I only had 150 NET carbs yesterday and i GAINED 1 lb??

I ate about 900 calories yesterday. I was so busy I didn't really think about it....I worked out a decent amount., cleaned the house, etc....

I get on the scale this AM... and sure enough... I went from 279.1 to 280.0

I know, it sounds so stupid, but I just don't want to get discouraged. Anyone have any idea why this would happen?


  • emysirlaki
    emysirlaki Posts: 14 Member
    Probably could be that you ate too little calories.

    But it's also normal for your weight to fluctuate a pound or so, could be water retention too.
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Maybe your food hasnt digested yet and passed through your system..could be water weight...were you wearing the same thing you always wear on the scale? any of these things could cause that and will probably go away in a matter of hours!

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • lizard420
    Cars add pounds quickly, but a gain of a pound is nothing, Weigh yourself only once a week. I lost a lot of weight limiting my carbs to only 35 a day. I ate mostly meats, veggies, and little fruit.
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    Your weight will fluctuate a lot from one day to the next, so it could mean nothing at all. Or maybe you were retaining extra water from sodium, exercising, or hormones, or anything. I hate looking at the scale and seeing a gain, but it's really no big deal. As long as your overall trend is losing weight, you're golden :smile:

    150 net calories is really far too little, though. Try to build some more healthy snacks into your day so you don't end up with that big of a deficit!
  • rflowers7
    You'll drive yourself nuts if you weigh everyday. There are natural fluctuations of 2 pounds either way because of water retention and other factors. It's best to pick a day and weigh once a week. If you stay on your goals, you'll start to notice the downward trend.
  • kboroski
    My body has a routine.... and even though I know how it goes, every week, it's still very frustrating from day to day to see the upward fluctuations.

    I will diet and exercise religiously, for a week, and see no effect, often times actually seeing a pound or two of weight "gain." Then, I'll have a day of extreme hunger, and then I'll drop 2-3 pounds (for a net weekly weight loss of typically about 1.5 pounds).

    As long as you're being honest with yourself about your calories consumed and calories burned, and you're seeing a deficit, you WILL lose weight.