EverythingIsTakenAgain Member


  • Have you looked up recipes for fat bombs? I haven’t tried any yet (been lucky not to have sweets cravings yet) but I have several recipes saved in case (cheesecake bombs, chocolate bombs, cookie dough bombs, etc.). Most have 2-4 net carbs per bomb.
  • Another vote for Balega. I just discovered them while training for my last marathon. I switched from wearing Thorlo Experias to Balega Hidden Comfort.
  • I lifted weights all through high school, but haven't touched a barbell in 11 years. Started back this summer, and after 6 weeks of heavy lifting (oh how I've missed it!), I maxed out at: DL - 215 Squat - 155 (never been good at squats, even though I have very strong legs/glutes) BP - 130
  • Since you said you were interested in doing something with weights, and you already have a nice range of dumbbells, I would suggest giving P90X a shot. I've done it several times and love it. It is time-comsuming - about an hour a day - so that may be difficult for you. In case you're not familiar with the program, it's…
  • I have asthma, and my doctor originally prescribed a Proventil inhaler to use about 15 minutes before running. Well, my asthma worsened over a couple of years to where I was using that inhaler multiple times daily, even if I wasn't running. I went back to my doctor, and he prescribed a daily steroid inhaler, Asmanex. Since…
  • I would do it in a heartbeat! If for no other reason than to have an accurate BF% reading.
  • ^^^THIS! I'm so with you on this. the more/harder I exercise and better I eat, the more I gain. It's ridiculous and frustrating, and I wish I had an answer.
  • Just my 2 cents... I had been lifting 3 days/week but since I started marathon training, I decided to drop it down to 2 days since running is my main goal right now. I do the same workout both days: bench press, squat, deadlift, pullups, dips (the ones on parallel bars). I've found this is a pretty good way to get total…
  • You've probably already figured out what you're going to do, but I just wanted to throw in that I've been lifting heavy and just started training for a marathon (will be my second). It's always nice to know others have similar interests and goals :) I'm running 4 days a week and lifting 2. But, I'm not lifting the day…
  • I was having knee pain 2 years ago about 1 month before my first marathon. Doctor diagnosed me with bursitis in my knee. Said if I could stand the pain, I could continue running through my marathon (with ice and ibuprofen) then I needed to rest it for a few weeks. I followed his instructions, and am still running today…
  • ^^^Love these socks! I can tell a HUGE difference when I run with regular socks versus these. Would highly recommend!
  • Sounds like what I went through a couple of years ago. Went to the doctor and it turned out to be bursitis. He recommended icing it, resting it, and taking anti-inflamatories (ibuprofen or Alieve) until it felt better. Running on it before the swelling of the bursa goes down will only prolong it. I would think foam rolling…
  • I gained weight like crazy while I was on Generess Fe...about 15 lbs. I was running about 20+ miles per week, doing P90X 6 days per week, and eating pretty well. My eating habbits did not change, and no matter how hard I worked out, I kept gaining weight. I had other side effects as well. I changed to Nuva Ring and lost 7…
  • Great decision to do P90X! I've done several rounds and love it (and Tony). I have a medium (mine's red) resistance band and dumbbells ranging from 8 lbs to 25 lbs (which I haven't made it up to yet). If I had it to do over again, I'd get a pair of 5 lbs as well since 8 lbs was too much for a couple of exercises and I had…
  • I've ordered 6 workout programs and 1 equipment item from Beach Body over the past 5 years, and have received my orders correctly every time. My experience with customer service there has been very good. I've ordered Shakeology twice, received the order correctly, and didn't like a flavor. I contacted customer service, and…
  • ^^This! You seriously will find yourself telling your friends, "It's just a 10-mile run" and thinking nothing of it. And the feeling of crossing the finish line is one of the best feelings in the world! I would also add to make sure you're eating right during training. Treat each long run as if it's a race: from dinner the…
  • Just my two cents... I've done P90X and Insanity (and a hybrid of the two) multiple times. It sounds to me like a hybrid would suit you best. However, I would recommend doing the P90X weight workouts 3 days, yoga 1 day, and Insanity cardio routines 2 days. I would use Ab RipperX, because I found it to be the most…
  • I'm a big fan of the BB programs; have done P90X, P90X2, Insanity, Asylum Vol 1&2, and TurboFire. Have you looked into Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer? I personally haven't done it, but it may be a good solution to your time constraint while still being a weight-lifting workout.