Post Your Maintenance Calories!



  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    No set exercise schedule
    I have a standing job
    I'm usually at 1500-1700. . I seem to maintain on that
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Still trying to figure this out to be honest...I *should* be maintaining, but I'm not.

    5'2", 32 years, female
    95 lbs
    Train 7 days a week (but take a rest day if my body needs it), for about 90 minutes a day. Burn between 1000-1500 a day. Yes, I do have a reason for training this much that has nothing to do with my weight.
    Mostly sedentary job - with bouts of insane fieldwork built in.
    Theoretically I should be maintaining at around 2400-2900 (including exercise). I'm eating over 3000 at the moment and still losing. I'll figure it out eventually!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Per my body bugg, my maintenance is between 3500 and 4000 calories. Gonna be a pain in the *kitten* if i ever decide to bulk.

    Light - moderately active
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    26 year old female
    133lbs (usually)
    Sedentary job, but work out 30-60 mins a day about 5 days a week including cardio and weights

    MFP gave me 1810 on maintenance but other sites have my TDEE at 2186 so I've set it at 2000 to see how I get on as I seem to have dropped down to 130 according to my scales. I'll re-evaluate in a few weeks.
  • Shadowknight137
    Shadowknight137 Posts: 1,243 Member
    55kg (121lbs)
    Activity level? No idea - I'd say maybe lightly active or moderately, maybe. Lift three times a week and do a bit of walking to, from and in between Uni.

    Maintenance cals were 2000, but now might just be 2200; I've reached a plateu on that number, and have had to up them lately.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I have no idea what my maintenance weight will be, if it's not much higher than what i'm put on for losing (1200) i would not be able to cope.

    I wonder why this site gives so much less calories than others do for both losing and maintaining?

    The calorie goal is set low on MFP because it is designed for you to eat your exercise calories back. Even when you get to maintenance.

    For me, maintenance calories for my goal weight is 2150. Which is close to what my calorie goal for losing is on other sites that have exercise already figured in the plan.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Hey all! I am interested in seeing where everyone stands for maintenance calories! Right now the maintenance calories that MFP gives me are quite a bit lower than what other sites have given me.... so I thought I would check on here and see what everyone else is given! If you're interested, post your height, age, gender, weight, fitness level (more from exercise than daily activity... so how much you actually work out) and maintenance calories! I'd just love to see where I stand among everyone else!

    23 years old
    fairly active- workout 30-60 minutes a day at least 6 days a week
    1690 calories

    I'm very close to you in weight, i.e. 130lb. I'm also older than you (37) and less active than you.

    MFP gives me something ridiculously low, like 1500 cals/day. I not only lose at this amount, I have bad effects from not eating enough (grumpy, excessively hungry, light headed) - this is what MFP predicts for maintenance, and it's actually too low even for a calorie deficit for me!

    I'm currently testing whether 1850 cals/day is my real maintenance by eating this amount for at least a couple of weeks and seeing if my weight is stable. This actually may be a deficit and I could be burning more than this. Katch McArdle predicts 1870 cals/day for maintenance for me, and in the past I think this was the correct maintenance calories for me, but now I think I'm more active than I was in the past, hence this number being more like a very slight deficit.

    Definitely question the MFP calories, but no calculator is going to give you a totally accurate result, you need to look at your real world results, and adjust them from there. If you think the number you've been given is too low based on real world results, then I'd say you're correct.
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Desk job
    Pure Barre 4x week (55min session HRM burn = 380-480)
    MFP = 1530
    Just raised to 1678 based on last 5 weeks numbers.

    I already know from past experience to maintain this weight I can't have many calories without exercise.
  • 5'9
    35 years old
    set to sedentary and I just add all my workouts and eat the Calories.

    My deficit is 500 calories so I usually get around 1600 on my non workout days and 1900 on my workout days depending on how many calories I burn....
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    22 female
    130lb, 5"8
    Lift heavy 3xweek no cardio

    My regular maintenance is around 1800. Afterthought current bulk it will probably be a little higher
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    1700 cal

    But today I get to eat a whopping 2938 cals. It's like that daily for me. I'm kinda unable eat that much at all, no matter how hard I try so my NET always looks totally low. Today I'm netting 6 cals
  • aneedell
    aneedell Posts: 46 Member
    I have no idea what my maintenance weight will be, if it's not much higher than what i'm put on for losing (1200) i would not be able to cope.

    I wonder why this site gives so much less calories than others do for both losing and maintaining?

    Rule of thumb (I think), if you were programed to lose 1 lb/wk, add 500 cal/da to get your maintenance allotment.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    5'3" female
    36 years old
    moderately active/gym 5x a week (lifting 4x a week)/stay at home mom
    110 pounds
    ~1850 calories maintenance
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member

    Around 2000 is my maintence, I'm not that active but have a Mega metabolism, I lift 3-4x a week, no cardio, walk a lot though. ....MFP sets it way lower...if I ever went by those standards I'd lose 3lb a week.
  • aneedell
    aneedell Posts: 46 Member

    Around 2000 is my maintence, I'm not that active but have a Mega metabolism, I lift 3-4x a week, no cardio, walk a lot though. ....MFP sets it way lower...if I ever went by those standards I'd lose 3lb a week.

    How do you figure how many calories to eat back from your workouts?
  • haroon_awan
    haroon_awan Posts: 1,208 Member
    20 years old
    Left heavy 4 times a week - work in a cafe - but full-time student
    3200 calories
  • rainghirl
    rainghirl Posts: 203 Member
    I'm trying to work out what mine should be. I have maintained for over a month now and seem to be doing okay, but I got different readings depending on which site I go on. I'm trying to work out my average over a month period - it's difficult because a few pounds go on for TOM and then come off again, but I reckon that if I record food, exercise and any gains and losses I should be able to do the maths and get a number that works for me.

    On MFP I've got 1790 for my maintenance cals without exercise and for a sedentary person of 5'9" 144lbs aged 46, but I think I actually eat more than that, but then everyone's metabolism is different.
  • AQ3107
    AQ3107 Posts: 81 Member
    30 years old
    Between 108-110 pounds
    Desk job 9-5.30 pm
    3 X heavy lifts per week
    Around 50 miles runs a week
    Around 25 miles walk a week
    Badminton once a week
    Cycling 20 miles a week
    Swimming when weather is warmer

    2500-3000 calories a day trying to gain weight.
  • blanhe2
    blanhe2 Posts: 88
    Weight: 300 lbs
    Height: 1:74 m
    Maintenace: 2570 cals
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