Looking for some healthy friends!

I've gone from being a binger eater to being bulimic to orthorexic and a binge eater again! But I am ready to be done with this cycle!!

I'm ready to be as healthy as I can be no matter how much I want to be skinny. Being skinny will not make me happy!
I also need to learn to cope with my anxiety/stress issues better....So I've decided to get more sleep, cut caffeine/alcohol/ciggs/processed food.

Who's with me? I need to surround myself with positive people!


  • starsjen24
    starsjen24 Posts: 19 Member
    I have cut all of those things out and feel awesome :) a lot less heart burn too especially from the caffine and processed foods. Feel free to add me :)
  • veggie_1200
    oh and I'm getting rid of the scale!
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    I struggle with binge eating; not clinically diagnosed currently, but my behaviors at periods of time fit the clinical diagnosis for binge eating disorder (I'm a behaviorist and have done literature reviews on the topic). I'm currently coming out of a bad stretch and getting back into the right mindset.

    I go by the Michael Pollen philosophy, "Eat food, not too much, mostly plants" (and I like to add "mostly raw/organic/fair trade"). I'm also insulin resistant (different from diabetes), so I have to be careful about my sugar intake and the glycemic index of each food. I have gone back and forth about whether to use artificial sweeteners, but recently was getting pretty sick/fatigued and tried cutting out the artificial sweeteners (even the ones made from Stevia), and I felt SO much better and the symptoms went away. The main sweetener I use is agave syrup (it has calories, but is low on the glycemic index as opposed to sugar/honey).

    I also just cut back on my caffeine consumption. I have had issues with sleep for years and it's a vicious cycle: can't sleep so you drink caffeine, can't fall asleep so you take sleep aids, can't wake up so you drink caffeine, etc. I went to 3 different doctors about my sleep problems and they all said the same thing: it was stress and anxiety. I was a pretty severe abuser of caffeine (multiple cups of coffee/tea, energy drinks, 5 hour energies, caffeine pills). I slowly started weaning myself off caffeine and am down to 2 cups of coffee/tea a day and doing so much better. I also make it a point to not drink caffeine after 5pm and to not eat after 9pm. Decreasing caffeinated beverages (especially coffee and acidic ones) has also decreased my acid reflux.

    I've decreased my alcohol consumption: only on special occassions, Fridays, and Saturdays. And I try to stick to wine since it's lower on the glycemic index. I don't eat any fast food due to unethical and non-eco-friendly business practices; nor do I drink beverages from large corporations (I try to buy my seltzer from a local business instead).

    I also struggle with anxiety and high stress levels. However, I recently came off of my anxiety/depression medication because I was experiencing side effects after 2.5 years, but also had my life more in order and stable now. While going through this change, I've made it a big priority to try to manage my stress levels adaptively (physical exercise, breathing exercises, meditation/yoga, LOTS of laughter in any way/shape/form).

    You sound like a person with the right frame of mind and similar perspectives. Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm an optimist and try to find every opportunity to laugh and enjoy life. "The most wasted of days is one in which you have not laughed"! :)
  • veggie_1200
    Thanks for the add! I'm excited to motivate each other! :) It's nice to know you're not alone...
  • jody2807
    jody2807 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Ladies ,

    this seems to be a common behaviour pattern , well at least now i think so , I also Binge eat not that i think it is a problem but then I am not the doctor i do this when I am also stressed and anxious , I also have recently come of anti depressents as the weight gain was worse than the actual depression , I only reliased this in July of this year when i got engaged and looked at the photos after wards and just thought were am I , who is that women in the pictures ,

    I dont drink Coffee any more i gave that up three years ago when I stopped smoking cigarretes . I also suffer from sleeping issuses as stated take something to sleep . and then wake tired and then take something to stay awake . be grumpy all day and depressed about weight gain ,

    As i said i relised this in July and then stopped the medication , got my but on the treadmill and lost 10 kilos on my own i then plataued and nothing happened for a while and then upset again and sitting on couch WHY ME " well why me is because of me so i got up again and started running / jogging at least three times a week and the Gym to do weights 3 times a week also ( well i try for that ) I no longer weigh my self with scales as sometines they dont move but i can see the difference in my Hips and Belly so this keeps me going .. and this would have to be the best site for inspiration

    Good Luck to you and feel free to add me also ( forgive any spelling mistakes :noway:
  • veggie_1200
    Yeah, I think a lot of people struggle with binging problems and it is so under the radar! I can also relate to the sleep issues...I think it has to do a lot with anxiety. I'm going to try and figure out how to minimize that