Man Cave - Any Guys on MFP?



  • mkrafick
    @lacrolix - Wow! 102lbs lost? I am totally in awe! Good for you.

    A general question tot he group:
    Any of you use the EA sports package for the Wii? I have the Wii fit and it doesn't get me going enough.
  • rflowers7
    Great thread, made me decide to finally post something in the forums. Been using the site for a couple months, but changed my diet and started working out back in July. Hit my goal and then some, now looking to get in better physical shape and toned. Posting a quick message so I can find this later.
  • ForTheFam
    ForTheFam Posts: 88 Member
    Never really noticed that most of my MFP friends are girls. Not a bad thing...just not very aware I guess. Great thread you guys started...wonderful info.

    I'm just trying to get my life back. Missed playing softball and being able to jump in the back of my truck without laying down on the tailgate and rolling in.

    Currently getting calories under control and using Meal Replacement shakes with healthy food choices.

    I have an Elliptical here at the house and used it so far. Looking to do my first round of P90X w/ my son in a couple weeks. Until then I use beer and shots of wiskey at times to replace my exercise calories...I need to exercise more.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    @bikerbiz - How long did it take you to lose 63lbs! Damn!

    About 4-5 months, so far....44 pounds to go, unless I start looking too scrawny, and change my goal.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Hey mate,
    good topic :)

    1. I generally stick to the squats, DL, bench and overhead pressing but for assistance exercises or a HIIT workout, I will use kettlebells. I use the KISS principle for strength training though. This is the beginners program I use.

    Squat 3 x 10
    Bench press 3 x 8
    Bent row 3 x 8
    Military press 3 x 8
    SLDL 3 x 8
    BB curl 3 x 8

    More weight, more reps or more sets.

    2. Wings and ribs don't do anything for me for some reason. My mates love them but if I am going all out on food it will be a big steak or chicken dish generally. Re Alcohol, I do like to get on it (hey, I am an Aussie :P) but I try to restrict my consumption mainly because I find that it really hinders my training. I participate in Febfast and Dry July which are alcohol free charity fundraisers and outside of that, I will pick one day a month to drink. This is what I was doing previously but I am now drinking a bit of red wine for it's antioxidant properties and it's red wine vs dark chocolate :P

    3. My main sport is mma training. Boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and jiujitsu. Awesome fun!

    4. One of my favourite filling healthy snacks is low fat cottage cheese with 1tbspn natural peanut butter and 1tspn honey.

    I don't do weights instead of cardio but I get all the cardio training I need at mma so the only stuff I do at home is weight training.

    Also, at the moment, I am doing a slight variation on the intermittent fasting method. 6hr window of eating (4pm to 10pm for me) and I have a casein whey/bcaa shake in the morning and around lunch time. Only started this a few days ago (just mixing it up a bit :P) so see how it goes for a few weeks. Previously, I was eating 5 meals a day.

    My targets at the moment are 45% protein, 30% fat and 25% carbs.

    I have done a round of P90x in the past and at the time I was on a maintenance diet with slightly less protein and a bit more carbs than the above. I definitely gained muscular indurance and for lack of a better word "toned up" :P I don't think I increase outright strength like I have since sticking to big compound exercises. It is definitely a beneficial program though.
  • R4z0r4Mm0
    R4z0r4Mm0 Posts: 131
    I just found this MAN-thread - finally! Greetings from Sydney Australia!

    1. I only get to go the gym once or twice a week - upper body 1 session and lower body in the second.

    2. I don't drink anymore - but I do have my cravings for high carb, high fat, high sugar and high protein food. If I know I'm going to eat over my calories - I'll go crazy on cardio first thing in the morning to kick start my metabolism. Burn 600-900 calories and then I'm good to go. I also try to have a small breakfast, satisfy my craving at lunch or late arvo and then light dinner that's 200-300 calories.

    3. I'm still too heavy to play most sports - so I jog instead. Love running outdoors and away from douche bags in the gym. Training for 14km and 21km marathon in August & September. It helps my motivation to know that I'm training for something and not just trying to lose weight. I'm also using RUNKEEPER - excellent iPhone app that keeps track of my runs and calories - add me if you like - razorammo.

    4. 1 cup of Cheerios and 1/2 banana and Soy Supreme Vanilla in the morning, followed by coffee/sugar/soymilk. That keeps me going until lunch quite easily. I'll also snack on a few cashews and almonds during the day. I used to reach for chocolate, now I do about a 5 nuts at a time spread out over the day. I also do 5 x rice cakes and 1 small can of tuna and bit of grated cheese - good carb + good protein keeps me full for hours. Instead of tuna - I might do 2 rice cakes and 1/2tsp of peanut butter.

    I HAVE to eat 2,379 today - love working out hard in the morning so I can eat during the day!

    I'm down 9kg(20lbs) - 79lbs to go until midnight Dec 28 2011.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    3. Do you incorporate sports into your regimen (Racquetball, Karate, etc) - do you find it effective?

    4. What is a staple in your new diet that works well and keeps you full.

    Good to see the fellas on here! On answering question #3, I personally don't incorporate any sports into my regimen at the moment. I'd like to get into some martial arts after I knock a few more pounds off.

    Question 4: Believe it or not, what's worked really well at keeping me full has been benefiber! I usually put the orange flavored variety in my mid-morning water and drink it with my meal (usually fruit). The full feeling lasts for quite a bit.

  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Good to see this topic.

    My training for a long time was Tae-bo, but eventually I found it wasn't doing it for me, so while I still do the advanced workouts of Tae-bo I also do Insanity. I have started to incorporate strength training again. In my strength training I focus on exercises that use multiple muscle groups like squats, dead-lifts, pull-ups, push-up and the like. I want to minimize time and maximize effect. I'm not a body builder or training for some competition so all the specialized training some people do does not interest me.

    I don't really incorporate any sports, so to speak, although in the winter I do a lot of cross-country skiing and skating while in the summer I do a lot of cycling and swimming.

    I sort of do cheat days, but usually if a party is coming up I will sort of account for how much I eat that day by eating less the day before and the day after. I may feel hungry on those days, but it allows me to just enjoy the day.

    My diet is basically counting calories very carefully. A good scale is a must for me. I have started with Eat Stop Eat recently and like it a lot.

    What helps me keep full is high fiber. I don't measure anything like carbs, fat of protein, but I do count fiber along with calories. I find if I eat a lot of fiber (for me that is often lots of bean) I simply don't get hungry.

    I still have about 25 pounds to go, maybe a bit more if I am not happy with my looks when I get there. Hopefully, by the time summer is here I will be at or below my goal weight.
  • speednut
    Glad I found the "Man Cave" thread! I just started about 3 weeks ago so I'm not an expert on anything. I do find that tracking my calories has helped keep me accountable for what I eat. I am turning 50 this year and decided to do something for my health.
    Please feel free to add me as a friend as right now I only have 6 and 5 are women. Nothing wrong with that though.

    In response to your questions:

    1. Strength Training -I have been doing workouts with resistance bands because I travel for my job. I work out on a total gym & treadmill when home. I am not a health club type of guy.

    2. Beer, Brats, and Football - Love football but have eased off the beer since I begun MFP. I will treat myself for the Super Bowl but not overindulge. Coors LIght = 102 calories. MGD light 64 = 64 calories. I made a big pot of turkey chili last weekend that was quite tasty. Will definetly have some buffalo wings w/ celery for the big game. I used to sit down and eat half a pizza so those days are over for now.

    3. Do you incorporate sports into your regimen? Yes, golf, bicycling and walking when the weather gets better. I live in Midwest. I purchased 4 TaeBo dvds on Ebay for less that 10 bucks. Might start that until weather breaks.

    4. What is a staple in your new diet that works well and keeps you full.- I am eating crap I never would consider before like rice cakes, yogurt, many salads, and lots of 100 calories snack packs of almonds. The cocoa ones are awesome.

  • hmsmike
    hmsmike Posts: 56 Member
    Just bumping for now ,,, thank god some f'ing guy stuff!!

    I'll be back!
  • danridge
    Most of my excercise came from biking and kayaking during the summer.
    Lately it's mostly from shoveling snow out of my driveway.
    Thanks for this thread.
  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    I'd heard rumors about other guys on MFP, but I thought it might just be an old legend.

    I mostly do cardio type exercising (and shoveling snow in the last month). I haven't nixed that many things out of my possible food choices (save for sodas), but keeping to my goals for sodium, fat, etc. requires that I have certain things less often, and in much smaller portions than I once ate them.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Whoever first mentioned the Warrior Dash,that looks fun. Iam considering entering.
  • grizzlymaze
    grizzlymaze Posts: 185 Member
    Wow! What an area. I never knew that there were this many men among us. I too was also introduced to this site by my wife and came to enjoy it very much. I have 2 daughters as well and a house with no where to run. It sucks the testoterone right out of me.

    Anyways, As far as strength training, I just do the basic moves because that is what works for me on the time that I have. But I also try to do alot of different types of cardio for wieght lose such as cutting and splitting wood, running/hiking, hunting, and yard/farm work. I try to think of "Rocky 4" when I do this. He did so much with so little and I try to do the same, nothing fancy.

    As far and spruging. I do have my moments when nothing counts but I "try" to be in reason. However, I do refuse to just give up on the things that I enjoy and I truly believe that is what counts the most. We must live to be happy. When I am on track, I try to eat as much fiber as I can because I am fuller longer.

    Sports. I love to hunt and run. I know that seems boring as a sport but it gets me outside and away from the women, lol. Anyone that has ever been elk hunting knows just how much work that can be. I have to prepare almost all summer just so that I can survive 1 week in the great outdoors. I made a new years resolution last year that I would run a full 26 mile marathon and did not get that checked off the list, so hopefully this will be the year that I can do it. Right now it is cold and snowy here in Wisconsin and I am unable to run outdoors, so I am doing as much cardio and "stayn loose" as I can so that when the weather starts to warm back up I will be ready and not out of breath for the first 2 weeks of running.

    Diet/pantry staples: I enjoy brown rice and chicken, but there are alot more options as well. I try to keep the freezer stocked with venison for a better grade of lean meats because chicken can become boring and after all I am a man. I like to see red meat as well. 1 elk will keep the freezer full for an entire year, and whitetail is just icing on the cake after that. I also love to go turkey hunting so I helps out as well. I do have some pastas, spagetti, in the pantry as well just because it is cheap and easy to make.

    Well, good luck to you all and your goals. Just remember, DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Hunting sounds like bloody good fun exercise to me! (no elk around here though, infact I don't think we are allowed to kill anything except pigs and there isn't too many around my parts).
  • povester
    Great thread. Just started my weight loss journey but will keep an eye out here. Currently just finished first week of C25K and doing well so far.
  • colonelangus
    A few random thoughts on your questions:

    1. I haven't got into stress training yet.

    2. Drinking and sports watching: I drink and watch what I want and make up for it later on.

    3. I bike, skateboard, surf when I can.

    4. Cottage cheese..., it's a mystery drug.
  • mkrafick
    Wow! look at the responses!

    I was thinking of altering the questions to open up the dicussion some more. Is there a way we can edit our original post?
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Wow! look at the responses!

    I was thinking of altering the questions to open up the dicussion some more. Is there a way we can edit our original post?

    Should be an edit button right below your original post but I would just ask more questions in line in the thread. Great thread!
  • benitocereno
    benitocereno Posts: 101 Member
    Another guy reporting in, I love MFP. In response to your questions...

    1. I exercise solely with calisthenics for strength training. I feel that this is something that way too many people overlook, even though it's a core part of things like "P90x", etc. How do they think people used to do it? Currently doing ~150 pushups, ~25 pullups, and ~200 situps 3 times a week (using "100 pushups," "20 pullups," and "200 situps" workouts as guides for pacing, then plan on maintaining / elevating with added weight/variations). I love it and it's made a huge difference! It's definitely not easy, but it pays off. For all those who don't think you can build muscle with calisthenics, two words: Hershel Walker.

    2. I LOVE beer and pub food. In fact, I'm a home brewer. It can hurt, but when I want that beer I just work a bit harder that day :). My love of beer overcomes my hatred of exercise.

    3. No sports for me, but I drum and it can be a workout! Good way to burn some calories and be entertained.

    4. Beer :D (serious answer: I eat a lot of different stuff, but I love 1% cottage cheese at lunch to take the edge off and get some protein).