching, I would love to have new friends to help keep me focused on my goals rather than candy, turkey and egg nog!
  • That's a wonderful accomplishment! You've obviously done a lot of things right!
  • I know the feeling, but I've gotten to the point where the scale doesn't matter so much anymore. What's more important to me now is the sense of accomplishment I feel after a hard workout, the way my clothes fit better, things like that. When you exercise, are you using a heart rate monitor? I started using one a few…
  • Welcome Donna.
  • I am a night owl by by nature, but have found that my day is more productive when I work out in the a.m. My day is started off on the right foot. Even if the bottom falls out during the day, which at some times, it can, I have accomplished something. I am currently doing Rev Abs.
  • I have Zumba for XBox and I've tried Dance Central. I agree. They are so much fun and when it's fun, it will get done!:smile:
  • Mine is black with silver, not very frilly. When I set it, I used Female as the sex. I got mine on sale for $99.99 a few weeks back at Sports Authority and I had a $25 coupon for a purchase over $100, so it was a steal! Using it has been an eye opening experience. I only burn half the amount I thought.
  • We all go through these down times. That's why we need our MFP friends for support. Be patient with yourself. I'm sure you didn't gain all of the weight you want to lose in a small amount of time, so don't expect to lose it in a certain amount of time. Since you know you are eating emotionally, figure out the root of the…
  • Welcome!
  • I can also get you the schedule, but not until later today. If my memory serves me correctly, you do the Start it Up! video for the 1st week. I'll friend you for your email address.
    in Slim in 6 Comment by cnewyou August 2011
  • Hi. It's my opinion that when you diet to lose weight, you eventually gain it all back and then some. Permanent weight loss comes when you find the right mix of eating and exercise that works for you, something you can do for a lifetime. You're in the right place to be successful. Good luck on your journey.
  • 25 minutes is better than 0 minutes, especially when it's TurboFire. Chalene says in one of the videos something to the effect "if you master it on the first try, how boring. " Tomorrow is another day. Forgive yourself and move on.
  • I just started using a heart rate monitor and have found that the calories on MFP are very generous. Today I did a 53 minute workout. My monitor listed the calories burned as 362 and MFP had 537.
  • Take some time to yourself and really face the situation. The solution will come to you. You will then be able to act and feel at peace. Life is definitely not easy. Hang in there.
  • It doesn't have to be all or nothing. ry doing one thing at a time. Log all of your food for a week. Then add exercise the next week. Baby steps. You'll get back on track!
  • Hi. I did it about 6 years ago. It definitely works. I lost 22 pounds in 6 weeks. For me it was a lot of work and I haven't eaten tilapia since!
  • Hi Amber. Welcome to MFP. I use my phone a lot and I've gotten pretty consistent with logging. Good luck to you.
  • I, too have found them high after starting to use that thing you didn't want to talk about.:smooched:
  • I used to drink only Crystal light or water. I didn't have joint pain, but I was at a plateau with my weight loss and my doctor suggested I stop with the artificial sweeteners because new studies were surfacing about the effects of artificial sweeteners. He said they can confuse the metabolism. That was all I needed to…
  • I do Turbo Fire, which has 6 workouts scheduled each week, so I don't think 6 days is too much. Just decide if 6 days is a realistic goal. if you haven't been working out regularly, start with 3 and work your way up to 6. That way you won't feel let down if you don't reach the 6 days. Definitely listen to your body.
  • As you can see, you're not alone. This time IS different. I have learned the journey is about more than passing up that extra serving of whatever - it's a mind, body, and soul transformation. I'm so glad to have met you and all of my other MFPs who keep me motivated. Can't wait to see the end result! We are worth it.
  • I absolutely love Turbo Fire. The music is awesome. Each DVD comes with a new to class option that goes over the moves and there is a lady who does modified moves for those who don't prefer to jump. Just do your best. You'll be fine.
    in Turbo Fire! Comment by cnewyou July 2011
  • That is awesome!!! I'm not familiar with the lingo. What is an NSV?
  • That's awesome. Don't laugh, but what is an NSV?
  • Things will look brighter once you get some rest., but also, don't become a slave to the scale. Think of the other benefits of exercise and eating right like your clothes fitting better, you feeling more energy, etc.
  • I'm in sort of the same boat, but I just found out I have some thyroid issues. Don't become a slave to the scale. Being healthy is much more than a number on a scale. It's about the feeling of accomplishment after a hard workout, those inches you're losing since your clothes feel better, loving yourself enough to take time…
  • I am 5'4" and weigh much more than you!!! We all have times when we want to give up. We live in a microwave society where everything is quick, quick, quick and we expect everything in our lives to work that way. Some things take longer to accomplish than others and the longer it takes you to reach your goal, the more you…
  • Good for you! What does "NSV" stand for?
  • Welcome. Don't focus on how much you have to lose, that can get discouraging. I just focus on losing 1 pound a lot of times!!
  • Hi and welcome. I'll add you as a friend. We can keep each other inpspired on this journey.
    in New Comment by cnewyou May 2011