rainghirl Member


  • My friend is in the Barnsley CAMRA branch, he asked lots of breweries for calories in their beer and worked out from their responses the calorific value by abv and made a graph. It's in one of the copies of their magazine on line, and I used it to add real ale at different abvs into my foods.…
  • I lost 28lbs and got to the size I wanted to be, now I'd like to be able to do a fell run. I had a go the other day, but was really out of breath going up hill and had to give up half way in. I've started training for it by building some more hills into my general runs and pushing myself a lot harder.
  • Running alongside 30 Day Shred, running doesn't really tone you, only your legs and bottom, so you do need to do some weights or other exercises that help tone your muscles. I lost 26lbs overall (I started on Fitday and only moved onto here towards the end) from 160lbs to 142, I'm 5'9". I've always gone running, but I…
  • I tried this just to see what it was like http://www.naturesplus.com/sourceoflife/products/productDetail.php?id=30595 it has pea protein in, and other stuff. I thought it tasted pretty good, it has vanilla in it and you can mix it up with water or soya milk if you don't drink milk. Don't know if it's available in the US.…
  • I once tried baking eggs in the dint in the Avocado that the stone came out of. Wasn't the worst meal, but was really bland and a horrible texture. Don't try it.
  • That's amazing progress since last November! Fantastic - that's motivated me to get off my bum and out the door for my run.
  • Katyn, that really was the most depressing film I've ever seen. Pan's Labyrinth I also found upsetting, but then war is brutal - if I go see films about war I should expect it really.
  • Not in the UK, in the USA it appears to be. There has been some pressure to get the government to make it a requirement, but they just backtrack when businesses say it'll cost too much. I usually try and find something that sounds very similar from companies that do give the details. Or find an US alternative on here that…
  • I was in Edinburgh last week and saw one of those, but didn't go in. Is it any good? Looks like it's a new one in Bruntsfield Place. Back to your question, anything that's not got too much cheese/cream in it. They do 3 pizzas without cheese, quite a few pasta dishes with a tomato based sauce - but avoid the ones with the…
  • A lot of people over here have been doing it, and it sounds interesting.I've heard good reports from friends I can't do it, as I have hypoglycaemia and am prone to passing out or migraines if I go for prolonged periods without food. However, I was listening to Radio 4 the other evening, and they had some scientists on who…
  • You're not alone, one of my friends had pre-eclampsia and nearly died - she had to have an emergency caesarian and her baby was born prematurely.
  • Your posting this here tells me that you haven't quite given up, or you would have just stopped logging and drifted away. There is lots of good advice here. This time of year many of us feel like giving in and sitting in the warm, in front of the fire and eating comfort food. But as someone said above you can start by…
  • Who knows? My cat is too furry to tell if there's a thigh gap. :tongue:
  • I'm 5'9" started at 168lbs at my heaviest last April, now at 144lbs and happy with that, at my age I might look a bit too thin if I went under 140. I used to be about 133 when I was your age, and I think that's pretty reasonable - I didn't feel like a bean pole and even back then I used to go to the gym, go cycling and do…
  • I wanted the new Galaxy, but I get my phone from my company and they don't do them, so it's an i-phone 5 for me. I'm not about to start complaining!
  • I'm away a lot for work, that's why I ended up here! I find that trying to just stick to having a main course when I eat out, choosing healthy sandwiches for lunch, and staying in a hotel with a gym, or exercising in my hotel room to videos helps. I feel bad for the person in the room downstairs sometimes though. I find…
  • You're looking really good so far. It's nice to see other people are progressing and having success too.
  • I got good results from it, but I've had to stop due to injury. I wasn't trying to lose weight, just tone up and it was certainly helping with that.
  • Cutting out meat isn't really a good way to lose weight. I know plenty of fat vegetarians/vegans. Unless you really want to do it for personal / ethical reasons, you are probably better off buying your meat from a butcher rather than a supermarket and eating good quality stuff less often. If you do want to do it for…
  • Thanks for that - although I'm no longer trying to lose weight I very quickly found help over there on getting maintenance right!
  • She gives two options for many of them, one is a slightly easier version. Try your best, if you can't do the whole lot then at first rest for 5 seconds, the idea is that at first you'll find it really hard, but keep at the level you are on until you can do them all and then move onto the next level. TBH there are some I…
  • Starter as suggested above, but if I was going to have meat for the main then probably he pasta & meatballs or maybe one of the chicken dishes, avoid anything that has cheese in it or has been cooked in wine, those will increase the calories in the meal.
    in Italian! Comment by rainghirl March 2013
  • I did find that I'd go through periods of losing and gaining the same pound for a bit, but it was usually only about 2-3 weeks. Something is going right as you've lost inches which is good. You've only cleaned up your diet for 2-3 weeks, so give it a few more and see how you get on. Make sure you eat back some of your…
  • No you're not, it's mine too. Looking forward to an evening out after a long, hard week of work! I'll get back on track tomorrow with a 10 mile hike though.
  • When I actually have somewhere nice to run. For years I ran round the streets, and it was okay, but not very exciting, but when I moved to where live now and I can run out in the countryside and up on the moors, it's just fantastic. Makes all the difference to me. I detest running on the treadmill - if it was a choice…
  • I'm trying to work out what mine should be. I have maintained for over a month now and seem to be doing okay, but I got different readings depending on which site I go on. I'm trying to work out my average over a month period - it's difficult because a few pounds go on for TOM and then come off again, but I reckon that if…
  • I love eating, always have. It's never been a problem before, when I was young I could eat as much as I liked and stayed at the right size for my height for years. I've always exercised too. Then I got a new job where meals were on expenses, so I ate up to my limit. Yes greed, pure and simple helped along with a dose of…
  • How about poaching the eggs instead of frying them? That'll take some fat out. You can also use less of the fat, meat has its own fat content so you don't need much really. I use olive oil and started using about half a tablespoon for cooking instead of a full one - it seems to work okay with veggies.
  • I often end up having the same thing for breakfast and for lunch each day. Though my excuse is with 4 hens in the yard, I have to do something to get through the eggs! I usually have more variety for my evening meal. I find that works pretty well for me, and I can copy most of my meals from one day to the next. Most…
  • I'm especially keen on the bit that says you can have 7 glasses of wine a week particularly with meals :wink: I'm looking at this link. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/26/health/mediterranean-diet-can-cut-heart-disease-study-finds.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0