alikona22 Member


  • Hi Brittney, I'm Allison. I'm currently on phentermine and Topamax. Down 6 pounds since November (gained 2 over Christmas). My doctor wanted me to increase my phentermine, but unfortunately I have OCD and it made my OCD symptoms WAY worse. But I'm back to the original dose he put me on.
  • I need to have more support of people with PCOS. I need to stay focused on low GI eating. I just get so frustrated that I can't eat like "normal" people. I'm 5'4' and currently 224 pounds (down 6 since November). I am on a micropill birth control, spironolactone (for hair/skin), metformin 2000 mg, phentermine, and Topamax.…
  • I have PCOS as well, so I understand your struggle! I feel like others can simply cut out some calories or add in some more cardio and they lose weight quickly, but for me it requires being strict and dedicated to eating a low-glycemic diet, lots of cardio, strength training, and stretching. Just wanted to let you know…
  • It's all about the music! Finding songs that will be on beat with my feet while running 5.0-6.0mph to stay up to speed. Pumping some iron while listening to hardcore. Getting psyched for Zumba by listening to reggaeton and booty shaking tunes.
    in Epic Comment by alikona22 January 2013
  • **Stands up**. Hello, my name is Allison, and I have been sober from peanut butter for...25 minutes. Legit, I'm an addicted and would binge hardcore on peanut butter. I would refrain from buying it. OR buy the single serving containers/packs (like Jiff to-go). That way I would know when I hit my 2 tablespoon amount. For…
  • Chamomile can be calming, but it depends on how much anxiety you have. Several posters already recommended some good advice that I'll reiterate and add to as well. I have anxiety and have found that for me, I need to be on anti-anxiety meds. Everyone's different; some people need it for short periods of time to get through…
  • I have PCOS...I understand what it's like to go through the vicious cycle whenever sugar gets in the system: eat simple sugar/carbs, insulin spikes, body craves more sugar, so you eat sugar and the cycle starts again. It's incredibly frustrating. And that's just the weight portion...I'm on spironolactone for hair growth…
  • Yeah, I just went through and weeded out a few. I'm trying to provide feedback and support to others as well.
  • In fourth grade we were learning about mean, median, and mode and the teacher decided to do it with everyone's weight. Everyone had to state their weight in pounds out loud in class. I weighed the most in the class at 125. I still remember feeling so ashamed and trying to say my weight as quietly as possible.
  • Hi! I have not been formally diagnosed with binge eating disorder, but as a behavior analyst, I have read articles and studies on binge eaters and know I fit the category. It's funny because I was actually about to log on and report my binge I just did...sugar free ice cream. There are certain foods I CANNOT have in my…
  • Lost 50lbs 8th-10th grade. Gained about 15lbs between 10th and freshman year of college. Yo'yo'd about 35 pounds since then (up 35, down 30, up 30, down 20, up 20, down 10 up 10 aaaaaaaaaand stuck back at my starting weight. I always do best when I log my calories, attempt to burn off the excess I eat, do weight/strength…
  • In a few of my yoga and meditation classes, we've done a "food meditation" where we focus on every aspect of the food we're consuming (we did it with a raisin once and a piece of chocolate another time). Basically, it makes you go through every single sense while eating and take time to really enjoy and be mindful of what…
  • I'm glad to see there is a lot of people who have a common goal and interest! I think we can build a really great support network for one another. I'm going to set up a group (I've never set one up before, so bear with me) so we can have a separate area just to talk about this and continue this thread on that group page.…
  • Trust me, I would like to get back to a consistent, healthy lifestyle. I'm using this wedding as my motivation to get BACK on track and then STAY on track (hence why I would like to lose the weight and then I'm not kicking myself again when the next wedding comes up...which would hopefully be my own someday).…
  • Dude, I would start cutting off limbs for money, haha. I always get nervous about competitions like that because some people will go the crash diet route and lose muscle or water weight and gain it all back. Just make sure everyone's doing it safely...and not doing crash diets or cutting off limbs.
  • I agree so much; developing a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing. While I have a weight goal, I also have goals to increase the number of days I log my food and go to the gym, and also measuring my body fat percentage (because I put on muscle so easily). Changing one's lifestyle is the only way to ensure the…
  • That's terrible! I'd pay someone to trip that MOB as she's walking down the aisle. Okay, maybe nothing that mean (I honestly don't have a mean bone in my body, haha), but MOB-zillas are WORSE than bridezillas! Nothing wrong with being single; you'll be a gorgeous bridesmaid :)
  • I actually have a mix for running where the beat of the song it matched up with the beat of my feet for a 5.5 to 6.5 mile per hour pace. It's my secret for all my races; I can tell when I'm getting too slow when my feat aren't in sync with the beat...and I have OCD so I'm motivated to stay on the beat, hahaha. Some of my…
  • I plan my snacks out and when I'm feeling like snacking in between, I drink seltzer (or other diet carbonated beverages - bubble are very filling and 0 calories!) and tea. Sugar-free hard candies can be helpful too (I love the sugar free cream savers, yum).
  • No. The ex's had too many issues. I tried to be friends (after a period of time with no responding for a clean break) and it always led to them thinking that there was a possibility of getting back together, even though I made it very clear. And then once I made it clear, they became a bit hostile/obsessive. So I find it's…
  • Meringues are great; plus there are SO many varieties of way to make them (i.e. peppermint, chocolate, almond). I just read one recipe that had pine nuts in them and it looked SOOOO good.
  • Spaghetti squash for the win! I eat this at least once a week. Although with my current financial situation, it's more affordable to go with whole wheat pasta (check the fiber content) than spaghetti squash. Other veggies I'll eat with spaghetti sauce/light alfredo sauce/chicken/ground turkey or beef are broccoli, spinach,…
  • I struggle with binge eating; not clinically diagnosed currently, but my behaviors at periods of time fit the clinical diagnosis for binge eating disorder (I'm a behaviorist and have done literature reviews on the topic). I'm currently coming out of a bad stretch and getting back into the right mindset. I go by the Michael…
  • A multivitamin: although the current one makes me feel sick. Probably will switch to a gummy/chewable. Omega 3-6-9 (fish & flaxseed): lemon flavored, because otherwise it tastes TERRIBLE with acid reflux. Doctor recommended it for neurological health. Iron: i'm borderline anemic
  • Here's the calorie breakdown per serving if you were to use the crust and divide into 8 portions (whipped topping not included): Calories: 262.5 Carbs: 29.5 Fat: 11 g Protein: 7.25 g Fiber: 2 g Sugar: 8 grams (mostly from the crust) It is actually less calories than this because I found that when I made the pie, I had too…
  • I agree! Kale is a great superfood!
  • 1. Whole Eggs. Yes, but I switch it out with egg whites too. Less calories & fat. 2. Fish Oil. Yup! I take an Omega 3-6-9 supplement (lemon flavored; acid reflux made other non-flavored supplements MISERABLE...flax seed oil and fish oil do not taste good the second time around). 3. Wild Salmon. If I could afford it, I'd…
  • Just like with any food, watch the calorie intake! Carbs are 4 calories per gram, protein in 4 calories per gram, fat is 9 calories per gram, and alcohol is 7 calories per gram. Alcoholic beverages can really add up the calories when you add sugar-filled mixers (juice, soda, alcohol with sugar added, milk/cream, chocolate…
  • I have PCOS as well and have been confirmed to be insulin resistant. Feel free to add me as a friend; it's great to find support. I also recently found a support group in my area, so if I find any good information in regards to weight loss, nutrition, and exercise and PCOS, I'd be willing to share with everyone.