Needing tips to learn how to eating more slowly

I would love anyone's tips that have helped them learn how to eat more slowly. Since I still haven't mastered the art of eating more slowly, I find that I eat so fast that I end up feeling over-full and stuffed at the end of a meal. I go from being intensely hungry throughout the day and counting every calorie and then overeat when it's finally mealtime. They say it takes 20 minutes for your brain to tell your body when you are full and that doesn't work for me when I inhale my food in about 5-10 minutes!

I want to lose weight a lot faster than the 1 pound each week that I have been struggling to lose and I also need help breaking the habit of eating too fast. I think that my eating to fast has me overdoing portion sizes at mealtimes. I welcome anyone's advice who have experienced this same problem and what techniques did you use to teach yourself to eat much more slowly. Thank you!


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I swear this isn't tongue-in-cheek-- have you tried having a conversation while you eat? I have the hardest time getting an entire meal eaten when I'm talking to a friend. if I'm just staring at the tv however it's gone before I know it.
  • swilk627
    swilk627 Posts: 245 Member
    Set your fork/spoon down after each bite. Take a small sip of water after each (or every couple) bite.

    Those two things helped me learn how to pace myself properly. Now, I'm just in the habit of eating slowly so I don't have to necessarily do those things anymore to slow myself down.
  • Brittf2011
    Brittf2011 Posts: 10 Member
    I had this problem because I am always in a hurry. If you are a busy person then it is very good to drink water. Water through the day helped me with not eating so quick because i didn't feel that I was starving. Cutting down portions helps because I noticed I was over eating with out realizing it because it takes your stomach time to process that it is full. I actually lost 10 pounds in one week from counting caleries and working out. And working out for me is an hour on tredmill a day. To stop myself from over eating I bought myself portion control bowls. Since the bowl tells me how much im eating I eat it slowly and wait to see if im really still hungry. Plus if you are still hungry get a smaller portion than you started with. Hope my advice helped:)
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    It still sometimes takes me an hour to eat a chocolate bar. :D

    How the hell do I manage to do that, you ask? I love food with layers. I eat the first layer, say it's the chocolate coating. Only I don't bite it off, I lick it off. lol

    With all food, I eat it slowly or lick it, suck it, nibble it. And each layer I think of the flavor and how good it tastes.

    Another thing some people say is put your fork or spoon down after each bite, and savor the flavor.

    And yes, having a conversation does help.

    I also like to read sometimes when eating.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    Jillian Michaels actually just posted some tips about this very subject, today, on facebook! The one I found very interesting was to hold your fork, and eat, with your nondiminate hand.
  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    I second the poster who said conversation. I have to eat most of my meals during the day with the preschoolers I teach, and keeping them engaged in conversation and at the table (we do family style meals) slows me waaaaayyyy down.
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    Jillian Michaels actually just posted some tips about this very subject, today, on facebook! The one I found very interesting was to hold your fork, and eat, with your nondiminate hand.

    That's what I do, but then again I can eat with both hands, yes while holding the utensil, just try eating soup with chop sticks...hahahahahaha:bigsmile:
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Imagine throwing it up. Would the pieces be embarrassingly large? Probably, so chew longer and more thoroughly.
  • Barbie1125
    Ya Im a fast eater to, i've been working on it since Jan 1st and doing pretty good and it does help to make you feel full faster if you slow down. Some of the things that are working for me is putting my fork down after bites, (I think i read that online some where) I like to read and since I get to eat lunch by myself I take my book out then and found that has slowed me down as well. I've been eating all day ( nibbling ) instead of 2 times a day as well ( wasn't a good breakfast person) so that has helped me not be as hungry and eat as fast as I used to. I think its harder for sure when your really hungry so i've been really trying not to let myself get that way.. i haven't been really really really hungry since I changed my habits. Try different things you'll find something .. please let me know what works for you I could use some new ideas to, I still have to remind myself to slow down.. its not a habit yet.
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    In a few of my yoga and meditation classes, we've done a "food meditation" where we focus on every aspect of the food we're consuming (we did it with a raisin once and a piece of chocolate another time). Basically, it makes you go through every single sense while eating and take time to really enjoy and be mindful of what you're eating. Here's a few to give you an idea:

    It really helps you to become more aware of what you're eating; and aware of what you're missing when you eat food quickly or mindlessly! I already regret that I ate my quinoa tabouleh while working at my desk today and didn't really sit to relax and focus on each sense and flavor.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    Try to think, okay, I am going to take a bite, put my fork down, chew it nice and slow (until it is the consistency or applesauce in your mouth), have a sip of water, then take the next bite, you literally have to learn a whole new method of eating. It is going to take practice, and patience. I used to eat very very fast. and I would end up over full. Also, measure what you eat, start with proper portions and when you have finished that plate, wait the 20 mins and see how you feel. I also use a plate method, half the plate is veg, 1/4 of the plate is protein, and the other 1/4 plate is my carb, or starch. it also helps to switch to a smaller plate! Good luck to you!
  • WonderKP
    WonderKP Posts: 146 Member
    if you eat more often, say eat more snack sized things every hour or so, then maybe you wouldn't be starving come meal time? That helps for me most days, but you can always give it a try. Think, "mini-meals" Sometimes I have a small wrap at 10 am, only to have another wrap at noon or 1130.
  • eliakrathore
    Count each bite 40 times. There was a study conducted, people ate 12 percent less and I've tried it, it does take a lot longer to eat! haha
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
    I count my chews 10-20 depending on what the food is.
    Put your knife and fork down after putting in every mouthful.
    Focus on the taste of your mouthful instead of what the next bite is going to be like.
    Eat with your non-dominate hand
    Remember that this is not going to be your last meal (I hope not anyway)
    Don't eat food in front of the T.V. (We apparently eat 15-25% more if we do)
    Sit at the table

    I have the same problem, but it is getting better. You just have to force yourself to be aware of what you are eating.
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    It has never taken me 5 min to eat, I eat very fast, the secret is to not put so much food in front of you.
    Eat whats there at whatever pace you want........then be done....
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Take a bite, chew it fully and swallow before taking another one. Sounds silly and mundane, but it's hard if you're used to eating quickly. Stop when you feel full.

    Also, I find that eatin at the dining table and not in front of the TV helps a lot.
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    Eat to live don't live to eat.
  • jodikarmia
    jodikarmia Posts: 1 Member
    Chew each bite 50 times before you take the next . That is what a doctor suggested to my son who ate like a hoover vacuum cleaner . It did slow him down .
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I find that drinking water with my meal helps because I feel fuller faster and it doesn't take away from the taste of my food. I also like putting my meals on small plates. If I think I'm hungry enough to get seconds, getting up usually tells me I've had enough. Good luck... overeating is very hard to get over.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    It might also help to have soup or drink a glass of water with lemon in it BEFORE your meals.