Tips on how to stop snacking?



  • MrsSmith1112
    MrsSmith1112 Posts: 169 Member
    Also, don't put land mines in your kitchen. Surround your property with them to keep the zombies away.

    ^ this!!!
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    I plan my snacks out and when I'm feeling like snacking in between, I drink seltzer (or other diet carbonated beverages - bubble are very filling and 0 calories!) and tea. Sugar-free hard candies can be helpful too (I love the sugar free cream savers, yum).
  • eddyca
    eddyca Posts: 153 Member
    Before you eat a snack, drink a HUGE glass of water, then wait a while. Chances are good it will fill you up. If that doesn't work, a few slices of apple and then a huge glass of water might do the trick - the fiber and the water combine and fill you up. Another thing that has worked for me is the "five things" list, in other words - make a list of five things to do (pay a bill, write an email, some work or housekeeping stuff), then do them before you have the snack. What happens to me is I get distracted and forget about the snack. Hope this helps.
    Thanks for this advise! I know these tricks but forget to implement them after a while!
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    You could buy some land mines on eBay and plant them in the kitchen?

    lmao :D
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    *black coffee*
  • amh83
    amh83 Posts: 15
    Before you snack, drink a glass of water. Many times you think you are hungry but you are really thirsty. If water doesn't do it, have some fruit.
  • hatescows
    hatescows Posts: 69 Member
    I also plan ahead for snacks with cut veggies and fruit. If I need a salty snack I eat Special K chips. I count them out, (27 chips= a serving @ roughly 100 calories) and I have a satisfying pile to eat and I don't feel cheated.
  • Samantha1941
    Samantha1941 Posts: 99 Member
    I have issues with snacking as well. I like to sip on something over time to help curb my snacking such as coffee or hot chocolate soymilk or diet coke every now and then. The best thing for me is to just go shopping or do.something that involves me leaving my house and that takes my mind off snacking. But sometimes you just have to know when its best to give in so I always keep some dark chocolate around and have an ounce of that or if I want something crunchy I looooove cucumbers and bellpeppers with hummus, its a super low cal snack that gives you the crunch you want without the guilt (only like 100 cals)!