Man Cave - Any Guys on MFP?

Don't get me wrong, I think women are great! Matter of fact, I married one and love her dearly - I even have two little girls. (I'm out numbered - send help).

But on MFP - if I read one more post about what bra works best, how to lift my butt, recover from pregnancy, or how to stop weight gain while on your period - I may very well bang my head against the desk.

Even my new friends and accountability people, who I do appreciate, are all female. So I thought I would start a thread for guys only and see how long it floats.

So this is for guys to talk about, well, guy stuff while on MFP - try to keep it fitness and dieting related. So I'll start with few topics, see if any float your boat? Pick one and answer.

1. While Strength Training - Is there a creative or unusual exercise you do for strength training your Chest, Back, or Arms besides the traditional presses, rows, and curls? I've heard about kettleballs and seen some odd exercises at the gym.

2. Beer, Brats, and Football - One advantage I see that guys have is we will occasionally treat ourselves with wings and beer, etc every once in a while. Do you do this, if so - what’s your standing rule? (i.e. got to be good 5 days before I can loosen up on a Saturday for the game). Does it harm you or hurt you?

3. Do you incorporate sports into your regimen (Racquetball, Karate, etc) - do you find it effective?

4. What is a staple in your new diet that works well and keeps you full.

Feel free to answer one above or ask one of your own. Also, feel free to add me as a friend, I am looking for some more guys to link up to for accountability.


  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    1. I do a lot of working out at home that doesn't require any equipment. I have been working on Beachbody's Insanity program and it has a lot of good strength training exercises involving various plank moves, vertical pushups, and floor presses. They all target the chest, arms and back. I've only seen kettle balls used on the Biggest Loser, but they look like they'd be a killer tool.

    2. Beer, Brats, and Football - One advantage I see that guys have is we will occasionally treat ourselves with wings and beer, etc every once in a while. Do you do this, if so - what’s your standing rule? (i.e. got to be good 5 days before I can loosen up on a Saturday for the game). Does it harm you or hurt you?

    2. My approach to nutrition has always been, eat plenty of the good stuff, but don't think you're going to cut out all the foods you love. If you're changing your eating just to lose weight, you're dieting. The approach that should be taken is to eat what you normally eat, but learn what proportions to eat it in. One of my favorite restaurants is the Texas Roadhouse where I love to either get a full or half rack of ribs. So finger licking good. I usually just ask for a to-go box up front and put away what I don't want to eat right there. Leftovers are a bonus! About once a week I allow myself a kind of 'free' day where I'm not as stringent about tracking calories and I've only seen my weight go down.
  • mgn1
    mgn1 Posts: 4
    I have own and have used Kettle Bells. They have to be treated with respect but once you start using them they are an mazing tool; they will push your heart rate up in a flash. They can be used for cardiovascular and strength training; they are effective at developing core strength. Apparently it was kettle bells that were used to get all the definition in the film The 300; that and tight trunks of course.
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
    I just started here a few weeks ago so I don't have too much knowledge on exercises and stuff. I can tell you I have a lot weight to lose so I'm on the slim fast diet. I supplement the stuff with fresh veggies and fruits. I'm constantly eating something but it's health so I'm always full. I'm trying the C25K workout to start out with and then going to try the P90X. I hear the P90X is an insane workout. Glad you started the thread. We guys need a thread of our own.
  • WhiteStar2351
    I know the feeling! I posted a 'hi' on the introduction board and was ended up completely ignored! We are a minority! lol :o)

    In reply!

    1) I always stick with the 'spit and sawdust' basics for the simple reason, compound training works! I've seen some really bizarre exercises people perform at the gym but sadly rather then huge muscles they're more likely to get huge medical bills having torn tendons/ligaments, etc repaired! Kettle bells are good all rounders - I guess it all depends on what your goal is really!

    2) I'm not a great fan of football and don't drink so not the best to answer! Ha! I do allow one cheat meal a week though - it's still usually clean eating, but I allow my daily carbs to double for it (meaning I can eat homemade pizza / chips/ etc). Unless you're training for a competition or specific sport the 80/20 rule is best - eat 80% of the time and you'll be fine. If you want to be better then average go for 90/10 - but remember, 100% never works!

    3) Yep - I'm graded in 3 martial arts and teach 1 so practise those alongside. I don't count it toward my training though as it's traditional fighting and therefore relies on using the least amount of effort as possible! :o)

    4) I don't have a staple per se (though I make sure I eat at least 3 whole eggs every day) but think whats more important is how regularly I eat rather then what I eat. I used to have breakfast around 7am and try to make it to lunch at 12pm without eating. Result was 10am pig out with anything I could find. I now eat every 2-2.5 hours and it helps me keep cravings under control (used to be a formidable choc-a-holic).
  • mgn1
    mgn1 Posts: 4
    I have P90X - I did it until I was ill so only managed a week or so but it is hard core, in that time I was already gaining definition. I would suggest something lighter first and then work up to it. The P90X warm-up is more like the average work out.
  • bikerbiz
    bikerbiz Posts: 179 Member
    Over here, dude. We're still alive. Wings & beer? Yes...Hooter's is a family boys like it. ;-)

    For exercise, I've been rowing Concept2 indoor rowing, and doing the team challenges they have. In the current one for January, most of the team bailed out, but I'm rowing double the 22 year-olds.

    I find the cardio goes better and harder after strength training. I got back into the old high school era Bullworker, and find I can do a heck of a lot more than I used to. With 100 reps on each exercise, going for tone and definition, I can really feel it. I also have elastic bands from the VA physical therapist to work very specific angles on my shoulders to strengthen around the joints, which has eliminated my shoulder impingment pain.

    Oh, and I have 4 kids (3 boys), but 2 ex wives...but all 4 kids are definitely on my side, so we hold our own. hahaha
  • mgn1
    mgn1 Posts: 4
    How come I have a URL and not a ticker???
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Looks like your doing really well! Congrats.

    I play full court basketball twice a week for about hr. Not as quick as I once was but pick my spots to turn it up a notch. Keeps cardio up and still feel like I can play against younger guys, [56 years old]
    As far as food, eat the same foods alot! Qiunoa is great,high in protein,low in cals,fills you up for couple hrs[180 cals a cup]. Always have pot made in the frig for easy access. Same with brown rice,fresh veggies!
    Weights do every other day for 15-20 mins at home,light weights & more reps. Keeps me toned!
    Other then that have access to gym with cardio room, weight room, & basketball, racquetball courts. Use 3 times a week. 5 mins from my house!
    Once a week go over my limit of 2000 calories , sometimes 3000-4000 calories for that day.[adds up quick!] Doesn't seem to harm me & heard it keeps body quessing!
    Great post!
  • ahbach2005
    Bout time

    In regards to Stength training........I don't have alot of time to dedicate to the gym so I do circuit training....keeps me in the heart rate for burning calories while still giving some cardio benefit...keeps things under 45 minutes and I change the excercises up a bit.

    Variations.....I am going to try some isometrics/ isokinetics....I have found smoe links on what Bruce Lee used to do as well as the strongman types like Charles Atlas and others used to do....just to have one day of no cardio and no weights.

    Skiing, tubing and sledding with the kids (4 and 2....get to carry them once and a while if the snow is too deep) as well as road cycling and mountain biking in the summer.

    Kettle bells sound cool but I don't want to dish out the dough for them because like everything that's popular they are expensive

    X-box with kinnect- one of the guys here at work just got one and he likes it. The EAS Sports pack that comes with the monitor is good and I hear the biggest loser game is really good once you crank up the levels on it. I may invest in that after the Superbowl.

    I will send you a friend request
  • mort4cy
    mort4cy Posts: 3 Member
    I agree that while I love women, this site does seem to be a little light in testosterone at times so thanks for starting guy specific thread.

    While strength training, I always try to keep things new and interesting and try to work several muscle groups at a time.

    Example: Start by placing a medium dumbell or kettleball (I use 15 pounds) between your legs while preparing to do squats. Squat down and pick the weight up with one hand. Press your legs up while pressing the weight up and over your head. By adding this extra motion you are engaging your shoulders, core and quads all at once. I do 12 reps on each side per set and do 3-4 sets at a time.

    If you don't have dumbells or kettleballs you can also incorporate exercises that use multiple muscle groups with no equipment at all. When doing push ups, stop at the top of your push up and alternately bring each knee to the opposite elbow. This exercise engages chest, and abs and helps with flexibilty as well.

    Again thanks for starting the thread. I look forward to reading more posts.
  • lsotelo
    I try to incorporate sports into my workout regimen as much as I possibly can. From racquetball to softball, to even kickball and golf, playing sports is a very important element to me because it keeps things a bit more interesting. Plus, not only do I get exercise but it also gets my competitive juices flowing, which will get me to push myself that extra bit more than I would on the treadmill or in the weight room.

    I couldn't begin to quantify what effect it has on my weight loss goals but the mental health aspect of playing sports is something that is invaluable to me.
  • zydratethief
    Oh THANK GOD, i mean i love ya ladies and all, but if i read or lay eyes on one more post about TOM, i will cave!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    First I also married a women who I love dearly and actually got me motivated to lose weight. I have 4 daughters so I am way outnumbered the only thing I have to myself is my single drawer in the bathroom that hold my sacred man tools. A black razor with chrome trim ( no pink razor in my drawer), a comb, manly smelling shaving cream that does not smell like peach and doesn't suggest it be used on the pubic area, manly smelling colognes that have manly names like ...Oh crap none of them have manly names.....HELP!!!!

    I'm not very creative in the weight room. I just stick to the standards.

    If I'm going to cheat on a game day... an normal game day, not a playoff or championship I just watch my calories and bee smart I dont over due it. I have a few beers and light snacking/eating as is available and make mental not not to blow it out of the water. But say on a superbowl day I just no that I'm going OFF the diet completely and that I will gain water weight the next day. You likely wont eat enough to actually gain more than a real pound of fat at the absolute most but either way I just tell myself hey I need this break and I know I'm going to enjoy myself. No hard feelings later. Its a lifestyle change not a diet!

    I have not incorporated any sports other than my triathlon training yet. Summer may change that.

    Oatmeal in the morning or some heavy grain hot cereal
    Fruit, Apples kill my hunger pains
    Brown rice!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    How come I have a URL and not a ticker???

    Go back to tickers and copy the BBCode. You used the HTML one.
  • mkrafick
    @MGN1 - Can you recccomend any Kettle Ball exercises? They look like you could seriously do damage if you don't respect them as you work. But I have been really intrigued by them. I just need to see a few examples. As for your ticket, go back to the signature code and copy the BBCode that uses the brackets instead.

    @dcaswell10 - It's you guys who have the big weight I respect. It takes a lot to change your habits that radically. Before you go to the P90x workout, look at the Power 90 and read about the health test they ask you to take. It will tell you which to start with first. However, you may want to just consider doing some basic workout with light weights. Keep up the good work man!

    @WhiteStar2351 - I've seens ome crazy stuff at the gym. My trainer even makes fun of it - I do some very traditional workouts because they seem effective. Allthough I have to admit, I have to find something new - I am geting a little bored. Thats why I asked about exercise. I also eat every 2.5-3 hours now, my stomach ios on a clock - really helped my metabolism.

    @bikerbiz - Man, you and I both do strength training before Cardio. It makes a HUGE difference. The word is just getting out there now. But it makes you burn fat 100x more efficiently. How long do you row for, or suggest for a newbie?
  • mkrafick
    Speaking of guy stuff - have you all heard of "The Warrior Dash" (

    Viking hats, Mud, and beer - you can't ask for much more. It looks like a ton of fun and motivation for me to get fit. Check it out and read the FAQ. Everyone I talk to who has done it said it was one of the best things they have done ever.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Oh THANK GOD, i mean i love ya ladies and all, but if i read or lay eyes on one more post about TOM, i will cave!

    I dont know why all these girls are talking about TOM. Isnt he that guy with all those friends on MySpace!
  • scubastevo
    We are here, but if anyone else is like me, we tend to be the silent minority....Actually, it reminds me of how it is at home. I feel your pain though, I too am the sole male in a house dominated by a wife and two young daughters.

    Just getting started again, after achieving my best physical shape in my life at 40, I then slid back to where I am now. Another round of trying to lose 30 lb's and this time trying to keep it off...

    Last time, I did two rounds of P90X, which, if you can endure the time committment and intensity, will get you to your goals. I had to do extra cardio to lose weight, but I was the strongest and fittest I had been since playing soccer in college.

    Now, at almost 42 and two kids active in school activities, the 90 minute committment P90X requires isn't able to fit in my schedule, at least not all at one time. I may try to do partial workouts though.

    Right now, I'm concentrating on cleaning up my diet and adding cardio. After the weight starts dropping, I'll add back in resistance and weight training.

    I'm really hating this food diary.....
  • MrX8503
    MrX8503 Posts: 67
    I'm glad you made this thread, there aren't very many guys on here.

    1. I don't do anything out of the ordinary, but what I do like using are crossover cables. It gives you a wide range of motion that allows you to create many different kinds of lifts.

    2. I love beer and that is kind of my weakness. The rule is beer only every other weekend.

    3. I used to do kickboxing, but overall I don't really incorporate sports into my workouts.

    4. The staple of my diet is eggs, fish, chicken, and beef. I then use veggies and beans for fiber to curb hunger.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Oh THANK GOD, i mean i love ya ladies and all, but if i read or lay eyes on one more post about TOM, i will cave!

    I dont know why all these girls are talking about TOM. Isnt he that guy with all those friends on MySpace!

    LOL :laugh: