

  • There's also this website where you can custom build sandwiches and get detailed nutrition info: http://www.eddieoneverything.com/calculators/subway-sandwich-calorie-carb-nutrition-calculator.php
  • Yep, nutritiondata.com is good and alot of their measurements are in the database as sort of the "standard" measurements, not user entered ones. For fruits/veggies/meat I try to find those as they are listed many different ways. My food scale does ounces or grams, so I'll typically do fruits/veggies in grams versus trying…
  • This is what I use post-workout as well. Usually a scoop of Vanilla with a cup of skim milk and a banana in the blender. It's cheaper online ($13) than if you get it in the store ($15), and they sell a 3 pack online for $35 with free shipping, which saves a few more dollars off the regular price.
  • I'm about 2 weeks in and I think it's a great program. Definitely works all parts of the body. I had already lost my weight before starting it, so now I'm just maintaining, and can't speak to the weight loss, but my waistline is definitely seeing a difference.
  • I log it under circuit training, but I use a heart rate monitor to get an accurate reading. I always burn way more than the default number it gives for the number of minutes. Haven't tried high impact aerobics, so I don't know how it compares. Of course, everyone is different, so a HRM is really the best way to go if you…
  • Pure Cardio Day 5 today, it was intense. Made it through only having to stop 3-4 times for a quick water break. Endurance is definitely building. Anyone have any suggestions for sore calves? I've tried stretching them out before and after, but still insanely sore and tight the next day. I know it'll get better as I go, but…
  • Cottage cheese, greek yogurt, tuna, protein shake/smoothie, Kashi cereal.
  • Just saw this thread, so jumping in as well. I'm 32, married for 11 years next month. 3 boys, 8, 5, and 9 months. Since I started working out in July it has been mainly exercise bike and some weight work with an old set of free weights, and of course chasing 3 high energy boys. Just started Insanity last week and I really…
  • I would probably go with the HRM, especially if it's a machine you use all the time. Your body can get used to the same exercise and more efficient at performing it, burning less calories over time.
  • Yep, Blue Moon was my beer of choice until I starting logging them. I'll still have one once in a while, but not as often as I used to.
  • Just started today with the Fit Test, my legs are jelly. Upper body wasn't as horrible because I've been working it more, but my legs are gonna hate me tomorrow. Heck of a workout just doing the fit test. Ready to get into the actual workouts.
  • You'll drive yourself nuts if you weigh everyday. There are natural fluctuations of 2 pounds either way because of water retention and other factors. It's best to pick a day and weigh once a week. If you stay on your goals, you'll start to notice the downward trend.
  • Bump for later.
  • Love my Polar FT7, definitely get one with a chest strap for more accurate measurements. Has user replaceable batteries in the watch and the transmitter, I don't know what model they started that with, but nice to not have to take it to someone to replace when you get to that point. Wear it whenever I work out or do a lot…
  • I've pretty much stuck with Applebee's, Chili's, and Ruby Tuesday as far as sit-down type restaurants. They all have low cal choices that are very good. Any restaurant food will be high in sodium however, so keep an eye out there. Honestly, since I've started really paying attention to what I eat, if I can't find nutrition…
  • Think you need to change the IMG and /IMG to lowercase on this site for it to work.
  • Polar FT7 here as well, got it last week and have used it several times, definitely liking it so far.
  • I plan to start soon, but we're looking at a major ice storm here in the Midwest. I don't want to start and then lose power for days and not be able to keep up with it, so I'm waiting to see how this storm shakes out.
  • Did the same thing about a week ago. Diet Mt. Dew was my choice, and I was up to 8-10 a day. I had 2 last Saturday and quit, switched entirely to water or Crystal Light. I thought the caffeine helped me stay alert and focused at work, and then I'd have several more at night while on the computer,etc. I was having trouble…
  • Just bought a Polar FT7 at Best Buy for 109, that's about what it is everywhere from what I saw. The FT7 has a few more features, and the ability to upload data online (if you buy an additional $55 cable, I just created a spreadsheet to track mine). It will save data for your last 99 workouts. I had just been using MFP…
  • Great thread, made me decide to finally post something in the forums. Been using the site for a couple months, but changed my diet and started working out back in July. Hit my goal and then some, now looking to get in better physical shape and toned. Posting a quick message so I can find this later.