Friends with PCOS

honu18 Posts: 294 Member
Hi everyone!

I know there are support groups out there for ladies with PCOS, but it doesn't seem as if people are too active on them. I just got diagnosed about a month and a half ago, and am trying to follow a lower carb/low glycemic lifestyle (to an extent that I know I can sustain). I was hoping to find some friends who also have PCOS for both understanding/support, as well as perhaps swap food ideas and what has been working for us.

Anyone out there want to be friends?


  • landb925
    landb925 Posts: 7 Member
    I would love to be friends. I was diagnosed with PCOS last December but approximately 120lbs too late. It went undiagnosed for too long. I just had a baby and am now trying hard to beat this!
  • SarahScales
    PCOS is a demon allot of us here seem to be living with. But I see it as just another hurdle to conquer! I've been advised to go on a low carb, low sugar diet to try and shed roughly 35 kilos and start exercising more.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I have this. Ironcly, I found out because I began to lose wieght!
  • faithchange
    faithchange Posts: 311 Member
    I've been diagnosed with PCOS for about 10 years. With me it started "pre-sexually active" years...also was missing my "period" for 7 mos...kind of strange!!!

    I've been on Metformin for that time and most importantly when I was pregnant with my two kids. I did however suffer from recurrent miscarriages (three) because of PCOS (low progesterone levels..among the issues).

    I've always been obese, overweight...but now am in the high "normal" weight range for my 5'8 large frame body. I started out 237 lbs two and half years ago...and am happily at 167 today :) I am looking to get to 150-155 lbs in time.

    I have used low carb eating and higher protein. I do still eat breads, pasta, and other things like that...but not every day and in moderation...they are all whole wheat too. I exercise 6 times a week too. This works for me. I eat some fruit and of course my veggies. I find whole grain oatmeal to help too.

    The recent and sudden death of my mother from congestive heart failure also has determined me even more to stay active and healthy.

    If anyone wants to add me...feel free. Good Luck ladies and remember you can overcome PCOS... I also suffer from depression, anxiety and recently was diagnosed with autoimmune hypothryroidism if I can do it...anyone can!!!
  • miart65
    miart65 Posts: 18 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS in middle school. It's always been a struggle for me to keep weight off and and even more to lose it, especially when I started college. I would love to have more support from others who can relate. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • MissDevin
    MissDevin Posts: 608 Member
    My doctor diagnosed me with PCOS in September.
    She wanted to prescribe me Loestrin, but I said no.

    Is there any other way to deal with this besides pills?
  • miart65
    miart65 Posts: 18 Member
    I gained a lot of weight when I went off Metformin, but I'm sure it's different for different people. I was taught to always eat proteins and carbs together. and try to go easy on the sugar (super hard for me). If you're looking for a diet to jumpstart the South Beach Diet is really good for PCOS/ insulin resistance. Its worked well for me several times
  • jwuornii
    jwuornii Posts: 5 Member
    I too have PCOS. I got diagnosed with it 17 years ago now. Wow, just realized it's been that long! I've had the most success with low carb, but as I've gotten older I find there is less and less room for moderation. Thankfully I've been able to change my lifestyle and it's gotten much easier over the last few years. I had a baby 8 months ago and am trying to lose the last of my baby weight. I just joined MFP and would love to meet some new people in the same boat!
  • twingirlsmommy
    twingirlsmommy Posts: 111 Member
    Hi!! Feel free to add me and let`s all get this weight off together!! I have 7 month old twins at home, I workout 5-7 days a week and eat around 1300-1500 calories a day---lower GI as well!!
  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    Recent diagnosis here, too. I sent you a friend request! It has me pretty confused & frustrated (also a bit hopeless) since I'm also trying to get pregnant. I'm sending a few of you friend requests because I'm trying to surround myself with people who understand.
  • iqnas
    iqnas Posts: 445 Member
    I have PCOS :( All of you can add me!
  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    My doctor diagnosed me with PCOS in September.
    She wanted to prescribe me Loestrin, but I said no.

    Is there any other way to deal with this besides pills?

    YES! Though the severity of your case might make it difficult. Diet & exercise seem to be the biggest thing but even watching out for anything that could add to the hormone imbalance (soy, conventionally produced meat/dairy). I actually want to write a little blog post to mention some of the websites that have been educational for me. I'll friend you :)
  • StarburstSweetie
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm so glad I found this group. I was diagnosed 13 years ago with PCOS. I went on metformin and it helped me shed the weight, but once I found out I had a thyroid issue as well it became SOOOO hard to take them at the right time etc, plus the metformin was throwing my periods off (aka i'd have one for a week, skip a week and it would come back for another week -- even on birth control). I'm trying to cut down on the amount of sugar I have in my diet because god knows i love everything with sugar in it.

    I was on ocella (BC pill) and switched to nexplanon because i kept forgetting the pill and it was making me SUPER hormonal

    my issue is the amount of facial hair I have and how I have lack of motivation really. I have the lap band which helps me avoid carbs but that can only do so much if i'm not watching what I eat myself.

    Feel free to add me! I could always use new friends and new ideas!

    ~ Erin
  • MorbidMander
    MorbidMander Posts: 349 Member
    I have PCOS as well, feel free to add me, always looking for girls I can relate too. :)
  • sabrinabum
    I have PCOS as well. Any one feel free to add me :)
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    I have PCOS...I understand what it's like to go through the vicious cycle whenever sugar gets in the system: eat simple sugar/carbs, insulin spikes, body craves more sugar, so you eat sugar and the cycle starts again. It's incredibly frustrating. And that's just the weight portion...I'm on spironolactone for hair growth issues and have done laser hair removal (with some success), have anxiety/depression, struggled with acne, etc.

    If you're looking for someone to give regular feedback and encouragement (at least weekly), and can do the same in return, feel free to add me :)
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Another "cyster" here :(

    Anyone can feel free to add me! We all need the support of people who understand this condition.
  • Trallaurrum
    Trallaurrum Posts: 25 Member
    I was diagnosed about 4 years ago... unfortunately, about 50lbs too late. :(
    I've found my pills keep things from getting worse, but don't really improve things much. Hope others have had some better results.
    Feel free to add me!
  • EweCreekCottage
    EweCreekCottage Posts: 324 Member
    Hi everyone I have PCOS however I am 47 almost 48 and never got it together till recently- I am finally low carb high protein and high exercise and finally weight is coming off... it is too late for me to have children- but I would love to follow all of you and cheer you all on and be a positive support in any way I can- so much more is known about this now then when my symptoms started 30 years ago- funny thing is in talking with my mom who has passed she had me at 45- I now realize she also had PCOS- she just had held it at bay for years with extreme daily exercise and vanity lol...God bless her... if she wasn't so vain she wouldn't have had moi LOL.
    Feel free to add me I am on daily from afternoon to late evening just put pcos in the invite
    Luznit 1 Meal, 1 Snack, 1 Logged Calorie, 1 day at a time