Losing Weight for Weddings?



  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm a maid of honor in June 2012, but my goal is not to lose the weight. My goal is to change my lifestyle. I'm 15 pounds down, but I've gained so much more. I ran six miles with my friends last week instead of sleeping in, which is what I normally do. I'm learning how to fuel my body nutritionally instead of satisfying my cravings. I'm developing a healthy lifestyle that is catching on to my family and friends. A healthy lifestyle: that's where my real goals are set this year.

    I agree so much; developing a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing. While I have a weight goal, I also have goals to increase the number of days I log my food and go to the gym, and also measuring my body fat percentage (because I put on muscle so easily). Changing one's lifestyle is the only way to ensure the weight will come off and stay off.
  • My best friend is getting married in early September and I'm a bridesmaid! I'm hoping to be at least just under 200 pounds by then, if not more.
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    my goal is 25lb by june 6th!!!!! my sisters getting married and the whole bridal party actually did a biggest loser contest... $50 a person, pots up to $ 650 so thats my motivation!!!

    Dude, I would start cutting off limbs for money, haha. I always get nervous about competitions like that because some people will go the crash diet route and lose muscle or water weight and gain it all back. Just make sure everyone's doing it safely...and not doing crash diets or cutting off limbs.
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    We've all gained it back, that's why we're here. You're a fitness instructor and somewhere along the way "gained it back" instead of maintaining.
    Well I "purposely' gain back weight since to add muscle you have to gain weight, then I "cut up" once I achieve some. So there's a little difference. My standard weight is about 180lbs. The 165lbs is my "competition" weight where I'm about 7%-9% bodyfat. That's very hard to sustain for even a few months.
    Life happens, and people fall off the wagon. I look at my wedding as a motivation...the jump-start I needed to really focus on weight loss and getting healthy, and I am determined to maintain after my wedding day. Sometimes, having a "fun" event to look forward to can help people stay motivated. I know we should all be working to be fit for our health, etc, but having something to do it FOR can be more helpful in the motivation department. Now every time I'm tempted to overeat, I think about how I want to look on my wedding day, instead of just saying "oh, well I've got time to eventually work that off."
    Don't get me wrong, I can see that the wedding day is a great motivator, I just get disappointed with clients that I train for events that look amazing come that day then a few weeks or month later, they are back in the same boat from which I started them off in. Good luck.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Trust me, I would like to get back to a consistent, healthy lifestyle. I'm using this wedding as my motivation to get BACK on track and then STAY on track (hence why I would like to lose the weight and then maintain...so I'm not kicking myself again when the next wedding comes up...which would hopefully be my own someday).

    I think that for all the weddings I've been about the same weight (my current). The wedding I was at my smallest was when I was training 2 days a week in intermediate MMA jiu-jitzu and then consistently working out and following a low-glycemic index diet (I'm insulin resistant). Best shape of my life. Sadly, my training center stopped running the class I was in and I just don't have the same money to sign up at another training center. I've been trying to find other ways to motivate me, because I LOVED the competitive and strength aspect of jiu-jitzu. I have my regular races coming up that I do annually (a couple 5k's, a 3-4-5 mile 3-race series). I'm also looking to sign up for theme races like the Warrior Dash and Tough Mudder which have obstacles which require strength other than just running (I'm really more built for wrestling than running, haha).

    Yes, it may seem superficial to "lose weight for a wedding", but as other people have said, it's a day where a lot of photos are taken. And too many times have I looked back at wedding photos I've been in and thought, 'I wish I tried harder'. I don't want that to happen this time. That's why I'm trying to develop a healthy lifestyle months ahead by logging my calories, going to the gym, and building a community of people to support me. I can't tell you where I've slipped up along the way, but at least I'm motivated to get back on track and STAY with a healthy lifestyle. I'm hoping I won't be like one of your clients who let's themself go after the big event is over; maybe you can keep me accountable to that ;)
  • alikona22
    alikona22 Posts: 56 Member
    I'm glad to see there is a lot of people who have a common goal and interest! I think we can build a really great support network for one another. I'm going to set up a group (I've never set one up before, so bear with me) so we can have a separate area just to talk about this and continue this thread on that group page. Look for the group soon!
  • clairieb
    clairieb Posts: 11 Member
    My brother is getting married on April 14th, and my future sister-in-law asked me to be a bridesmaid. She already chose the dress, which is of course pink, short, and strapless. All the other bridesmaids are tall and slender, so I'm hoping to at least be a healthy size by then, even if I'm still short and kinda chubby. I haven't worn a dress since I was a child, and the same goes for exposing my upper arms. I'm looking forward to maintaining the healthy lifestyle that this wedding has motivated me to have!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Trust me, I would like to get back to a consistent, healthy lifestyle. I'm using this wedding as my motivation to get BACK on track and then STAY on track (hence why I would like to lose the weight and then maintain...so I'm not kicking myself again when the next wedding comes up...which would hopefully be my own someday).

    I think that for all the weddings I've been about the same weight (my current). The wedding I was at my smallest was when I was training 2 days a week in intermediate MMA jiu-jitzu and then consistently working out and following a low-glycemic index diet (I'm insulin resistant). Best shape of my life. Sadly, my training center stopped running the class I was in and I just don't have the same money to sign up at another training center. I've been trying to find other ways to motivate me, because I LOVED the competitive and strength aspect of jiu-jitzu. I have my regular races coming up that I do annually (a couple 5k's, a 3-4-5 mile 3-race series). I'm also looking to sign up for theme races like the Warrior Dash and Tough Mudder which have obstacles which require strength other than just running (I'm really more built for wrestling than running, haha).

    Yes, it may seem superficial to "lose weight for a wedding", but as other people have said, it's a day where a lot of photos are taken. And too many times have I looked back at wedding photos I've been in and thought, 'I wish I tried harder'. I don't want that to happen this time. That's why I'm trying to develop a healthy lifestyle months ahead by logging my calories, going to the gym, and building a community of people to support me. I can't tell you where I've slipped up along the way, but at least I'm motivated to get back on track and STAY with a healthy lifestyle. I'm hoping I won't be like one of your clients who let's themself go after the big event is over; maybe you can keep me accountable to that ;)
    Well if you need the help and the accountability, I'll provide what I can. Here's hoping that once goal is reached that it is for the wedding and for life.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • greengoddess01
    greengoddess01 Posts: 17 Member
    My sister is getting married next year so I have time to lose this weight but hopefully I'll be down at least 6 sizes so I can look good. :tongue: Since I live in Hawaii and the family is in California I don't see them very much, hopefully I can shock a few:tongue:
  • rd7701
    rd7701 Posts: 15 Member
    Im getting married sometime within the next year! No date is set yet and I dont have a really specific number I"d like to lose but I'm just focusing on getting in better shape and losing at least 15 lbs... maybe more. I think a group is an awesome idea.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • i'm a photographer and i shoot weddings. i'm looking to lose weight to be able to wear better looking clothes and look as confident as i feel while taking the photos.
  • kmheitkamp
    kmheitkamp Posts: 14 Member
    I have been in two weddings and have another one in September. I already had to get fitted for the dress and I know bridesmaid's dresses run small, but I would love to not have to order a plus size the next time I am in another wedding. It would be great to be seen as the hot single bridesmaid at the wedding in September instead of the lonely fat girl in the wedding who ruins the photos! So let's lose those pounds!